[Networkmanager] NetworkManager fails to manage pppoa adsl connection

Beniamino Galvani bgalvani at redhat.com
Wed Oct 18 07:09:49 UTC 2023

On Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 10:06:32AM +0200, Denis Prost wrote:
> Hello,
> Since I upgraded to Debian 12 (network-manager 1.42.4-1), pppoa adsl
> connection management does not work anymore, while it worked perfectly with
> Debian 11.
> The connection is created with :
> nmcli c add save yes type adsl protocol pppoa con-name "adsl-speedtch0"
> username <myusername> password <mypassword> ifname speedtch0
> adsl.encapsulation llc adsl.vpi 8 adsl.vci 35 ipv4.method auto ipv6.method
> ignore
> But I cannot succeed activating it :
> -----------
> $ nmcli connection up adsl-speedtch0
> Erreur : l'activation de la connexion a échoué : No suitable device found
> for this connection (device eth0 not available because profile is not
> compatible with device (mismatching interface name)).
> $ nmcli connection up adsl-speedtch0 ifname speedtch0
> Erreur : l'activation de la connexion a échoué : Connection 'adsl-speedtch0'
> is not available on device speedtch0 because profile is not compatible with
> device (connection type is not "pppoe")
> ---------
> Is there some change in network-manager 1.42.4-1 that explains that
> behaviour and a way to solve it ?

Hi, this is not expected. Please do the following:

 - edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and set level=TRACE in
   the [logging] section
 - restart NetworkManager with `systemctl restart NetworkManager`
 - reproduce the problem (try to bring up the connection)
 - gather NetworkManager logs (journalctl -u NetworkManager --since '5 minutes ago')
 - gather the output of "nmcli device; nmcli connection"
 - gather the output of "ls /sys/class/atm/"

Then, create a new issue at


and attach the logs and command output you collected.

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