[Networkmanager] 'stable-privacy' flag not set when using NetworkManager

Beniamino Galvani bgalvani at redhat.com
Tue Sep 12 12:20:05 UTC 2023

On Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 01:00:22PM +0200, Andreas B wrote:
> Hi,
> When I set 'addr_gen_mode = 3' in sysctl and use `ifup`, I get the
> 'stable-privacy' flag when listing my interface with `ip a`.
> I do not get that flag when using 'addr-gen-mode = stable-privacy'
> with NetworkManager.
> Why is this? Shouldn't it be set when using NetworkManager?


flag IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY is set when stable-privacy addr-gen-mode is
done by kernel, which is not the case with NM because NM generates
addresses from user-space.

In the end, you shouldn't rely on that flag when using NM, what is
important is if the actual address is stable-privacy or eui64.

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