[Networkmanager] Networkmanager and WireGuard

Beniamino Galvani bgalvani at redhat.com
Mon Sep 18 15:33:17 UTC 2023

On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 03:53:20PM +0200, Petric Frank wrote:
> Hello,
> i have imported a client config. The procedure was to place the wireguard
> client config as /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
> Then i did
>   nmcli connection import type wireguard file /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
> This worked so far and the connection was immediately established with the
> remote system.
> After import i wanted to rename the connection using the nm applet (Plasma)
> from wg0 to something else. The reason was to get a speaking name to identify
> the connection like it was possible for other VPNs like OpenVPN.
> But this fails. It tells something like "save failed because of invalid name".
> Any hints ?


from what I see, plasma-networkmanager uses the "Connection name" also
as the interface name and so there are some extra restrictions on the

It doesn't seem possible to have different interface and connection
names; this is a limitation in plasma-networkmanager because
NetworkManager allows that. Please file a bug on the KDE issue

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