Network Manager Cloud Setup in RHEL9

Thomas Haller thaller at
Fri Apr 5 08:25:32 UTC 2024


On Thu, 2024-04-04 at 20:10 -0700, Pallavi Rajan Udmalpet wrote:
> I am new to use network Manager and rhel9 (apologies in advance)
> I have the zip dowloaded
> from ins
> ide the rhel9 VM

There is NetworkManager-cloud-setup package in RHEL. Why can you not
use that? I think you should do that.

> I need to Build RPM for Network-manager-cloud-setup package.
> When I try to run rpmbuild -ba NetworkManager.spec
> I get this error
> rpmbuild -ba NetworkManager.spec

Presumably you mean the file contrib/fedora/rpm/NetworkManager.spec.
That one cannot be used as-is. The code comment on top of the file says

You could run instead to build an RPM from upstream git.

  ./contrib/fedora/rpm/ -g

(actually, that doesn't work if you download the zip file either.
Instead, you need to check out the NetworkManager git tree with

  git clone


Note that this builds upstream NetworkManager, not necessarily the one
which you have in RHEL. NetworkManager in RHEL aims to be very similar
to the upstream one. Still, it's not exactly the same (e.g. on rhel-
9.2, the version is quite older than current `main` and has patches
backported). You could instead get the SRPM from RHEL and rebuild that
one. In that case, you would use rpmbuild directly.

> error: parse error in expression: __BCOND_DEFAULT_DEBUG__
> error: ^
> error: /<path>/NetworkManager-
> main/contrib/fedora/rpm/NetworkManager.spec:63: bad %if condition:
> I have not made any changes to the package
> Any idea what could be wrong ?

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