Announcement: changes in versioning scheme

Íñigo Huguet ihuguet at
Tue Jun 4 14:17:58 UTC 2024

Hi all!

This is an announcement of a small change in the versioning scheme of
NetworkManager. From now on, on the stable branches there won't be any
difference between odd and even numbers in the micro/patch part of the
version (that's the third number). We don't think there is much value in
tagging as "-dev" these bugfix versions, so all the versions within a
stable branch will become production releases.

This change will take effect in the next stable branch 1.50. Also, the same
scheme will be used for nm-applet and VPN plugins for consistency.

Just to clarify: there is no change in the existence of stable and release
branches, indicated by an even or odd number in the minor part of the
version (that's the second number).

What this means is that all versions within a development branch (odd minor
version) will become development releases, and all versions within a stable
branch (even minor version) will become stable/production releases:
- 1.49 development branch: 1.49.0-dev, 1.49.1-dev, 1.49.2-dev...
- 1.50 stable branch: 1.50.0, 1.50.1, 1.50.2...
- 1.51 development branch: 1.51.0-dev, 1.51.1-dev, 1.51.2-dev
- 1.52 stable branch: 1.52.0, 1.52.1, 1.52.2...

In the case of nm-applet and VPN plugins, as there are normally very few
changes to release, normally we won't do any development release. This just
means that we will usually skip odd minor versions and jump from 1.22.33 to
1.24.0, for example.

Íñigo Huguet
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