Help NetworkManager project to triage issues

Íñigo Huguet ihuguet at
Mon Jun 24 11:38:25 UTC 2024

TLDR: help us with issues triage!! See "Help with issues triage" in for details:

Hi all,

We have introduced some small modifications to our workflow to triage
issues. We have done this to encourage more people to get more
involved in their resolution.

Despite NetworkManager being a very important tool on a really
important number of the Linux systems that are out there, all the
development is done by a very small team of developers with very few
community contributions. This causes us to rarely have enough time to
dedicate to all the issues that are reported, so they are accumulating
without nobody actually working on them.

We acknowledge that the code has, at the very least, a high barrier
entry due to its complexity. We know that many people would like to
contribute patches but the difficulty is so high that the effort isn't
worth it.

However, we can also see that among you there are people with great
knowledge about networking, many of them with a good knowledge about
how to configure and use NetworkManager. Even if not contributing with
code, your help might be really valuable to triage and investigate
possible resolutions for the issues. Once a NetworkManager's developer
has a clear understanding of the problem and some good ideas about how
to solve it, the chances that he/she can prepare a patch multiplies.

>From now on, any open issue can be in one of three stages:
- Triage: decide whether the issue is a real bug or valid feature
request, or if it should be closed.
- Investigation: think about how the issue can be solved or what the
affected part of the code is. The goal is to gather enough info to
allow the work to start.
- Development: fix the bug / implement the feature.

Triage and investigation are stages to which any people with knowledge
in networking can contribute, so we encourage you to use yours to
assist us. Look for issues with the labels help-needed::triage and
help-needed::investigation in the issue tracker.

More info:
Issue tracker:

On behalf of the NM team
Íñigo Huguet

Note: this message has also been published in NetworkManager's blog:

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