Is there a way to add a WireGuard connection profile to connection.secondaries or ...?

Samuel Le Thiec sltrash at
Sat Mar 2 19:20:30 UTC 2024


Sometime, my Wireguard connection is not working: there is no endpoint listed for the peer in 'sudo wg show',
I supposed it's because the Wireguard was configured before the system has internet connectivity (and DNS

Is there a way to make sure a Wireguard connection is only started if there is connectivity?

On my setup, starting the wireguard profile after the device 'wlan0' is up would be sufficient :

> $ nmcli connection show
> NAME                UUID                                  TYPE       DEVICE   
> FUNG-1395           447d6d94-75a7-4201-af17-77142956f6ef  wifi       wlan0    
> luc-Wireguard-VPN   e1c83fba-ee67-4587-bfcb-807755776e32  wireguard  sltuniv0 

I've read that's what the 'connection.secondaries' setting is for, but:

> $ nmcli connection modify FUNG-1395 connection.secondaries e1c83fba-ee67-4587-bfcb-807755776e32
> Error: failed to modify connection.secondaries: 'e1c83fba-ee67-4587-bfcb-807755776e32' is not a VPN connection profile.

Too bad 😅️

→ Is there a reason why a wireguard profile cannot be add to connection.secondaries? Wireguard seems like a
VPN to me.

→ If you have any other idea to make sure the Wireguard profile starts after the system has internet
connectivity, then please, let me know!

Thanks in advance,


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