Deprecating Autotools as a way to build NetworkManager

Michael Biebl biebl at
Wed May 15 15:34:11 UTC 2024

Am 09.05.24 um 16:52 schrieb Ján Václav:
> With this email, I would like to announce the plan to drop autotools
> as a way to build NetworkManager from source.
> - Current state
> NetworkManager currently supports both Autotools and meson. Autotools
> always existed as the primary way to build it, while meson was
> introduced in 2017 with the intention that it would eventually replace
> autotools. Currently both build systems have mostly the same
> functionality and can be used interchangeably.
> - Why?
> The motivation behind this is that meson is a much more modern build
> system which is also faster and more descriptive. On the other hand,
> Autotools is complicated and hard to use in comparison. Dropping
> Autotools also means that we can reduce duplication in terms of
> building NM and unify the way all contributors build it.
> - Plan
> The current plan is to continue to support Autotools for the next
> major release (1.48 - final release in about a month) but require the
> user to pass an argument when using it, to acknowledge that it will be
> dropped soon, and drop it when beginning the next development cycle
> (1.49+).
> - What you need to do
> If you are currently using Autotools to build NetworkManager and want
> some guidance on how to configure it to build NetworkManager, see the
> file within the repository:

Thanks for the heads-up.
I've switched the Debian package over to meson with the latest upload

Looks ok so far:

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