[Nice] Libnice 0.0.1 Released!!

Youness Alaoui youness.alaoui at collabora.co.uk
Wed Nov 5 14:26:30 PST 2008

Hi everyone!

I'm glad to announce that the first public release of libnice, version 
0.0.1, is now available!
You can download it from here : http://nice.freedesktop.org/releases/
And you'll find some nice documentation for it available here : 

This release is supposed to be as API stable as possible. It has 
compatibility support for the latest ICE draft 19, as well as google 
talk and MSN compatibility. It also has support for TURN relays using 
TURN draft 9 if you're in ICE draft 19 compatibility, or specific 
Google/MSN relay support if you're in Google/MSN compatibility mode.
The library is multiplatform and should compile fine on Linux, Mac and 
Windows systems.

I hope you enjoy it!
Youness Alaoui.

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