[Nice] NiceAgent emits "candidate-gathering-done" before gathering is finished with UPnP

Olivier Crête olivier.crete at collabora.co.uk
Sun Jul 11 08:41:13 PDT 2010

On Sun, 2010-07-11 at 10:51 +0200, Jakub Adam wrote:
> Candidates with foundation 2 are discovered via UPnP. According to libnice documentation
> i would expect that "candidate-gathering-done" emits when all attempts to gather
> candidates has finished.
> Is this behavior intentional?
> This affects only candidate discovery with UPnP, when I set STUN server IP and port,
> libnice acts normally and both server reflexive candidates are gathered before the
> gathering done signal is emitted.

This is kind of a bug I guess. The idea is that you will almost always
have a stun server and talking to a stun server (over the Internet) will
take a lot longer than UPnP. We don't want to wait for UPnP since in
many cases it isn't on the network. Since you don't have a STUN server,
the gathering done is almost immediate and you'll miss the second UPnP

Olivier Crête
olivier.crete at collabora.co.uk
Collabora Ltd
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