[Nice] compiling libnice from the source

Marcus Lundblad ml at update.uu.se
Wed Jan 11 05:08:19 PST 2012

ons 2012-01-11 klockan 12:37 +0100 skrev Eduardo Bezerra:
> Maybe this is a dumb question, but here it goes anyway... How do you
> compile libnice from the source?
> I've checked out libnice from the git repository, and followed the
> instruction in INSTALL, but I didn't manage to compile it:


You would need to run ./autogen.sh to set up the build system when
building straight from git (the tarball releases will be "pre-generated"
so that you only have to issue ./configure).

You would also need gtkdocize it seems (I don't have the source tree at
hand right now).

After this you should be able to run ./configure, make, make install as


> eduardo at tetris:~/repositories/libnice$ cd nice
> eduardo at tetris:~/repositories/libnice/nice$ ./configure
> -bash: ./configure: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado ( = file/dir
> not found)
> eduardo at tetris:~/repositories/libnice/nice$ cd ..
> eduardo at tetris:~/repositories/libnice$ ./configure
> -bash: ./configure: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
> eduardo at tetris:~/repositories/libnice$ make
> make: *** Nenhum alvo indicado e nenhum arquivo make encontrado.
>  Pare. (no target indicated and no make file found. stop.)
> eduardo at tetris:~/repositories/libnice$ ./autogen.sh 
> ./autogen.sh: 5: gtkdocize: not found
> eduardo at tetris:~/repositories/libnice$ 
> Thanks again
> Eduardo
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