[libnice] Libnice 0.1.7 on windows

B Andrei yo8tot at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 23 06:07:02 PDT 2014


Old versions of Libnice had a README.win32 file that describe the compilation of Libnice with VC2008. On version 0.1.7 this file is missing, also the compilation doesn't work. I add a newer Glib 2.34.3. The dogenmarshal.cmd file is also missing in Libnice 0.1.7 and if I copy it from older Libnice it doesn't work (missing libintl-8.dll). I add manually the agent-signals-marshal.h/c generated in older version. 

Do you have some hints on how to make it work? Now there are just hundreds of systax errors in Glib files ...

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