[libnice] libnice development on a more accessible platform

Youness Alaoui kakaroto at kakaroto.homelinux.net
Thu Jul 24 08:39:32 PDT 2014

Hi Scott,

Nothing prevents anyone from using github, we recently moved our repository
to freedesktop now (as it was on collabora's git server before), but I
personally do my development on github myself :
If you want to clone from there and send pull requests to me over github,
or open issues there, you can do it and I'll gladly merge upstream on

Github is a nice development environment, I personally like it, but I can
compare it to "Skype" versus "IRC". A lot more people use Skype than IRC
and most people new to PCs will sign up to Skype rather than learn to use
an IRC client, but still most FOSS projects will have their support happen
on a channel on freenode IRC, This is kind of the same, a lot of small or
new projects will use github, but most big (or simply old) FOSS projects
will use something different, think of firefox, gnome, gstreamer, etc..
they don't use github, but they have bugzilla, and cgit.


On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Scott Richmond <s.t.richmond at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I was going to reply to Youness in a previous thread but thought I might
> start a new one - libnice looks like a very good library and so its a
> little sad to see how hard it is to contribute to and develop with. Mailing
> lists and manual patches are pretty robust methods to scare away other
> developers from contributing their time to the project.
> Have any of the maintainers considered moving to a more modern development
> platform such as Github? You might be surprised to see just how much more
> of an active community you would garner by managing the repository through
> a platform like Github.
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