[Nouveau] nouveau, Geforce 7050 and xen.

Daniele Palumbo @ CEM Industries dpalumbo at cemindustries.it
Fri Jun 6 02:25:35 PDT 2008


is 00:10.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 7050/nForce 
610i (rev a2) supported?

i have started it in a dom0 xen kernel, i can't see fonts.
but i can see skype fonts.

the faq did not help (3.7. Fonts are gone).

Daniele Palumbo
CEM Industries srl 
 Via Pirano, 8 
 61010 Tavullia (PU) ITALY
 Tel.: 0039 0721 476736 – 476764 - 476665
 Fax: 0039 0721 900224
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