[Nouveau] Renouoveau hangs on 79th test on 8800 GT

Aaron Whitehouse lists at whitehouse.org.nz
Sat Jun 7 03:21:17 PDT 2008


I am still trying to get you a dump from my brother's 8800 (because
the dumps page says that you have never received one).

The computer has a nVidia Corporation GeForce 8800 GT (rev a2) and I
am running Koala's script.

It compiles and runs through most of the tests properly, but
consistently hangs indefinitely on the 79th test until I press Ctrl+C
and quit the program.

The output is:
9/80 test_draw_buffer
No Stereo context. Skipping stereo tests
No double buffering. Skipping double buffer tests
No GL_EXT_vertex_weighting extension.
No GL_NV_texgen_emboss extension.
GL_NV_vertex_program3 crashes up until driver 100.14.19 on G80 - skipping.
79/80 test_arb_vertex_buffer_object_indexed

The output of lspci is attached. Please let me know if I can get you
any further logs or anything else that would assist you.



FSF Associate Member: 5632
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