[Nouveau] [PATCH for review] (hopefully) improve error message upon incorrect pgraph irq

Ben Skeggs skeggsb at gmail.com
Thu Nov 6 16:26:56 PST 2008

On Fri, 2008-11-07 at 00:43 +0100, Maarten Maathuis wrote:
> My main question is, do the error messages accurately reflect the situation.
> Anything else wrong with this patch?
> A (n)ack by darktama would be nice.
An instance value of zero can very well be valid, a definite NACK on
that part of the patch.  Also, the PGRAPH interrupt generated on nv5x
while creating the first channel, that *is* a bug, things still work
regardless but painting over it with a "not very harmful" message...
Just, no.

While I don't see it entirely necessary to split the error message up
when we come across a non-sane channel id, if it bothers you that much
go for it, but the current message gives all the needed info already..

> Maarten.
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