[Nouveau] [PATCH] nv50/gallium patch series 2

Christoph Bumiller e0425955 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Sun Jun 21 10:30:20 PDT 2009

Here's some patches for nv50 shaders again, at least the first
two shouldn't be crap.
The changes introduced in 0008 are probably a crazy/dumb idea,
I'd like to have a better implementation of the register setting

I haven't extensively tested them yet (probably still need to
make some modifications), but from running some demos nothing
seems to have broken.
The GLSL brick shader demo should work now (except that no normals
are produced, workaround: put gl_Normal to e_z (0, 0, 1) in the
vertex shader).

If I've created too many hacks, I'll be happy when other people
have time to start making better nice & clean Gallium3d code :-)

Now, time to fix some bugs, instead of introducing new stuff like
these patches do.

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