[Nouveau] nv17 profile, ver. 2

randrianasulu at gmail.com randrianasulu at gmail.com
Sun Oct 31 19:01:03 PDT 2010

This time just game + profiler, one anholt benchmark ru, profiler started 
right before i returned mouse into OA window for entering "demo anholt" 
command. And stoped after demo finished. It seems i have some time spend in 
sound procession (OpenAL), guess i need disable all sound for pure gfx 
profile ....

Another detail, this nv17 run with 250/250 clocks currently, due to 
overheating and related  display artefacts. It should run at 250/333 by 

-- General info --
Card:           nVidia Geforce 4 MX440
Architecture:   NV17 A5
PCI id:         0x171
GPU clock:      249.750 MHz
Bustype:        AGP

-- Memory info --
Amount:         64 MB
Type:           128 bit DDR
Clock:          249.750 MHz

-- AGP info --
Status:         Enabled
Rate:           4X
AGP rates:      1X 2X 4X 
Fast Writes:    Disabled
SBA:            Unsupported

-- VideoBios information --
Signon message: NVIDIA GeForce4 MX440 SE VGA BIOS
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