[Nouveau] Older Nvidia hardware driver state

Francisco Jerez currojerez at riseup.net
Mon Nov 14 03:48:50 PST 2011

Patrick Baggett <baggett.patrick at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi all!

> I read that the older Nvidia hardware (maybe < GF8) is in a different driver
> and no longer maintained. Is that the case?

Yes and no.  If you're talking about the 3d drivers, I've done pretty
much nothing as maintainer of the nv04-nv20 driver in the last few
months, and the same goes for the nv30-nv40 driver, mostly because of
lack of time of the people involved.  If you're talking about 2d, the
situation is considerably better.

And of course there's hardware-specific code different for each card
generation, but IMHO calling them different separate drivers would be
wrong, there's a significant amount of shared code.

> I have a GeForce 4000 MX that I'm trying to get to work on
> debian/sparc64, which I admit is a bit of longshot, but I was
> wondering how much effort it would take to even get the driver to
> build, and then to function. I'm very proficient in C but don't have
> much experience writing drivers.
It *should* be functional to a large extent, it's just that it might
have bred a few bugs while we weren't looking :).  In any case your help
is very welcome if you know how to program, feel free to address any
questions to this mailing list or to the #nouveau IRC channel.

> Patrick Baggett
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