[Nouveau] vdpau problems and logging

Steven Ward nightcast2000 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 12 12:18:33 PDT 2013

Dear all,
             I'm writing about  setup  vdpau firmware with  the nouveau
driver according to this page:

http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/NVC0_Firmware  I have  installed  the
nvidia-313 binary drver to attempt  to extract  the firmware. I have
obtained another mmiotrace  using  my  default  kernel I have installed  on
my Chakra  Distrobution.  I  have  used  the  instructions  on the  wiki

I  had some mixed results using the instructions. I didn't get anywhere
with  using the demmio  from rnn  in envytools, but  I have  got some
output using  the demmio  command.

I will  be  uploading the output  in different files.  I did only once get
lucky with the last instructions, valgrind , but I can't seem to  get any
more "vuc" files. I hae saved the ones  I have and put them into
"/lib/firmware/nouveau"  and  I have copied  them into my external hardrive.

I  have tried  playing a  .mkv video which  I know it works  with the  313
binary driver.
I know it doesn't work  with  the  nouveau  driver and the "vuc" files I

I will  upload  all  the  output I have created In tar.xz  format  attached
to a  series  of e-mails.

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