[Nouveau] Selecting supported chipsets in the driver?

Christ-Jan Wijtmans cj.wijtmans at gmail.com
Fri Nov 29 05:17:37 PST 2013

so uhm, as far as i know in ATI drivers this is possible, why no nouveau?

Live long and prosper,

Christ-Jan Wijtmans

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 2:15 AM, Christ-Jan Wijtmans
<cj.wijtmans at gmail.com>wrote:

> Sorry but 1.7 and 6.3 MB are huge...
> Live long and prosper,
> Christ-Jan Wijtmans
> http://facebook.com/cj.wijtmans
> http://twitter.com/cjwijtmans
> On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Martin Peres <martin.peres at free.fr>wrote:
>> On 31/07/2013 11:03, Ilia Mirkin wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Martin Peres <martin.peres at free.fr>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 30/07/2013 18:43, Ilia Mirkin wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 6:31 PM, Emil Velikov <
>>>>> emil.l.velikov at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 30/07/13 21:39, Christ-Jan Wijtmans wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi, my apologies if this is the wrong place to post this.
>>>>>>> I had the desire to turn on or off support for certain chipsets.
>>>>>>> Because i felt like the nouveau drivers are (relatively) quite large
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> depends on some kernel code that would only be used for certain
>>>>>>> chipsets.
>>>>>>> I will take some time this week to see how this is coded and if its
>>>>>>> possible but i just wanted a head sup opinion on you guys before i
>>>>>>> start
>>>>>>> wasting my time.
>>>>>>>  I'm not entirely sure if you're talking about the kernel module, ddx
>>>>>> (xf86-video-nouveau) or mesa.
>>>>>> In either case, all three should be relatively easy to do, as normally
>>>>>> the generation specific code is divided. Not too sure if it's worth
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> effort though
>>>>>> * kernel module - 1.7 MiB, ~400KiB gzip
>>>>>> * ddx - ~200KiB
>>>>>> * mesa - 6.3 MiB (nouveau/gallium only)
>>>>>> As you can see the sizes are not that big, and I'm not sure if the
>>>>>> maintainers would be up-to the idea
>>>>>> Not a maintainer myself so take the last statement if a healthy pinch
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> salt :)
>>>>> I'm not a maintainer either, but to provide an opposing opinion, I
>>>>> strongly support the notion of being able to select card generations
>>>>> to build support for. 1.7M of kernel code is huge. I don't even think
>>>>> it'd be that hard (at least for the kernel module and mesa, and I
>>>>> think there's a lot less value in doing it for the DDX). I think it
>>>>> might be as easy as some Makefile changes + a couple of ifdefs in the
>>>>> init code to do Y/N selects. Making it so that the additional
>>>>> functionality can be loaded on demand (i.e. Y/M/N) may be much
>>>>> trickier, to the point of it not being worth it for the additional
>>>>> complexity.
>>>>>     -ilia
>>>> In mesa, it is possible to build the driver you want (nouveau_vieux,
>>>> nv30,
>>>> nv50 or nvc0) so the feature is already there.
>>> Really? How do you compile only nv50? (Hint: you can't. nv30/nv50/nvc0
>>> are all linked together in the nouveau driver, no way to split them
>>> out, largely because of the nouveau_drm_screen_create function.)
>> Hmm, as I need to specify which driver I want in configure, I thought
>> they were separated. My bad
>>>  There is no point for the ddx.
>>>> As for drm, I sure would use this feature as this would cut down
>>>> compilation
>>>> time a lot when doing out of the tree builds. With the core arch, in
>>>> theory,
>>>> it shouldn't be that hard if you want plan on using old cards only.
>>>> However,
>>>> if you plan on doing the opposite (drop old cards support), it is harder
>>>> as newer cards still use code written for the old ones. If you like,
>>>> you can draw a dependency map quite easily by looking into the device
>>>> directory that will contain all the dependencies for every chipset.
>>>> One more thing, maintaining these dependencies will be done poorly and
>>>> eat development time. So I'm not in huge favour of this unless you
>>>> introduce a system that only compiles code for chipsets up to a certain
>>>> point (which is useless IMO).
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