[Nouveau] Giving a hand to Nouveau

Yoann LE BARS yoann at le-bars.net
Wed Jul 4 15:55:15 UTC 2018

Hello everybody out there!

	I guess I should give some news.

	I am still using RT kernel on Debian stable + backports and have not
found any way to install a working NVidia proprietary driver on this
system. Therefore, I am so far not able to give any help to Nouveau

	Now, I am considering three strategies:

		• Switching to Archlinux, which has an installable Nvidia proprietary
driver on RT kernel (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nvidia-rt/).

		• Waiting for RT kernel to be mainlined, which should happen soon
(https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/realtime/start). It may be the case
before next Debian release.

		• I may build a new computer soon, which would probably use a Radeon
GPU (then I will not use Nouveau).

	Anyway, I guess I should first ask some questions to the RT
mailing-list, as I have subscribed to it.

	Best regards.

Diaspora* : ylebars at framasphere.org

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