[Nouveau] [INVALID_ARG] mthd 0414

dmanye dmanye at urv.cat
Thu Nov 18 13:59:12 UTC 2021


i have a problem and i think that it is in the nouveau driver. i hope 
you can help me...

i have 20 identical computers with debian bullseye (11) installed (only 
"official" debian packages). sometimes some of them boot but the screen 
is remains in black. if i connect remotely i can see that the X session 
starts as expected (i have set a lightdm autologin). restarting lightdm 
does not help, but rebooting the computer solves the problem but it 
reappears here and there (when i boot all the computers, between 0 and 2 
usually get the black screen).

i've noticed that this three lines appear always in dmesg when it fails:

[    4.090415] nouveau 0000:07:00.0: disp: chid 0 stat 00004414 reason 4 
[INVALID_ARG] mthd 0414 data 00000000 code 00000001
[    4.090430] nouveau 0000:07:00.0: disp: chid 0 stat 10004418 reason 4 
[INVALID_ARG] mthd 0418 data 00000000 code 00000001
[    4.090445] nouveau 0000:07:00.0: disp: chid 0 stat 10004424 reason 4 
[INVALID_ARG] mthd 0424 data 00000000 code 00000001

i can solve it without rebooting by unloading and loading again the 
nouveau driver

kernel version is 5.10.46-4

nouveau driver debian package is 1:1.0.17-1

i attach dmesg log in case it could help.

please don't hesitate to ask for more info if you need it.

thank you in advance.

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