[Ocs] Review Request: Added static build option

Constantin-Alexandru Tudorica tudalex at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 23:23:48 PDT 2011

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(Updated July 9, 2011, 6:23 a.m.)

Review request for Attica and Patrick Spendrin.


Made the changes that were requested.


Added static build options for libattica.

Diffs (updated)

  CMakeLists.txt d45455a 
  lib/CMakeLists.txt a04167f 
  lib/accountbalance.h 157d84c 
  lib/achievement.h 96a3fc4 
  lib/activity.h b1dddf3 
  lib/attica_export.h.cmake PRE-CREATION 
  lib/atticabasejob.h 9259fa3 
  lib/atticaclient_export.h bb2e6f1 
  lib/buildservice.h 6146940 
  lib/buildservicejob.h 75f9d0c 
  lib/buildservicejoboutput.h 6011344 
  lib/category.h 45011d3 
  lib/comment.h edc8fa6 
  lib/content.h 117e624 
  lib/deletejob.h 6bf79e8 
  lib/distribution.h 40a867f 
  lib/downloaddescription.h f87a4e3 
  lib/downloaditem.h 3488e11 
  lib/event.h bdb1828 
  lib/folder.h 94a1386 
  lib/forum.h f03a0af 
  lib/getjob.h ea867d1 
  lib/homepageentry.h d0300ad 
  lib/homepagetype.h 2657304 
  lib/icon.h 6868e06 
  lib/itemjob.h 6025c7e 
  lib/knowledgebaseentry.h 9d71c94 
  lib/license.h e7dbee8 
  lib/listjob.h 3d85d04 
  lib/message.h 557425f 
  lib/metadata.h b3c035b 
  lib/person.h e27a297 
  lib/postjob.h 51fb8d8 
  lib/privatedata.h b51b273 
  lib/project.h 718d822 
  lib/provider.h 33fcf1a 
  lib/providermanager.h 67894f8 
  lib/publisher.h b55078b 
  lib/publisherfield.h 2b74297 
  lib/putjob.h 06d91b5 
  lib/remoteaccount.h 9ef5edc 
  lib/topic.h c043fb8 
  lib/version.h.cmake 62319b2 

Diff: http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/101880/diff


Did a successful build on windows using mingw32 and also linked successfully to the static library. 



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