[Ocs] Proposal: OCS 1.7 release

Frank Karlitschek karlitschek at kde.org
Thu Dec 27 06:50:14 PST 2012

Hi Laszlo,

a question here for this proposal. The introduction of the parent child concept here is something completely new that is not implemented on the current servers as far as I know.
Is there a server than can work that way? Or do you want to write one that implements that?
Otherwise it's a bit meaningless to have a specification without an implementation.



On 28.10.2012, at 14:22, Laszlo Papp <lpapp at kde.org> wrote:

> Hi Frank,
> Are there any blockers (feature, time, consideration and so forth) why
> this proposal got stuck and did not get any decision: neither
> approval, nor denial? I have just come across this service plan while
> chatting today about an addition to attica on irc:
> http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/open-collaboration-services-1.7#CLOUD
> Is it a blocker for 1.7 or why cannot we proceed with releasing the
> unreleased work we have? Thank you in advance.
> Laszlo
> On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 6:45 AM, Laszlo Papp <lpapp at kde.org> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>>> Just reviewed the JSON draft, very clear.
>>> The differences between xml and json:
>>>   1. move the xml prop to json item.
>>>        example: <person details="summary"></person> --> { details:
>>> "summary"}
>> Correct.
>>>   2. remove the 'meta' node in xml
>> Correct.
>>> I'm going to modify my nodejs-ocs implementation following this.
>>> One question, about both the xml and json draft:
>>>   icon/video in 'content' is an array,
>>>   but preview/homepages in 'content' is list one by one by adding
>>> appendix(1, 2..10)
>> Correct. Unfortunately, there is this foobarX inside OCS v1 around. We have
>> been planning to address that issue in OCS v2.
>> Thank you for your feedback.
>> Laszlo
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