[ooo-build-commit] Branch 'ooo/OOO320' - 2 commits - testautomation/extensions testautomation/global testautomation/writer

Jan Holesovsky kendy at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Nov 23 20:22:55 PST 2009

 testautomation/extensions/optional/includes/help.inc                  |    3 
 testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/t_option2.inc           |    6 
 testautomation/writer/optional/includes/hyphenation/w_hyphenation.inc |  659 ++++------
 testautomation/writer/optional/input/hyphenation/tHyphenation.odt     |binary
 testautomation/writer/optional/w_hyphenation.bas                      |    8 
 testautomation/writer/required/includes/w_005b_.inc                   |   37 
 testautomation/writer/required/includes/w_020_.inc                    |   12 
 testautomation/writer/tools/includes/w_tools_hyphenation.inc          |   85 +
 8 files changed, 460 insertions(+), 350 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 2704f95ace7808614462f8d3df345ef674e68032
Author: Ivo Hinkelmann <ihi at openoffice.org>
Date:   Mon Nov 23 15:33:39 2009 +0000

    CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS fwk125
    2009-11-19 08:11:20 +0100 jsk  r277554 : fwk125: #i105760# - removed warnlog, re-enabled autotest e_help.bas
    2009-11-16 16:21:49 +0100 tl  r277521 : #i106571# fixed locale list for dictionaries to get rid of duplicate entries
    2009-11-12 08:47:31 +0100 hde  r277469 : rework of hyphenation
    2009-11-11 15:25:16 +0100 hde  r277462 : rework of hyphenation
    2009-11-11 15:24:09 +0100 hde  r277461 : rework of hyphenation
    2009-11-11 13:52:02 +0100 hde  r277453 : new include for hyphenation tools
    2009-11-10 12:28:51 +0100 tl  r277427 : #i102304# fix for hyphenation dialog
    2009-11-10 12:00:10 +0100 mav  r277425 : #i10000# A workaround for pch and windows headers conflict
    2009-11-10 11:58:32 +0100 mav  r277424 : #i10000# A workaround for pch and windows headers conflict
    2009-11-09 15:47:59 +0100 kso  r277414 : #i16732# fixed url matching.
    2009-11-09 11:51:40 +0100 mav  r277406 : #i10000# use precompiled headers
    2009-11-08 23:53:03 +0100 mav  r277399 : #i10000# fix warning
    2009-11-08 23:50:23 +0100 mav  r277398 : #i10000# adapt for unix
    2009-11-08 23:49:52 +0100 mav  r277397 : #i10000# adapt for unix
    2009-11-08 21:26:06 +0100 mav  r277396 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS fwk125 to branches/OOO320 at 277373 (milestone: OOO320:m4)
    2009-11-06 16:30:27 +0100 ab  r277394 : #i106100# Hold references to packages to speed up further calls to getDeployedPackages()
    2009-11-06 15:58:48 +0100 mav  r277392 : #i102464# check the Windows ACL
    2009-11-06 15:58:23 +0100 mav  r277391 : #i102464# check the Windows ACL
    2009-11-04 11:54:06 +0100 tl  r277342 : #i106497# incorrectly found 'supported languages' fixed
    2009-11-04 10:40:51 +0100 tl  r277335 : #i106571# dictionary updates for Polish and Swedish.
    2009-10-28 09:54:41 +0100 tl  r277236 : #i106100# context menu performance
    2009-10-27 15:47:05 +0100 tl  r277213 : #i106100# context menu performance
    2009-10-23 17:31:56 +0200 mav  r277170 : #i106075# use correct path to inprocserv.dll
    2009-10-23 16:07:27 +0200 mav  r277168 : #i105760# seek the temporary file to beginning also for URL case
    2009-10-23 11:03:58 +0200 mav  r277134 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS fwk125 to branches/OOO320 at 276942 (milestone: OOO320:m2)

diff --git a/testautomation/extensions/optional/includes/help.inc b/testautomation/extensions/optional/includes/help.inc
index 8bcddfe..7807287 100755
--- a/testautomation/extensions/optional/includes/help.inc
+++ b/testautomation/extensions/optional/includes/help.inc
@@ -39,9 +39,6 @@
 testcase tExtensibleHelp
-    warnlog( "#i105760# - Extensible help not displayed" )
-    goto endsub
     '///<h1>Extensible help</h1>
     '///<u><pre>Synopsis</pre></u>Beginning with CWS ab38 extensions can extend the help application with index entries and content<br>
diff --git a/testautomation/writer/optional/includes/hyphenation/w_hyphenation.inc b/testautomation/writer/optional/includes/hyphenation/w_hyphenation.inc
index c663faf..8b7296d 100755
--- a/testautomation/writer/optional/includes/hyphenation/w_hyphenation.inc
+++ b/testautomation/writer/optional/includes/hyphenation/w_hyphenation.inc
@@ -40,354 +40,347 @@
 ' #1 tHyphenation_1
 ' #1 tHyphenation_2
 ' #1 tHyphenation_3
+' #1 tHyphenation_4
 testcase tHyphenation_1
-  Dim testFile as String
-  Dim testWord as String
-  Dim firstPartOfTestWord as String
-  Dim secondPartOfTestWord as String
-  testFile             =  "tHyphenation.odt"
-  testWord             =  "following"
-  firstPartOfTestWord  =  "fol"
-  secondPartOfTestWord =  "follow"
-  PrintLog "- Test Hyphenation  using ctrl and -"
-   printlog "Test Hyphenation  using ctrl and -"
-   printlog "open a test file"
-    Call hFileOpen ( gTesttoolPath + "writer\optional\input\hyphenation\" + testFile )
-    Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable
-    Call wTypeKeys "<End><Shift Mod1 Left>"
-    EditCopy
-   printlog "add '-' between 'fol' and 'lowing' , then press 3 times 'space bar' (pc). (7 times on linux)"
-   printlog "+ check if fol in the end of the line"
-    if GetClipboardText = testWord then
-         Call wTypeKeys "<Right>" , 3
-         Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 SUBTRACT>"
-         Call wTypeKeys "<Home>"
-         if gPlatGroup <> "unx" then
-             Call wTypeKeys "<SPACE>" ,3
-         else
-             Call wTypeKeys "<SPACE>" ,7
-         end if
-         Call wTypeKeys "<End><Left><Shift Mod1 Left>"
-         EditCopy
-         if  GetClipboardText <> firstPartOfTestWord then
-             Warnlog "The hyphenation does NOT work well in first part!"
-         end if
-        printlog "add '-' between 'follow' and 'ing' , then press 6 times 'space bar'"
-        printlog "+ check if follow in the end of the line ."
-         Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 z>",2
-         Call wTypeKeys "<End>"
-         Call wTypeKeys "<Left>",3
-         Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 SUBTRACT>"
-         Call wTypeKeys "<Home>"
-         if gPlatGroup <> "unx" then
-             Call wTypeKeys "<SPACE>" ,3
-         else
-             Call wTypeKeys "<SPACE>" ,6
-         end if
-         Call wTypeKeys "<End><Left><Shift Mod1 Left>"
-         EditCopy
-         if  GetClipboardText = secondPartOfTestWord then
-             Call wTypeKeys "<Home>"
-         printlog "press 5 times 'space bar'"
-         printlog "check if fol in the end of the line ."
-             if gPlatGroup <> "unx" then
-                 Call wTypeKeys "<SPACE>" ,3
-             else
-                 Call wTypeKeys "<SPACE>" ,5
-             end if
-             Call wTypeKeys "<End><Shift Mod1 Left>"
-             EditCopy
-             if  GetClipboardText <> firstPartOfTestWord then
-                Warnlog "The hyphenation does NOT work well in first part, but it works fine in second part!"
-             end if
-         else
-             Warnlog "The hyphenation does NOT work well in second part!"
-         end if
-    else
-         Warnlog "The test word is wrong !!"
-    end if
-   Call hCloseDocument
+	Dim testFile as String
+	Dim testWord as String
+	Dim PartOfTestWord as String
+	testFile             =  "tHyphenation.odt"
+	testWord             =  "following"
+	PartOfTestWord  =  "fol"
+	printlog "Test Hyphenation  using ctrl and -"
+	printlog "open a test file"
+	Call hFileOpen ( gTesttoolPath + "writer\optional\input\hyphenation\" + testFile )
+	Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable
+	' we must assure the word 'following' is the first word in second line
+	' otherwise the test will not work correctly	
+	if fPrepareHyphenationDocument(testWord) = false then
+		Warnlog "Unable to prepare document for hyphenation. Check testcase"
+		Call hCloseDocument
+	end if
+	printlog "add '-' between 'fol' and 'lowing'"
+	printlog "+ check if fol in the end of the line"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Home>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Right>" , 3
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 SUBTRACT>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 Home>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<End>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Delete>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<End><Left>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 Shift Left>"
+	EditCopy
+	if GetClipboardText <> PartOfTestWord then
+	 	Warnlog "The hyphenation does NOT work ! Found '" & GetClipboardText & "' and not '" & PartOfTestWord & "'"
+	end if
+	Call hCloseDocument
 testcase tHyphenation_2
-warnlog "#i102304# - outcommenting tHyphenation_2 due to bug."
-goto endsub
-  Dim testFile as String
-  Dim testWord as String
-  Dim firstPartOfTestWord as String
-  Dim secondPartOfTestWord as String
-  Dim testWordInHyphenationDlg as String
-  testFile                 =  "tHyphenation.odt"
-  testWord                 =  "following"
-  testWordInHyphenationDlg =  "fol=low-ing"
-  firstPartOfTestWord      =  "fol"
-  secondPartOfTestWord     =  "follow"
-  PrintLog "- Test Hyphenation  using Tools/Hyphenation ,test like fol-lowing"
-   printlog "Test Hyphenation  using Tools/Hyphenation ,test like fol-lowing"
-   printlog "open a test file"
-    Call hFileOpen ( gTesttoolPath + "writer\optional\input\hyphenation\" + testFile )
-    Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable
-    Call wTypeKeys "<End><Shift Mod1 Left>"
-    EditCopy
-    if GetClipboardText <> testWord then
-         Warnlog "The test word is wrong !!"
-         goto endsub
-    end if
-   printlog "Press 3 times 'space bar'"
-    Call wTypeKeys "<Home>"
-         if gPlatGroup <> "unx" then
-             Call wTypeKeys "<SPACE>" ,3
-         else
-             Call wTypeKeys "<SPACE>" ,6
-         end if
-   printlog "Tools/Hyphenation"
-    ToolsLanguageHyphenate
-    Kontext "Silbentrennung"
-    if Not Silbentrennung.Exists then
-        Kontext "Active"
-        if Active.Exists then
-            if Active.GetRT = 304 then
-                Active.Yes
-                Kontext "Active"
-                if Active.Exists then
-                    if Active.GetRT = 304 then Active.Ok
-                end if
-            end if
-        end if
-        Warnlog "Unable to bring up Dialog 'Hyphenation'!"
-        goto endsub
-    end if
-   printlog "check if get 'fol=low-ing'"
-    if Wort.Gettext <> testWordInHyphenationDlg then
-        Warnlog "#i40561# The test can NOT be seperated two times , or something wrong!"
-        Silbentrennung.Cancel
-        goto NOTest
-    end if
-    if NOT Vor.IsEnabled then
-        Warnlog "the Vor button is Not enabled, or something wrong!"
-        Silbentrennung.Cancel
-        goto NOTest
-    end if
-   printlog "add '-' between 'fol' and 'lowing' using left arrow key"
-    Vor.Click
-    Silbentrennung.OK
-   printlog "Close all dialogue, and recover the file to default"
-    Kontext "Active"
-    if NOT Active.Exists then
-        Kontext "Silbentrennung"
-        Silbentrennung.Cancel
-        Warnlog "The first message box is NOT pop up"
-        goto NOTest
-    end if
-    Active.Yes
-    Kontext "Active"
-    if NOT Active.Exists then
-        Warnlog "The second message box is NOT pop up"
-        goto endsub
-    end if
-    Active.OK
-   printlog "Press 3 times 'space bar' in front of the line"
-    Call wTypeKeys "<BACKSPACE>",3
-    Call wTypeKeys "<SPACE>",3
-    Call wTypeKeys "<End><Left><Shift Mod1 Left>"
-    EditCopy
-   printlog "Check if get 'fol'"
-    if GetClipboardText <> firstPartOfTestWord then
-        Warnlog "The hyphenation does NOT work well in first part!"
-    end if
-   Call hCloseDocument
+	Dim testFile as String
+	Dim testWord as String
+	Dim PartOfTestWord as String
+	testFile       	=  "tHyphenation.odt"
+	testWord       	=  "following"
+	PartOfTestWord  =  "follow"
+	printlog "Test Hyphenation using ctrl and -"
+	printlog "open a test file"
+	Call hFileOpen ( gTesttoolPath + "writer\optional\input\hyphenation\" + testFile )
+	Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable
+	' we must assure the word 'following' is the first word in second line
+	' otherwise the test will not work correctly	
+	if fPrepareHyphenationDocument(testWord) = false then
+		Warnlog "Unable to prepare document for hyphenation. Check testcase"
+		Call hCloseDocument
+	end if
+	printlog "add '-' between 'follow' and 'ing'"
+	printlog "+ check if 'follow' in the end of the line"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Home>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Right>" , 6
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 SUBTRACT>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 Home>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<End>"
+	if gPlatgroup = "unx" then
+		Call wTypeKeys "<Delete>", 6
+	else
+		Call wTypeKeys "<Delete>", 7
+	end if
+	Call wTypeKeys "<End><Left>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 Shift Left>"
+	EditCopy
+	if GetClipboardText <> PartOfTestWord then
+	 	Warnlog "The hyphenation does NOT work ! Found '" & GetClipboardText & "' and not '" & PartOfTestWord & "'"
+	end if
+	Call hCloseDocument
 testcase tHyphenation_3
-warnlog "#i102304# - outcommenting tHyphenation_3 due to bug."
-goto endsub
-  Dim testFile as String
-  Dim testWord as String
-  Dim firstPartOfTestWord
-  Dim secondPartOfTestWord as String
-  Dim testWordInHyphenationDlg1 as String
-  Dim testWordInHyphenationDlg2 as String
-    testFile                  =  "tHyphenation.odt"
-    testWord                  =  "following"
-    firstPartOfTestWord       =  "fol"
-    secondPartOfTestWord      =  "follow"
-    testWordInHyphenationDlg1 =  "fol=low-ing"
-    testWordInHyphenationDlg2 =  "fol-low=ing"
-    printLog "- Test Hyphenation  using Tools/Hyphenation ,test like follow-ing"
-    printlog "Test Hyphenation  using Tools/Hyphenation ,test like follow-ing"
-    printlog "open a test file"
-    Call hFileOpen ( gTesttoolPath + "writer\optional\input\hyphenation\" + testFile )
-    Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable
-    Call wTypeKeys "<End><Shift Mod1 Left>"
-    EditCopy
-    if GetClipboardText <> testWord then
-        Warnlog "The test word is wrong !!"
-        goto endsub
-    end if
-    printlog "Press 3 times 'space bar'"
-    Call wTypeKeys "<Home>"
-    if gPlatGroup <> "unx" then
-        Call wTypeKeys "<SPACE>" ,3
-    else
-        Call wTypeKeys "<SPACE>" ,6
-    end if
-    printlog "Tools/Hyphenation"
-    ToolsLanguageHyphenate
-    Kontext "Silbentrennung"
-    if Not Silbentrennung.Exists then
-        Kontext "Active"
-        if Active.Exists then
-            if Active.GetRT = 304 then
-                Active.Yes
-                Kontext "Active"
-                if Active.Exists then
-                    if Active.GetRT = 304 then Active.Ok
-                end if
-             end if
-        end if
-        Warnlog "Unable to bring up Dialog 'Hyphenation'!"
-        goto endsub
-    end if
-   printlog "check if get 'fol=low-ing'"
-    if Wort.Gettext <> testWordInHyphenationDlg1 then
-        Warnlog "#i40561# The test can NOT be seperated two times , or something wrong!"
-        Silbentrennung.Cancel
-        goto NOTest
-    end if
-   printlog "click left arrow key"
-    if NOT Vor.IsEnabled then
-        Warnlog "the Vor button is Not enabled, or something wrong!"
-        Silbentrennung.Cancel
-        goto NOTest
-    end if
-    Vor.Click
-   printlog "check if get ''fol-low=ing'"
-    if Wort.Gettext <> testWordInHyphenationDlg2 then
-        Warnlog "The test  word should be changed after clicking Vor!"
-        goto endsub
-    end if
-   printlog "add '-' between 'follow' and 'ing' pressing right arrow key"
-    if NOT Zurueck.IsEnabled then
-        Warnlog "the Zuruech button is Not enabled, or something wrong!"
-        goto endsub
-    end if
-    Zurueck.Click
-   printlog "check if get 'fol-low=ing'"
-    if Wort.Gettext <> testWordInHyphenationDlg1 then
-         Warnlog "The test  word should be changed after clicking Zurueck!"
-         goto endsub
-    end if
-    Sleep 1
-   printlog "close all dialogue"
-    Silbentrennung.OK
-    Kontext "Active"
-    if NOT Active.Exists then
-          Warnlog "The first message box is NOT pop up"
-          goto endsub
-    end if
-    Active.Yes
-    Kontext "Active"
-    if NOT Active.Exists then
-          Warnlog "The second message box is NOT pop up"
-          goto endsub
-    end if
-    Active.OK
-   printlog "recover to the default file and press 3 sparc bar in front of the line"
-    Call wTypeKeys "<BACKSPACE>",3
-    Call wTypeKeys "<SPACE>",3
-    Call wTypeKeys "<End><Left><Shift Mod1 Left>"
-    EditCopy
-   printlog "check if get 'follow' in the end of the line"
-    if GetClipboardText = secondPartOfTestWord then
-        Call wTypeKeys "<Home>"
-        Call wTypeKeys "<SPACE>" , 5
-        Call wTypeKeys "<End><Shift Mod1 Left>"
-           EditCopy
+	Dim testFile as String
+	Dim testWord as String
+	Dim firstPartOfTestWord as String
+	Dim secondPartOfTestWord as String
+	Dim testWordInHyphenationDlg as String
+	testFile                 =  "tHyphenation.odt"
+	testWord                 =  "following"
+	testWordInHyphenationDlg =  "fol=low-ing"
+	firstPartOfTestWord      =  "fol"
+	secondPartOfTestWord     =  "follow"
+	printlog "Test Hyphenation  using Tools/Hyphenation ,test like fol-lowing"
+	printlog "open a test file"
+	Call hFileOpen ( gTesttoolPath + "writer\optional\input\hyphenation\" + testFile )
+	Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable
+	' we must assure the word 'following' is the first word in second line
+	' otherwise the test will not work correctly	
+	if fPrepareHyphenationDocument(testWord) = false then
+		Warnlog "Unable to prepare document for hyphenation. Check testcase"
+		Call hCloseDocument
+	end if
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 Home>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<End>"
+	if gPlatgroup = "unx" then
+		Call wTypeKeys "<Delete>", 6
+	else
+		Call wTypeKeys "<Delete>", 7
+	end if
+	printlog "Tools/Hyphenation"
+	ToolsLanguageHyphenate
+	Kontext "Silbentrennung"
+	if Not Silbentrennung.Exists then	
+		Warnlog "Unable to bring up Dialog 'Hyphenation'!"
+		Call hCloseDocument
+		goto endsub
+	end if
+	printlog "check if get 'fol=low-ing'"
+	if Wort.Gettext <> testWordInHyphenationDlg then
+		Warnlog "Expected " & testWordInHyphenationDlg & " but found " & Wort.Gettext 
+		Silbentrennung.Cancel
+		Call hCloseDocument
+		goto endsub
+	end if
+	if NOT Vor.IsEnabled then
+		Warnlog "the 'Vor' button is Not enabled, or something wrong!"
+		Silbentrennung.Cancel
+		Call hCloseDocument
+		goto endsub
+	end if
+	printlog "add '-' between 'fol' and 'lowing' using left arrow key"
+	Vor.Click
+	Silbentrennung.OK
+	' Messagebox 'Start hypheantion from the beginning ?
+	Kontext "Active"
+	if Active.Exists then
+		if Active.GetRT = 304 then
+			try
+				Active.Yes
+			catch
+				Active.ok
+			endcatch
+		else
+			Warnlog "No messagebox asking for hyphenate at beginning of document"
+		end if
+	end if
+	' End of hyphenation message
+	if Active.Exists then
+		if Active.GetRT = 304 then
+			try
+				Active.Ok
+			catch
+				Active.yes
+			endcatch
+		else
+			Warning "No 'end of hyphenation' messagebox"
+		end if
+	end if
+	printlog "Press 3 times 'space bar' in front of the line"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 Home>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<End>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Left>"	
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Shift Mod1 Left>"
+	EditCopy
+	printlog "Check if get 'fol'"
+	if GetClipboardText <> firstPartOfTestWord then
+		Warnlog "The hyphenation does NOT work ! Found '" & GetClipboardText & "' and not '" & PartOfTestWord & "'"
+	end if
+	Call hCloseDocument
-           if GetClipboardText <> firstPartOfTestWord then
-               Warnlog "The hyphenation does NOT work well in first part, but it works fine in second part!"
-           end if
-    else
-        Warnlog "The hyphenation does NOT work well in second part!"
-    end if
-   Call hCloseDocument
+testcase tHyphenation_4
+	Dim testFile as String
+	Dim testWord as String
+	Dim firstPartOfTestWord as string
+	Dim secondPartOfTestWord as String
+	Dim testWordInHyphenationDlg1 as String
+	Dim testWordInHyphenationDlg2 as String
+	testFile                  =  "tHyphenation.odt"
+	testWord                  =  "following"
+	firstPartOfTestWord       =  "fol"
+	secondPartOfTestWord      =  "follow"
+	testWordInHyphenationDlg1 =  "fol=low-ing"
+	testWordInHyphenationDlg2 =  "fol-low=ing"
+	printLog "- Test Hyphenation  using Tools/Hyphenation ,test like follow-ing"
+	printlog "Test Hyphenation  using Tools/Hyphenation ,test like follow-ing"
+	printlog "open a test file"
+	Call hFileOpen ( gTesttoolPath + "writer\optional\input\hyphenation\" + testFile )
+	Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable
+	' we must assure the word 'following' is the first word in second line
+	' otherwise the test will not work correctly	
+	if fPrepareHyphenationDocument(testWord) = false then
+		Warnlog "Unable to prepare document for hyphenation. Check testcase"
+		Call hCloseDocument
+	end if
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 Home>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<End>"
+	if gPlatgroup = "unx" then
+		Call wTypeKeys "<Delete>", 6
+	else
+		Call wTypeKeys "<Delete>", 7
+	end if
+	printlog "Tools/Hyphenation"
+	ToolsLanguageHyphenate
+	Kontext "Silbentrennung"
+	if Not Silbentrennung.Exists then
+		Call hCloseDocument
+		goto endsub
+	end if
+	printlog "check if get 'fol=low-ing'"
+	if Wort.Gettext <> testWordInHyphenationDlg1 then
+		Warnlog "Expected " & testWordInHyphenationDlg1 & " but found " & Wort.Gettext
+		Silbentrennung.Cancel
+		Call hCloseDocument
+		goto endsub
+	end if
+	printlog "click left arrow key"
+	if NOT Vor.IsEnabled then
+		Warnlog "the Vor button is Not enabled, or something wrong!"
+		Silbentrennung.Cancel
+		Call hCloseDocument
+		goto endsub
+	end if
+	Vor.Click
+	printlog "check if get ''fol-low=ing'"
+	if Wort.Gettext <> testWordInHyphenationDlg2 then
+		Warnlog "Expected " & testWordInHyphenationDlg2 & " but found " & Wort.Gettext
+		Call hCloseDocument
+		goto endsub
+	end if
+	printlog "add '-' between 'follow' and 'ing' pressing right arrow key"
+	if NOT Zurueck.IsEnabled then
+		Warnlog "the 'Back' button is Not enabled, or something wrong!"
+		Call hCloseDocument
+		goto endsub	
+	end if
+	Zurueck.Click
+	printlog "check if get 'fol-low=ing'"
+	if Wort.Gettext <> testWordInHyphenationDlg1 then
+		Warnlog "The test  word should be changed after clicking Zurueck!"
+		Call hCloseDocument
+		goto endsub
+	end if
+	Sleep 1
+	printlog "close all dialogs"
+	Silbentrennung.OK
+	' Messagebox 'Start hypheantion from the beginning ?
+	Kontext "Active"
+	if Active.Exists then
+		if Active.GetRT = 304 then
+			try
+				Active.Yes
+			catch
+				Active.ok
+			endcatch
+		else
+			Warnlog "No messagebox asking for hyphenate at beginning of document"
+		end if
+	end if
+	' End of hyphenation message
+	if Active.Exists then
+		if Active.GetRT = 304 then
+			try
+				Active.Ok
+			catch
+				Active.yes
+			endcatch
+		else
+			Warning "No 'end of hyphenation' messagebox"
+		end if
+	end if
+	printlog "Press 3 times 'space bar' in front of the line"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 Home>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<End>"
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Left>"	
+	Call wTypeKeys "<Shift Mod1 Left>"
+	EditCopy
+	printlog "Check if get 'follow'"
+	if GetClipboardText <> secondPartOfTestWord then
+		Warnlog "The hyphenation does NOT work ! Found '" & GetClipboardText & "' and not '" & secondPartOfTestWord & "'"
+	end if
+	Call hCloseDocument
diff --git a/testautomation/writer/optional/input/hyphenation/tHyphenation.odt b/testautomation/writer/optional/input/hyphenation/tHyphenation.odt
index 8854a64..b2b0494 100755
Binary files a/testautomation/writer/optional/input/hyphenation/tHyphenation.odt and b/testautomation/writer/optional/input/hyphenation/tHyphenation.odt differ
diff --git a/testautomation/writer/optional/w_hyphenation.bas b/testautomation/writer/optional/w_hyphenation.bas
index e71c1ad..0a4fe26 100644
--- a/testautomation/writer/optional/w_hyphenation.bas
+++ b/testautomation/writer/optional/w_hyphenation.bas
@@ -41,15 +41,17 @@ sub main
     use "writer\tools\includes\w_tools.inc"
     use "writer\tools\includes\w_tool4.inc"
+    use "writer\tools\includes\w_tools_hyphenation.inc"
     use "writer\optional\includes\hyphenation\w_hyphenation.inc"
     printlog Chr(13) + "******* Writer - Hyphenation - Test *******"
     Call hStatusIn ( "writer" , "w_hyphenation.bas" )
     Call wEnableHyphenation(true)
-    Call tHyphenation_1            'Test Hyphenation  using ctrl and "-"
-    Call tHyphenation_2            'Test Hyphenation  using Tools/Hyphenation ,test like fol-lowing
-    Call tHyphenation_3            'Test Hyphenation  using Tools/Hyphenation ,test like follow-ing
+    Call tHyphenation_1
+    Call tHyphenation_2    
+    Call tHyphenation_3
+    Call tHyphenation_4
     Call wEnableHyphenation(false)
     Call hStatusOut
diff --git a/testautomation/writer/tools/includes/w_tools_hyphenation.inc b/testautomation/writer/tools/includes/w_tools_hyphenation.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c49c07a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/writer/tools/includes/w_tools_hyphenation.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile: w_tools_hyphenation.inc,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2008-08-18 12:43:40 $
+'* This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
+'* OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
+'* <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'*                                                                **
+'* owner : helge.delfs at sun.com                                    **
+'*                                                                **
+'* short description : Misc tools for writer hyphenation tests    **
+'*                                                                **
+function fPrepareHyphenationDocument(testWord as string)
+	Dim SpaceTickCount as integer
+	SpaceTickCount = 1
+	Do
+		Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 Home>"
+		Call wTypeKeys "<Down>"
+		Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 Shift Right>"
+		try
+			EditCopy
+		catch
+		endcatch
+		if trim(GetClipboardText) <> testWord then
+			EditSearchAndReplace
+			Kontext "FindAndReplace"
+			SearchFor.SetText testWord
+			SearchNow.Click
+			Kontext "Active"
+			if Active.Exists then
+				if Active.GetRT = 304 then
+					try
+						active.Yes
+					catch
+						Warnlog Active.Gettext
+						Active.ok
+					endcatch
+				end if
+			end if
+			Kontext "FindAndReplace"
+			FindAndReplace.Close
+			Call wTypeKeys "<Mod1 Left>"
+			Call wTypeKeys "<Space>"
+			inc SpaceTickCount
+			if SpaceTickCount >= 30 then
+				fPrepareHyphenationDocument = false
+				exit do
+			end if
+		else
+			fPrepareHyphenationDocument = true
+			exit do			
+		end if
+	Loop
+end function
commit 0de42b804b965cdd6ad8604ec926d7b8e44a4520
Author: Ivo Hinkelmann <ihi at openoffice.org>
Date:   Mon Nov 23 14:54:29 2009 +0000

    CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS automationooo320m5cat0
    2009-11-20 10:34:15 +0100 hde  r277574 : added exception for unx because page isn't centered like on windows
    2009-11-20 08:01:23 +0100 hde  r277571 : added exception for unx because page isn't centered like on windows
    2009-11-18 14:00:51 +0100 hde  r277546 : fixed loop in Path-Dialog for Asian languages

diff --git a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/t_option2.inc b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/t_option2.inc
index 74f49d9..fdf11f1 100644
--- a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/t_option2.inc
+++ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/t_option2.inc
@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ sub DialogeFuerTypenKontrollieren
                         if OeffnenDlg.Exists() then
                             if ( Dateityp.IsVisible ) then 
                                 Warnlog "The normal FileOpen-Dialog is visible with the Filetype-Listbox => BUG!"
-                                OeffnenDlg.Cancel
-                                exit do
+                            OeffnenDlg.Cancel
+                            exit do
                         Kontext "PfadeAuswaehlen"
@@ -146,6 +146,8 @@ sub DialogeFuerTypenKontrollieren
                             exit do
                         end if
+                        iExitCounter = iExitCounter + 1
                     Kontext "TabPfade"
diff --git a/testautomation/writer/required/includes/w_005b_.inc b/testautomation/writer/required/includes/w_005b_.inc
index ce7ce26..0e4f8ea 100755
--- a/testautomation/writer/required/includes/w_005b_.inc
+++ b/testautomation/writer/required/includes/w_005b_.inc
@@ -892,9 +892,16 @@ testcase tFormatAlignmentArea
     Call hNewDocument
     printlog " Paste a rectangle from draw via clipboard"
-    Call wZeichenobjektEinfuegen ( "Rechteck", 45, 30, 55, 45 )
-    sleep (1)
-    Call wObjektSelektieren ( 43, 25, 60, 50 )
+    if gPlatgroup = "unx" then
+        Call wZeichenobjektEinfuegen ( "Rechteck", 10, 30, 20, 45 )
+        sleep (1)
+        gMouseClick ( 15, 38 )
+    else
+        Call wZeichenobjektEinfuegen ( "Rechteck", 45, 30, 55, 45 )
+        sleep (1)
+        Call wObjektSelektieren ( 43, 25, 60, 50 )
+    endif
     Sleep 1
         printlog " Format / Anchor / As Character"
@@ -1151,7 +1158,11 @@ testcase tFormatStyleEdit
         printlog " Insert a textobject from toolbar"
         Sleep 2
-        Call gMouseMove(50, 20, 70, 40)
+        if gPlatgroup = "unx" then
+            Call gMouseMove(10, 20, 30, 40)
+        else
+            Call gMouseMove(50, 20, 70, 40)
+        endif
         hUseAsyncSlot( "FormatStyleBold" )
         printlog " Format / Style / Bold"
@@ -1220,7 +1231,11 @@ testcase tFormatAlignmentEdit
     printlog " Insert a textbox via 'Draw functions' toolbar"
-    Call gMouseMove(50, 20, 70, 40)
+    if gPlatgroup = "unx" then
+        Call gMouseMove(10, 20, 30, 40)
+    else
+        Call gMouseMove(50, 20, 70, 40)
+    endif
     printlog " Insert some text in document"
     Call wTypeKeys ("Ein Wort")
@@ -1259,7 +1274,11 @@ testcase tFormatLineSpacing
     printlog " In a textbox via 'Draw Functions' toolbox"
-    Call gMouseMove(50, 20, 70, 40)
+    if gPlatgroup = "unx" then
+        Call gMouseMove(10, 20, 30, 40)
+    else
+        Call gMouseMove(50, 20, 70, 40)
+    endif
     Sleep 1
     printlog " Format / Spacing / Single line"
@@ -1300,7 +1319,11 @@ testcase tFormatParagraphEdit
     printlog " In a textbox via 'Draw Functions' toolbox"
-    Call gMouseMove(50, 20, 70, 40)
+    if gPlatgroup = "unx" then
+        Call gMouseMove(10, 20, 30, 40)
+    else
+        Call gMouseMove(50, 20, 70, 40)
+    endif
     printlog " Format / Paragraph "
     hUseAsyncSlot( "FormatParagraph" )
diff --git a/testautomation/writer/required/includes/w_020_.inc b/testautomation/writer/required/includes/w_020_.inc
index 62bffb9..05d1168 100755
--- a/testautomation/writer/required/includes/w_020_.inc
+++ b/testautomation/writer/required/includes/w_020_.inc
@@ -421,7 +421,11 @@ testcase t_TB_Form
             wait 500
             printlog " Insert a textbox from toolbox"
-            Call hMalZeichnenMitSelektion ( 57, 20, 68, 25 )
+            if gplatgroup = "unx" then
+                Call hMalZeichnenMitSelektion ( 10, 40, 21, 25 )
+            else
+                Call hMalZeichnenMitSelektion ( 57, 20, 68, 25 )
+            endif
             printlog "+ Open Control Properties"
             Call sMenufunktionen("-Textbox-")
         end if
@@ -450,7 +454,11 @@ testcase t_TB_Form
             printlog " Insert a Combobox from toolbox"
             Wait 500
-            Call hMalZeichnenMitSelektion ( 57, 30, 68, 35 )
+            if gPlatgroup = "unx" then
+                Call hMalZeichnenMitSelektion ( 41, 40, 52, 35 )
+            else
+                Call hMalZeichnenMitSelektion ( 57, 30, 68, 35 )
+            endif
             printlog "+ Step through pages of upcoming Autopilot"
             Call sAutopilot_ListboxCombobox("Combo")
             printlog "+ Open Control Properties"

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