[ooo-build-commit] 2 commits - configure.in patches/test

Thorsten Behrens thorsten at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Sep 10 07:19:38 PDT 2009

 configure.in                  |    3 
 patches/test/boxclipping.diff | 2860 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 2860 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 95e4fd1ec476c7f2ee7e1bf8df9bcae4c9f3f9f2
Author: Thorsten Behrens <thb at openoffice.org>
Date:   Fri Sep 11 09:41:51 2009 +0200

    Removed warning that master is not buildable
    * configure.in: now, master _should_ be buildable!

diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
index 88d3bd1..052062a 100644
--- a/configure.in
+++ b/configure.in
@@ -1580,9 +1580,6 @@ $warn_use_download	make
 		ooo-build-3-1    branch for 3.1
 		ooo-build-3-1-1  branch for 3.1.1
 		opensuse-11-1	 branch for 3.0 in openSUSE 11.1 and SLED11
-        NOTE that 'master' currently is not necessarily buildable.
 if test "$BUILD_WIN32" != "yes" -a "$ENABLE_ICECREAM" != "yes"; then
commit 9e619223eed2abe3cdad7965f5f676c74aa01f22
Author: Thorsten Behrens <thb at openoffice.org>
Date:   Fri Sep 11 09:39:48 2009 +0200

    First working version of a specialized box clipper
    * patches/test/boxclipping.diff: adds a clipper specialized for
      symbolically clipping boxes (=axis-aligned rectangles) against
      each other

diff --git a/patches/test/boxclipping.diff b/patches/test/boxclipping.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6dafdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/test/boxclipping.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,2860 @@
+Specialized boxclipping stuff
+From: Thorsten Behrens <thb at openoffice.org>
+ basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx     |   10 
+ basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx |    6 
+ basegfx/inc/basegfx/range/b2dmultirange.hxx    |    7 
+ basegfx/qa/mkpolygons.pl                       |  337 ++++++
+ basegfx/source/polygon/b2dpolygon.cxx          |  102 +-
+ basegfx/source/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.cxx      |   40 +
+ basegfx/source/range/b2dmultirange.cxx         | 1394 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
+ basegfx/test/basegfx2d.cxx                     |  211 ----
+ basegfx/test/boxclipper.cxx                    |  418 +++++++
+ basegfx/test/makefile.mk                       |    5 
+ 10 files changed, 2194 insertions(+), 336 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 basegfx/qa/mkpolygons.pl
+ create mode 100644 basegfx/test/boxclipper.cxx
+diff --git basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx
+index 067680e..e7f60c1 100644
+--- basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx
++++ basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx
+@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ namespace basegfx
+         sal_uInt32 count() const;
+         /// Coordinate interface
+-        basegfx::B2DPoint getB2DPoint(sal_uInt32 nIndex) const;
++        const basegfx::B2DPoint& getB2DPoint(sal_uInt32 nIndex) const;
+         void setB2DPoint(sal_uInt32 nIndex, const basegfx::B2DPoint& rValue);
+         /// Coordinate insert/append
+@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ namespace basegfx
+             @return
+             The outer range of the bezier curve/polygon
+         */
+-        B2DRange getB2DRange() const;
++        const B2DRange& getB2DRange() const;
+         /** insert other 2D polygons
+@@ -261,6 +261,12 @@ namespace basegfx
+         /// apply transformation given in matrix form
+         void transform(const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rMatrix);
++        // point iterators
++        const B2DPoint* begin() const;
++        const B2DPoint* end() const;
++        B2DPoint* begin();
++        B2DPoint* end();
+     };
+ } // end of namespace basegfx
+diff --git basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx
+index 38048f8..1b8ba65 100644
+--- basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx
++++ basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx
+@@ -128,6 +128,12 @@ namespace basegfx
+         // apply transformation given in matrix form to the polygon
+         void transform(const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rMatrix);
++        // polygon iterators
++        const B2DPolygon* begin() const;
++        const B2DPolygon* end() const;
++        B2DPolygon* begin();
++        B2DPolygon* end();
+     };
+ } // end of namespace basegfx
+diff --git basegfx/inc/basegfx/range/b2dmultirange.hxx basegfx/inc/basegfx/range/b2dmultirange.hxx
+index 447b0bf..ee0d5df 100644
+--- basegfx/inc/basegfx/range/b2dmultirange.hxx
++++ basegfx/inc/basegfx/range/b2dmultirange.hxx
+@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@
+ #include <o3tl/cow_wrapper.hxx>
+-#include <memory>
++#include <vector>
+ namespace basegfx
+ {
+@@ -102,6 +101,10 @@ namespace basegfx
+          */ 
+         B2DRange 		getBounds() const;
++        /** Get vector of all current ranges
++         */ 
++        const std::vector<B2DRange>& getRanges() const;
+         /** Request poly-polygon representing the added ranges.
+             This method creates a poly-polygon, consisting exactly out
+diff --git basegfx/qa/mkpolygons.pl basegfx/qa/mkpolygons.pl
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..22056fb
+--- /dev/null
++++ basegfx/qa/mkpolygons.pl
+@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
++eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}'
++    if 0; 
++use	IO::File;
++use	Cwd;
++use File::Spec;
++use File::Spec::Functions;
++use File::Temp;
++use File::Path;
++$TempDir = "";
++# all the XML package generation is a blatant rip from AF's
++# write-calc-doc.pl
++#	Open a file with the given name.
++#	First it is checked if the temporary directory, in which all files for
++#	the document are gathered, is already present and create it if it is not.
++#	Then create the path to the file inside the temporary directory.
++#	Finally open the file and return a file handle to it.
++sub	open_file
++    my	$filename = pop @_;
++    #	Create base directory of temporary directory tree if not alreay
++    #	present.
++    if ($TempDir eq "")
++    {
++        $TempDir = File::Temp::tempdir (CLEANUP => 1);
++    }
++    #	Create the path to the file.
++    my $fullname = File::Spec->catfile ($TempDir, $filename);
++    my ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath ($fullname);
++    mkpath (File::Spec->catpath ($volume,$directories,""));
++    #	Open the file and return a file handle to it.
++    return new IO::File ($fullname, "w");
++#	Zip the files in the directory tree into the given file.
++sub	zip_dirtree
++    my	$filename = pop @_;
++    my	$cwd = getcwd;
++    my	$zip_name = $filename;
++    #	We are about to change the directory.
++    #	Therefore create an absolute pathname for the zip archive.
++    #	First transfer the drive from $cwd to $zip_name.  This is a
++    #	workaround for a bug in file_name_is_absolute which thinks
++    #	the the path \bla is an absolute path under DOS.
++    my ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath ($zip_name);
++    my ($volume_cwd,$directories_cwd,$file_cwd) = File::Spec->splitpath ($cwd);
++    $volume = $volume_cwd if ($volume eq "");
++    $zip_name = File::Spec->catpath ($volume,$directories,$file);
++    #	Add the current working directory to a relative path.
++    if ( ! file_name_is_absolute ($zip_name))
++    {
++        $zip_name = File::Spec->catfile ($cwd, $zip_name);
++        #	Try everything to clean up the name.
++        $zip_name = File::Spec->rel2abs ($filename);
++        $zip_name = File::Spec->canonpath ($zip_name);
++        #	Remove .. directories from the middle of the path.
++        while ($zip_name =~ /\/[^\/][^\.\/][^\/]*\/\.\.\//)
++        {
++            $zip_name = $` . "/" . $';
++        }
++    }
++    #	Just in case the zip program gets confused by an existing file with the
++    #	same name as the one to be written that file is removed first.
++    if ( -e $filename)
++    {
++        if (unlink ($filename) == 0)
++        {
++            print "Existing file $filename could not be deleted.\n";
++            print "Please close the application that uses it, then try again.\n";
++            return;
++        }
++    }
++    #	Finally create the zip file.  First change into the temporary directory
++    #	so that the resulting zip file contains only paths relative to it.
++    print "zipping [$ZipCmd $ZipFlags $zip_name *]\n";
++    chdir ($TempDir);
++    system ("$ZipCmd $ZipFlags $zip_name *");
++    chdir ($cwd);
++sub writeHeader
++    print $OUT qq~<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
++<office:document-content xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0" xmlns:style="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0" xmlns:text="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0" xmlns:table="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0" xmlns:draw="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0" xmlns:fo="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:meta="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0" xmlns:number="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0" xmlns:presentation="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:presentation:1.0" xmlns:svg="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0" xmlns:chart="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0" xmlns:dr3d="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0" xmlns:math="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:form="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0" xmlns:script="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:script:1.0" xmlns:ooo="http://openoffice.org/2004/office" xmlns:ooow="http://openoffice.org/2004/writer" xmlns:oooc="http://openoffice.org/2004/calc" xmlns:dom="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events" xmlns:xforms="http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:smil="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:smil-compatible:1.0" xmlns:anim="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:animation:1.0" office:version="1.0">
++ <office:scripts/>
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++   <style:graphic-properties draw:textarea-horizontal-align="center" draw:textarea-vertical-align="middle"/>
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++   <text:list-level-style-bullet text:level="5" text:bullet-char="●">
++    <style:list-level-properties text:space-before="2.4cm" text:min-label-width="0.6cm"/>
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++   </text:list-level-style-bullet>
++   <text:list-level-style-bullet text:level="6" text:bullet-char="●">
++    <style:list-level-properties text:space-before="3cm" text:min-label-width="0.6cm"/>
++    <style:text-properties fo:font-family="StarSymbol" style:use-window-font-color="true" fo:font-size="45%"/>
++   </text:list-level-style-bullet>
++   <text:list-level-style-bullet text:level="7" text:bullet-char="●">
++    <style:list-level-properties text:space-before="3.6cm" text:min-label-width="0.6cm"/>
++    <style:text-properties fo:font-family="StarSymbol" style:use-window-font-color="true" fo:font-size="45%"/>
++   </text:list-level-style-bullet>
++   <text:list-level-style-bullet text:level="8" text:bullet-char="●">
++    <style:list-level-properties text:space-before="4.2cm" text:min-label-width="0.6cm"/>
++    <style:text-properties fo:font-family="StarSymbol" style:use-window-font-color="true" fo:font-size="45%"/>
++   </text:list-level-style-bullet>
++   <text:list-level-style-bullet text:level="9" text:bullet-char="●">
++    <style:list-level-properties text:space-before="4.8cm" text:min-label-width="0.6cm"/>
++    <style:text-properties fo:font-family="StarSymbol" style:use-window-font-color="true" fo:font-size="45%"/>
++   </text:list-level-style-bullet>
++  </text:list-style>
++ </office:automatic-styles>
++ <office:body>
++  <office:presentation>
++sub writeSlideHeader
++    my $titleText = pop @_;
++    my $slideNum = pop @_;
++    print $OUT "    <draw:page draw:name=\"page1\" draw:style-name=\"dp1\" draw:master-page-name=\"Default\">\n";
++    print $OUT "     <office:forms form:automatic-focus=\"false\" form:apply-design-mode=\"false\"/>\n";
++    print $OUT "     <draw:rect draw:style-name=\"gr1\" draw:text-style-name=\"P1\" draw:id=\"id$slideNum\" draw:layer=\"layout\" svg:width=\"17.5cm\" svg:height=\"6cm\" svg:x=\"5cm\" svg:y=\"4cm\">\n";
++    print $OUT "      <text:p text:style-name=\"P2\">Slide: $slideNum</text:p>\n";
++    print $OUT "      <text:p text:style-name=\"P2\">Path: $titleText</text:p>\n";
++    print $OUT "     </draw:rect>\n";
++sub writeSlideFooter
++    print $OUT "    <presentation:notes draw:style-name=\"dp1\">\n";
++    print $OUT "     <draw:page-thumbnail draw:style-name=\"gr1\" draw:layer=\"layout\" svg:width=\"14.851cm\" svg:height=\"11.138cm\" svg:x=\"3.068cm\" svg:y=\"2.257cm\" draw:page-number=\"1\" presentation:class=\"page\"/>\n";
++    print $OUT "     <draw:frame presentation:style-name=\"pr3\" draw:layer=\"layout\" svg:width=\"16.79cm\" svg:height=\"13.116cm\" svg:x=\"2.098cm\" svg:y=\"14.109cm\" presentation:class=\"notes\" presentation:placeholder=\"true\">\n";
++    print $OUT "      <draw:text-box/>\n";
++    print $OUT "     </draw:frame>\n";
++    print $OUT "    </presentation:notes>\n";
++    print $OUT "   </draw:page>\n";
++sub writeFooter
++    print $OUT qq~   <presentation:settings presentation:full-screen="false"/>
++  </office:presentation>
++ </office:body>
++sub writePath
++    my $pathAry = pop @_;
++    my $path = $pathAry->[1];
++    my $viewBox = $pathAry->[0];
++    print $OUT "       <draw:path draw:style-name=\"gr2\" draw:text-style-name=\"P1\" draw:layer=\"layout\" svg:width=\"10cm\" svg:height=\"10cm\" svg:x=\"5cm\" svg:y=\"5cm\" svg:viewBox=\"";
++    print $OUT $viewBox;
++    print $OUT "\" svg:d=\"";
++    print $OUT $path;
++    print $OUT "\">\n";
++    print $OUT "         <text:p/>\n";
++    print $OUT "       </draw:path>\n";
++sub writeManifest
++    my $outFile = open_file("META-INF/manifest.xml");
++    print $outFile qq~<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
++<!DOCTYPE manifest:manifest PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD Manifest 1.0//EN" "Manifest.dtd">
++<manifest:manifest xmlns:manifest="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0">
++ <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation" manifest:full-path="/"/>
++ <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="text/xml" manifest:full-path="content.xml"/>
++    $outFile->close;
++#	Print usage information.
++sub	usage	()
++    print <<END_OF_USAGE;
++usage: $0 <option>* [<SvgD-values>]
++output-file-name defaults to polygons.odp.
++         -h    Print this usage information.
++         -o    output-file-name
++#	Process the command line.
++sub	process_command_line
++    foreach (@ARGV)
++    {
++        if (/^-h/)
++        {
++            usage;
++            exit 0;
++        }
++    }
++    $global_output_name = "polygons.odp";
++    my	$j = 0, $noMoreOptions = 0;
++    for (my $i=0; $i<$#ARGV; $i++)
++    {
++        if ( !$noMoreOptions and $ARGV[$i] eq "-o")
++        {
++			$i++;
++			$global_output_name = $ARGV[$i];
++        }
++        elsif ( !$noMoreOptions and $ARGV[$i] eq "--")
++        {
++			$noMoreOptions = 1;
++        }
++        elsif ( !$noMoreOptions and $ARGV[$i] =~ /^-/)
++        {
++            print "Unknown option $ARGV[$i]\n";
++            usage;
++            exit 1;
++        }
++        else
++        {
++            push(@paths, [$ARGV[$i],$ARGV[$i+1]]);
++			$i++;
++        }
++    }
++    print "output to $global_output_name\n";
++#	Main
++#	Provide default values for the zip command and it's flags.
++if ( ! defined $ZipCmd)
++    $ZipCmd = "zip" unless defined $ZipCmd;
++    $ZipFlags = "-r -q" unless defined $ZipFlags;
++$OUT = open_file( "content.xml" );
++foreach $path (@paths)
++	writeSlideHeader($pathNum, $path->[1]);
++	writePath($path);
++	writeSlideFooter();
++	$pathNum++;
++zip_dirtree ($global_output_name);
+diff --git basegfx/source/polygon/b2dpolygon.cxx basegfx/source/polygon/b2dpolygon.cxx
+index 02a25e6..c30d070 100644
+--- basegfx/source/polygon/b2dpolygon.cxx
++++ basegfx/source/polygon/b2dpolygon.cxx
+@@ -44,38 +44,24 @@
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+-class CoordinateData2D
++struct CoordinateData2D : public basegfx::B2DPoint
+ {
+-    basegfx::B2DPoint								maPoint;
+ public:
+-    CoordinateData2D()
+-    :	maPoint() 
+-    {}
++    CoordinateData2D() {}
+     explicit CoordinateData2D(const basegfx::B2DPoint& rData) 
+-    :	maPoint(rData) 
++    :	B2DPoint(rData) 
+     {}
+-    const basegfx::B2DPoint& getCoordinate() const 
+-    { 
+-        return maPoint; 
++    CoordinateData2D& operator=(const basegfx::B2DPoint& rData)
++    {
++        B2DPoint::operator=(rData);
++        return *this;
+     }
+-    void setCoordinate(const basegfx::B2DPoint& rValue) 
+-    { 
+-        if(rValue != maPoint) 
+-            maPoint = rValue; 
+-    }
+-    bool operator==(const CoordinateData2D& rData ) const 
+-    {	
+-        return (maPoint == rData.getCoordinate()); 
+-    }
+     void transform(const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rMatrix) 
+     { 
+-        maPoint *= rMatrix; 
++        *this *= rMatrix; 
+     }
+ };
+@@ -115,12 +101,12 @@ public:
+     const basegfx::B2DPoint& getCoordinate(sal_uInt32 nIndex) const
+     {
+-        return maVector[nIndex].getCoordinate();
++        return maVector[nIndex];
+     }
+     void setCoordinate(sal_uInt32 nIndex, const basegfx::B2DPoint& rValue)
+     {
+-        maVector[nIndex].setCoordinate(rValue);
++        maVector[nIndex] = rValue;
+     }
+     void insert(sal_uInt32 nIndex, const CoordinateData2D& rValue, sal_uInt32 nCount)
+@@ -221,6 +207,26 @@ public:
+             aStart->transform(rMatrix);
+         }
+     }
++    const basegfx::B2DPoint* begin() const
++    {
++        return &maVector.front();
++    }
++    const basegfx::B2DPoint* end() const
++    {
++        return &maVector[maVector.size()];
++    }
++    basegfx::B2DPoint* begin()
++    {
++        return &maVector.front();
++    }
++    basegfx::B2DPoint* end()
++    {
++        return &maVector[maVector.size()];
++    }
+ };
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+@@ -1113,6 +1119,28 @@ public:
+             maPoints.transform(rMatrix);
+         }
+     }
++    const basegfx::B2DPoint* begin() const
++    {
++        return maPoints.begin();
++    }
++    const basegfx::B2DPoint* end() const
++    {
++        return maPoints.end();
++    }
++    basegfx::B2DPoint* begin()
++    {
++       mpBufferedData.reset();
++       return maPoints.begin();
++    }
++    basegfx::B2DPoint* end()
++    {
++        mpBufferedData.reset();
++        return maPoints.end();
++    }
+ };
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+@@ -1173,7 +1201,7 @@ namespace basegfx
+         return mpPolygon->count();
+     }
+-    B2DPoint B2DPolygon::getB2DPoint(sal_uInt32 nIndex) const
++    const B2DPoint& B2DPolygon::getB2DPoint(sal_uInt32 nIndex) const
+     {
+         OSL_ENSURE(nIndex < mpPolygon->count(), "B2DPolygon access outside range (!)");
+@@ -1432,7 +1460,7 @@ namespace basegfx
+         return mpPolygon->getDefaultAdaptiveSubdivision(*this);
+     }
+-    B2DRange B2DPolygon::getB2DRange() const
++    const B2DRange& B2DPolygon::getB2DRange() const
+     {
+         return mpPolygon->getB2DRange(*this);
+     }
+@@ -1540,6 +1568,26 @@ namespace basegfx
+             mpPolygon->transform(rMatrix);
+         }
+     }
++    const B2DPoint* B2DPolygon::begin() const
++    {
++        return mpPolygon->begin();
++    }
++    const B2DPoint* B2DPolygon::end() const
++    {
++        return mpPolygon->end();
++    }
++    B2DPoint* B2DPolygon::begin()
++    {
++        return mpPolygon->begin();
++    }
++    B2DPoint* B2DPolygon::end()
++    {
++        return mpPolygon->end();
++    }
+ } // end of namespace basegfx
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+diff --git basegfx/source/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.cxx basegfx/source/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.cxx
+index 67cd079..4be35f7 100644
+--- basegfx/source/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.cxx
++++ basegfx/source/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.cxx
+@@ -166,6 +166,26 @@ public:
+                        maPolygons.end(),
+                        std::mem_fun_ref( &basegfx::B2DPolygon::makeUnique ));
+     }
++    const basegfx::B2DPolygon* begin() const
++    {
++        return &maPolygons.front();
++    }
++    const basegfx::B2DPolygon* end() const
++    {
++        return &maPolygons[maPolygons.size()];
++    }
++    basegfx::B2DPolygon* begin()
++    {
++        return &maPolygons.front();
++    }
++    basegfx::B2DPolygon* end()
++    {
++        return &maPolygons[maPolygons.size()];
++    }
+ };
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+@@ -378,6 +398,26 @@ namespace basegfx
+             mpPolyPolygon->transform(rMatrix);
+         }
+     }
++    const B2DPolygon* B2DPolyPolygon::begin() const
++    {
++        return mpPolyPolygon->begin();
++    }
++    const B2DPolygon* B2DPolyPolygon::end() const
++    {
++        return mpPolyPolygon->end();
++    }
++    B2DPolygon* B2DPolyPolygon::begin()
++    {
++        return mpPolyPolygon->begin();
++    }
++    B2DPolygon* B2DPolyPolygon::end()
++    {
++        return mpPolyPolygon->end();
++    }
+ } // end of namespace basegfx
+ // eof
+diff --git basegfx/source/range/b2dmultirange.cxx basegfx/source/range/b2dmultirange.cxx
+index 738c5d1..9eb9a08 100644
+--- basegfx/source/range/b2dmultirange.cxx
++++ basegfx/source/range/b2dmultirange.cxx
+@@ -30,61 +30,1266 @@
+ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
+ #include "precompiled_basegfx.hxx"
++#include <rtl/math.hxx>
+ #include <basegfx/range/b2drange.hxx>
+ #include <basegfx/tuple/b2dtuple.hxx>
+ #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx>
+ #include <basegfx/range/b2dmultirange.hxx>
+ #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygontools.hxx>
+ #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx>
+-#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygoncutter.hxx>
+ #include <boost/bind.hpp>
+ #include <boost/mem_fn.hpp>
++#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
+ #include <algorithm>
+ #include <vector>
++#include <deque>
++#include <list>
+ namespace basegfx
+ {
++    namespace
++    {
++        // Generating a poly-polygon from a bunch of rectangles 
++        // 
++        // Helper functionality for sweep-line algorithm
++        // ====================================================
++        typedef std::vector<B2DRange> VectorOfRanges;
++        class ImplPolygon;
++        typedef std::vector<ImplPolygon> VectorOfPolygons;
++        /** This class represents an active edge
++        	As the sweep line traverses across the overall area,
++        	rectangle edges parallel to it generate events, and
++        	rectangle edges orthogonal to it generate active
++        	edges. This class represents the latter.
++         */
++        class ActiveEdge
++        {
++        public:
++            /** The two possible active rectangle edges differ by one
++                coordinate value - the proximal edge has the lower, the
++                distal edge the higher value.
++             */
++            enum EdgeType {
++                /// edge with lower coordinate value
++                PROXIMAL=0,
++                /// edge with higher coordinate value
++                DISTAL=1
++            };
++            /** Create active edge 
++            	@param rRect
++                Rectangle this edge is part of
++                @param fInvariantCoord
++                The invariant ccordinate value of this edge 
++                @param eEdgeType
++                Is fInvariantCoord the lower or the higher value, for
++                this rect?
++             */
++            ActiveEdge( const B2DRectangle& rRect,
++                        const double&       fInvariantCoord,
++                        ImplPolygon&        rPolygon,
++                        EdgeType            eEdgeType ) :
++                mfInvariantCoord(fInvariantCoord),
++                mpAssociatedRect( &rRect ),
++                mpPolygon( &rPolygon ),
++                meEdgeType( eEdgeType )
++            {}
++            double 				getInvariantCoord() const { return mfInvariantCoord; }
++            const B2DRectangle& getRect() const { return *mpAssociatedRect; }
++            ImplPolygon& 		getTargetPolygon() const { return *mpPolygon; }
++            void				setTargetPolygon( ImplPolygon& rPolygon ) { mpPolygon = &rPolygon; }
++            EdgeType 			getEdgeType() const { return meEdgeType; }
++            /// For STL sort
++            bool operator<( const ActiveEdge& rRHS ) const { return mfInvariantCoord < rRHS.mfInvariantCoord; }
++        private:
++            /** The invariant coordinate value of this edge (e.g. the
++                common y value, for a horizontal edge)
++             */
++            double              mfInvariantCoord;
++            /** Associated rectangle
++            	This on the one hand saves some storage space (the
++            	vector of rectangles is persistent, anyway), and on
++            	the other hand provides an identifier to match active
++            	edges and x events (see below)
++                Ptr because class needs to be assignable
++             */
++            const B2DRectangle* mpAssociatedRect;
++            /** Pointer to the polygon this edge is currently involved
++                with.
++            	Note that this can change for some kinds of edge
++            	intersection, as the algorithm tends to swap
++            	associated polygons there.
++                Must never be NULL, pointer here to keep class
++                assignable
++             */
++            ImplPolygon*        mpPolygon;
++            /// 'upper' or 'lower' edge of original rectangle.
++            EdgeType	        meEdgeType;
++        };
++        // Needs to be list - various places hold ptrs to elements
++        typedef std::list< ActiveEdge > ListOfEdges;
++        /** Element of the sweep line event list
++        	As the sweep line traverses across the overall area,
++        	rectangle edges parallel to it generate events, and
++        	rectangle edges orthogonal to it generate active
++        	edges. This class represents the former.
++        	The class defines an element of the sweep line list. The
++        	sweep line's position jumps in steps defined by the
++        	coordinates of the sorted SweepLineEvent entries.
++         */
++        class SweepLineEvent
++        {
++        public:
++            /** The two possible sweep line rectangle edges differ by
++                one coordinate value - the proximal edge has the
++                lower, the distal edge the higher value.
++             */
++            enum EdgeType {
++                /// edge with lower coordinate value
++                PROXIMAL=0,
++                /// edge with higher coordinate value
++                DISTAL=1
++            };
++            /** Create sweep line event
++            	@param fPos
++                Coordinate position of the event
++                @param rRect
++                Rectangle this event is generated for.
++                @param eEdgeType
++                Is fPos the lower or the higher value, for the
++                rectangle this event is generated for?
++             */
++            SweepLineEvent( double 				fPos,
++                            const B2DRectangle& rRect,
++                            EdgeType			eEdgeType ) :
++                mfPos( fPos ),
++                mpAssociatedRect( &rRect ),
++                meEdgeType( eEdgeType )
++            {}
++            double 				getPos() const { return mfPos; }
++            const B2DRectangle& getRect() const { return *mpAssociatedRect; }
++            EdgeType 			getEdgeType() const { return meEdgeType; }
++            /// For STL sort
++            bool operator<( const SweepLineEvent& rRHS ) const { return mfPos < rRHS.mfPos; }
++        private:
++            /// position of the event, in the direction of the line sweep
++            double 		        mfPos;
++            /** Rectangle this event is generated for
++            	This on the one hand saves some storage space (the
++            	vector of rectangles is persistent, anyway), and on
++            	the other hand provides an identifier to match active
++            	edges and events (see below)
++                Ptr because class needs to be assignable
++             */
++            const B2DRectangle* mpAssociatedRect;
++            /// 'upper' or 'lower' edge of original rectangle.
++            EdgeType	        meEdgeType;
++        };
++        typedef std::vector< SweepLineEvent > VectorOfEvents;
++        /** Smart point container for B2DMultiRange::getPolyPolygon()
++        	This class provides methods needed only here, and is used
++        	as a place to store some additional information per
++        	polygon. Also, most of the intersection logic is
++        	implemented here.
++         */
++        class ImplPolygon
++        {
++        public:
++            /** Create polygon
++             */
++            ImplPolygon() : 
++                maPoints(),
++                mnContainmentCount( 0 ),
++                mpLeadingEdge( NULL ),
++                mpTrailingEdge( NULL ),
++                mbIsFinished( false )
++            {
++                // initially, no associated edges are known (will be
++                // added when we intersect one)
++            }
++            /** Perform the intersection of this polygon with an
++                active edge.
++                @rPolygonVector
++                Container to retrieve new polygons from 
++                @param rEvent
++                The vertical line event that generated the
++                intersection
++                @param rActiveEdge
++                The active edge that generated the intersection
++                @return the new current polygon (that's the one
++                processing must proceed with, when going through the
++                list of distal active edges).
++             */
++            ImplPolygon& intersect( VectorOfPolygons&		rPolygonVector,
++                                    const SweepLineEvent&	rEvent,
++                                    ActiveEdge&			    rActiveEdge )
++            {
++                OSL_PRECOND( !isFinished(),
++                             "ImplPolygon::intersect(): called on already finished polygon!" );
++                const B2DPoint aIntersectionPoint( rEvent.getPos(), 
++                                                   rActiveEdge.getInvariantCoord() );
++                // dispatch according to vert and horiz edge
++                // directions.
++                // -----------------------------------------
++                if( rActiveEdge.getEdgeType() == ActiveEdge::PROXIMAL )
++                {
++                    if( rEvent.getEdgeType() == SweepLineEvent::PROXIMAL )
++                        return intersectionUpperLeft( rPolygonVector,
++                                                      rEvent,
++                                                      rActiveEdge,
++                                                      aIntersectionPoint );
++                    else
++                        return intersectionUpperRight( rPolygonVector,
++                                                       rEvent,
++                                                       rActiveEdge,
++                                                       aIntersectionPoint );
++                }
++                else
++                {
++                    if( rEvent.getEdgeType() == SweepLineEvent::PROXIMAL )
++                        return intersectionLowerLeft( rPolygonVector,
++                                                      rEvent,
++                                                      rActiveEdge,
++                                                      aIntersectionPoint );
++                    else
++                        return intersectionLowerRight( rPolygonVector,
++                                                       rEvent,
++                                                       rActiveEdge,
++                                                       aIntersectionPoint );
++                }
++            }
++            /// Return finished state
++            bool isFinished() const
++            { 
++                return mbIsFinished; 
++            }
++            sal_Int32 getContainmentCount() const
++            {
++                return mnContainmentCount;
++            }
++            /// Retrieve B2DPolygon from this object
++            B2DPolygon getPolygon() const
++            {
++                B2DPolygon aRes;
++                std::for_each( maPoints.begin(),
++                               maPoints.end(),
++                               boost::bind( 
++                     &B2DPolygon::append,
++                                   boost::ref(aRes),
++                                   _1,
++                                   1 ) );
++                if( isFinished() )
++                    aRes.setClosed( true );
++                return aRes;
++            }
++        private:
++            std::size_t count() const 
++            { 
++                return maPoints.size(); 
++            }
++            /// Add point to the end of the existing points
++            void append( const B2DPoint& rPoint ) 
++            { 
++                OSL_PRECOND( maPoints.empty() ||
++                             maPoints.back().getX() == rPoint.getX() ||
++                             maPoints.back().getY() == rPoint.getY(),
++                             "ImplPolygon::append(): added point violates 90 degree line angle constraint!" );
++                if( maPoints.empty() ||
++                    maPoints.back() != rPoint )
++                {
++                    // avoid duplicate points
++                    maPoints.push_back( rPoint ); 
++                }
++            }
++            /// Add point to the beginning of the existing points
++            void prepend( const B2DPoint& rPoint ) 
++            { 
++                OSL_PRECOND( maPoints.empty() ||
++                             maPoints.front().getX() == rPoint.getX() ||
++                             maPoints.front().getY() == rPoint.getY(),
++                             "ImplPolygon::prepend(): added point violates 90 degree line angle constraint!" );
++                if( maPoints.empty() ||
++                    maPoints.front() != rPoint )
++                {
++                    maPoints.push_front( rPoint ); 
++                }
++            }
++            /** Set finished state to true
++            	A polygon is finished, if no further points will ever
++            	be added to it.
++             */
++            void finish() 
++            { 
++                OSL_PRECOND( maPoints.empty() ||
++                             maPoints.front().getX() == maPoints.back().getX() ||
++                             maPoints.front().getY() == maPoints.back().getY(),
++                             "ImplPolygon::finish(): first and last point violate 90 degree line angle constraint!" );
++                mbIsFinished = true; 
++                // clear mutual edge references
++                mpLeadingEdge  = NULL;
++                mpTrailingEdge = NULL;
++            }
++            /** Adapt containment count.
++            	@param nNewValue
++             */
++            void setContainment( sal_Int32 nValue )
++            {
++                mnContainmentCount = nValue;
++            }
++            /// Swap edges with given polygon
++            void swapEdges( ImplPolygon& rPoly,
++                            ActiveEdge*& rEdgeReference,
++                            ActiveEdge*& rPolyEdgeReference )
++            {
++                // swap active edges
++                std::swap( rEdgeReference,
++                           rPolyEdgeReference );
++                // swapped references to edges - also have to adapt
++                // reverse relationship, aka back references at the
++                // edges (note that rPoly.mpLowerActiveEdge now points
++                // to this->mpLowerActiveEdge and vice versa)
++                if( rPolyEdgeReference != NULL )
++                    rPolyEdgeReference->setTargetPolygon( rPoly );
++                if( rEdgeReference != NULL )
++                    rEdgeReference->setTargetPolygon( *this );
++            }
++            /// Swap leading edges with given polygon
++            void swapLeadingEdges( ImplPolygon& rPoly )
++            {
++                swapEdges( rPoly,
++                           mpLeadingEdge,
++                           rPoly.mpLeadingEdge );
++            }
++            /// Swap upper edges with given polygon
++            void swapTrailingEdges( ImplPolygon& rPoly )
++            {
++                swapEdges( rPoly,
++                           mpTrailingEdge,
++                           rPoly.mpTrailingEdge );
++            }
++            /// Clear all points
++            void clear() 
++            { 
++                maPoints.clear(); 
++            }
++            bool verifyMutualReferences() const
++            {
++                return ( (!mpLeadingEdge ||
++                          &mpLeadingEdge->getTargetPolygon() == this ) &&
++                         (!mpTrailingEdge ||
++                          &mpTrailingEdge->getTargetPolygon() == this ) );
++            }
++            bool verifyEdgeReferences( const ActiveEdge& rEdge ) const
++            {
++                return ( (mpLeadingEdge == &rEdge ||
++                          mpTrailingEdge == &rEdge) && 
++                         mpLeadingEdge != mpTrailingEdge );
++            }
++            /** Perform an intersection of two polygons at the upper,
++                left corner of the associated rectangle
++                @param rPoly
++                The other polygon involved in this intersection
++                @param rIntersection
++                The intersection point
++                @return the new current polygon
++             */
++            ImplPolygon& intersectionUpperLeft( VectorOfPolygons&	  rPolygonVector,
++                                                const SweepLineEvent& rEvent,
++                                                ActiveEdge&			  rActiveEdge,
++                                                const B2DPoint& 	  rIntersection )
++            {
++                OSL_PRECOND( rEvent.getEdgeType() == SweepLineEvent::PROXIMAL &&
++                             rActiveEdge.getEdgeType() == ActiveEdge::PROXIMAL,
++                             "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperLeft(): don't call me!" );
++                OSL_PRECOND( mpLeadingEdge == NULL,
++                             "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperLeft(): leading edge != NULL!" );
++                ImplPolygon& rEdgeTargetPoly = rActiveEdge.getTargetPolygon();
++                if( &rActiveEdge.getRect() == &rEvent.getRect() )
++                {
++                    // #1.1
++                    OSL_ENSURE( count() == 0 &&
++                                mpTrailingEdge == NULL,
++                                "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperLeft(): Virgin edge gets added to non-empty polygon!" );
++                    append( rIntersection );
++                    // init edge<->polygon mutual references
++                    rActiveEdge.setTargetPolygon( *this );
++                    mpTrailingEdge = &rActiveEdge;
++                    OSL_POSTCOND( verifyMutualReferences() &&
++                                  verifyEdgeReferences( rActiveEdge ),
++                                  "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperLeft(): case #1" );
++                    return *this;
++                }
++                else
++                {
++                    OSL_ENSURE( rEdgeTargetPoly.mpTrailingEdge != NULL,
++                                "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperLeft(): Edge poly has empty trailing edge!" );
++                    OSL_ENSURE( mpTrailingEdge != NULL,
++                                "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperLeft(): Trailing edge not set!" );
++                    if( &rEdgeTargetPoly == this )
++                    {
++                        // #1.2
++                        // closing 'hole' polygon
++                        append( rIntersection );
++                        finish();
++                        // now, generate fresh polygon, and setup
++                        rPolygonVector.push_back( ImplPolygon() );
++                        ImplPolygon& rCurrPoly( rPolygonVector.back() );
++                        rCurrPoly.append( rIntersection );
++                        rCurrPoly.setContainment( mnContainmentCount + 1 );
++                        // and setup mutual references on edge and polygon
++                        rActiveEdge.setTargetPolygon( rCurrPoly );
++                        rCurrPoly.mpTrailingEdge = &rActiveEdge;
++                        OSL_POSTCOND( verifyMutualReferences() &&
++                                      rCurrPoly.verifyMutualReferences() &&
++                                      rCurrPoly.verifyEdgeReferences( rActiveEdge ),
++                                      "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperLeft(): case #2" );
++                        return rCurrPoly;
++                    }
++                    else
++                    {
++                        // #1.3
++                        // interpose intersection point between our existing
++                        // points and the to-be-appended ones
++                        append( rIntersection );
++                        std::for_each( rEdgeTargetPoly.maPoints.begin(), 
++                                       rEdgeTargetPoly.maPoints.end(), 
++                                       boost::bind( 
++                             &ImplPolygon::append,
++                                           this,
++                                           _1 ) );
++                        rEdgeTargetPoly.clear();
++                        rEdgeTargetPoly.append( rIntersection );
++                        rEdgeTargetPoly.setContainment( rEdgeTargetPoly.mnContainmentCount + 1 );
++                        // swap edges with rPoly
++                        swapLeadingEdges( rEdgeTargetPoly );
++                        OSL_POSTCOND( verifyMutualReferences(),
++                                      "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperLeft(): case #3 verifyMutualReferences" );
++                        OSL_POSTCOND( rEdgeTargetPoly.verifyMutualReferences(),
++                                      "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperLeft(): case #3 target->verifyMutualReferences" );
++                        OSL_POSTCOND( rEdgeTargetPoly.verifyEdgeReferences( rActiveEdge ),
++                                      "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperLeft(): case #3 target->verifyEdgeReferences" );
++                        return rEdgeTargetPoly;
++                    }
++                }
++            }
++            /** Perform an intersection of two polygons at the lower,
++                left corner of the associated rectangle
++                @param rPoly
++                The other polygon involved in this intersection
++                @param rIntersection
++                The intersection point
++                @return the new current polygon
++             */
++            ImplPolygon& intersectionLowerLeft( VectorOfPolygons&	  /*rPolygonVector*/,
++                                                const SweepLineEvent& rEvent,
++                                                ActiveEdge&			  rActiveEdge,
++                                                const B2DPoint& 	  rIntersection )
++            {
++                OSL_PRECOND( rEvent.getEdgeType() == SweepLineEvent::PROXIMAL &&
++                             rActiveEdge.getEdgeType() == ActiveEdge::DISTAL,
++                             "ImplPolygon::intersectionLowerLeft(): don't call me!" );
++                OSL_PRECOND( mpLeadingEdge == NULL,
++                             "ImplPolygon::intersectionLowerLeft(): leading edge != NULL!" );
++                ImplPolygon& rEdgeTargetPoly = rActiveEdge.getTargetPolygon();
++                if( &rActiveEdge.getRect() == &rEvent.getRect() )
++                {
++                    // #3.1
++                    OSL_ENSURE( count() != 0 &&
++                                mpTrailingEdge != NULL,
++                                "ImplPolygon::intersectionLowerLeft(): Virgin edge gets added to non-empty polygon!" );
++                    append( rIntersection );
++                    // init edge<->polygon mutual references
++                    rActiveEdge.setTargetPolygon( *this );
++                    mpLeadingEdge = &rActiveEdge;
++                    OSL_POSTCOND( verifyMutualReferences() &&
++                                  verifyEdgeReferences( rActiveEdge ),
++                                  "ImplPolygon::intersectionLowerLeft(): case #1" );
++                    return *this;
++                }
++                else
++                {
++                    // #3.2
++                    OSL_ENSURE( rEdgeTargetPoly.mpLeadingEdge != NULL &&
++                                rEdgeTargetPoly.mpTrailingEdge != NULL,
++                                "ImplPolygon::intersectionLowerLeft(): Edge poly has one or more finished edges!" );
++                    OSL_ENSURE( &rEdgeTargetPoly != this,
++                                "ImplPolygon::intersectionLowerLeft(): intersection with myself!" );
++                    OSL_ENSURE( mpTrailingEdge != NULL,
++                                "ImplPolygon::intersectionLowerLeft(): Trailing edge not set!" );
++                    // append intersection point to both polygons
++                    append( rIntersection );
++                    rEdgeTargetPoly.append( rIntersection );
++                    // swap edges with rPoly
++                    swapLeadingEdges( rEdgeTargetPoly );
++                    OSL_POSTCOND( verifyMutualReferences() &&
++                                  rEdgeTargetPoly.verifyMutualReferences() &&
++                                  verifyEdgeReferences( rActiveEdge ),
++                                  "ImplPolygon::intersectionLowerLeft(): case #2" );
++                    return rEdgeTargetPoly;
++                }
++            }
++            /** Perform an intersection of two polygons at the upper,
++                right corner of the associated rectangle
++                @param rPoly
++                The other polygon involved in this intersection
++                @param rIntersection
++                The intersection point
++                @return the new current polygon
++             */
++            ImplPolygon& intersectionUpperRight( VectorOfPolygons&	   /*rPolygonVector*/,
++                                                 const SweepLineEvent& rEvent,
++                                                 ActiveEdge&		   rActiveEdge,
++                                                 const B2DPoint& 	   rIntersection )
++            {
++                (void)rEvent;
++                OSL_PRECOND( rEvent.getEdgeType() == SweepLineEvent::DISTAL &&
++                             rActiveEdge.getEdgeType() == ActiveEdge::PROXIMAL,
++                             "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperRight(): don't call me!" );
++                OSL_PRECOND( count() != 0,
++                             "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperRight(): Upper edge is empty!" );
++                ImplPolygon& rEdgeTargetPoly = rActiveEdge.getTargetPolygon();
++                if( &rEdgeTargetPoly == this )
++                {
++                    // #2.1
++                    // first hit at all - the horizonal edge the
++                    // vertical event is starting with
++                    // this MUST be our own upper edge, then.
++                    OSL_ENSURE( &rActiveEdge.getRect() == &rEvent.getRect() &&
++                                mpTrailingEdge == &rActiveEdge,
++                                "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperRight(): Own upper edge is inconsistent!" );
++                    prepend( rIntersection );
++                    mpTrailingEdge = NULL;
++                    OSL_POSTCOND( verifyMutualReferences() &&
++                                  mpLeadingEdge != &rActiveEdge,
++                                  "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperRight(): case #1" );
++                    return *this;
++                }
++                else
++                {                    
++                    // #2.2
++                    OSL_ENSURE( mpTrailingEdge == NULL,
++                                "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperRight(): Trailing edge not NULL!" );
++                    // insert intersection point to both polygons
++                    prepend( rIntersection );
++                    rEdgeTargetPoly.prepend( rIntersection );
++                    // swap current edge to this polygon (vert edge will
++                    // proceed with rPoly)
++                    swapTrailingEdges( rEdgeTargetPoly );
++                    OSL_POSTCOND( verifyMutualReferences() &&
++                                  rEdgeTargetPoly.verifyMutualReferences() &&
++                                  verifyEdgeReferences( rActiveEdge ),
++                                  "ImplPolygon::intersectionUpperRight(): case #2" );
++                    return rEdgeTargetPoly;
++                }
++            }
++            /** Perform an intersection of two polygons at the lower,
++                right corner of the associated rectangle
++                @param rPoly
++                The other polygon involved in this intersection
++                @param rIntersection
++                The intersection point
++                @return the new current polygon
++             */
++            ImplPolygon& intersectionLowerRight( VectorOfPolygons&	   rPolygonVector,
++                                                 const SweepLineEvent& rEvent,
++                                                 ActiveEdge&		   rActiveEdge,
++                                                 const B2DPoint& 	   rIntersection )
++            {
++                (void)rEvent;
++                OSL_PRECOND( rEvent.getEdgeType() == SweepLineEvent::DISTAL &&
++                             rActiveEdge.getEdgeType() == ActiveEdge::DISTAL,
++                             "ImplPolygon::intersectionLowerRight(): don't call me!" );
++                OSL_PRECOND( count() != 0,
++                             "ImplPolygon::intersectionLowerRight(): Upper edge is empty!" );
++                OSL_ENSURE( mpTrailingEdge == NULL,
++                            "ImplPolygon::intersectionLowerRight(): Trailing edge not NULL!" );
++                ImplPolygon& rEdgeTargetPoly = rActiveEdge.getTargetPolygon();
++                if( &rEdgeTargetPoly == this )
++                {
++                    // #4.1
++                    // finish current polygon, and create a new one
++                    prepend( rIntersection );
++                    finish();
++                    // now, generate fresh polygon, and setup
++                    rPolygonVector.push_back( ImplPolygon() );
++                    ImplPolygon& rCurrPoly( rPolygonVector.back() );
++                    rCurrPoly.append( rIntersection );
++                    rCurrPoly.setContainment( mnContainmentCount - 1 );
++                    // and setup mutual references on edge and polygon
++                    rActiveEdge.setTargetPolygon( rCurrPoly );
++                    rCurrPoly.mpLeadingEdge = &rActiveEdge;
++                    OSL_POSTCOND( verifyMutualReferences() &&
++                                  rCurrPoly.verifyMutualReferences() &&
++                                  rCurrPoly.verifyEdgeReferences( rActiveEdge ),
++                                  "ImplPolygon::intersectionLowerRight(): case #1" );
++                    return rCurrPoly;
++                }
++                else
++                {
++                    // #4.2
++                    // interpose intersection point between our existing
++                    // points and the to-be-prepended ones
++                    rEdgeTargetPoly.append( rIntersection );
++                    // Subtlety: using reverse iterator on rPoly.maPoints
++                    // here, to maintain correct ordering in polygon
++                    std::for_each( maPoints.begin(),
++                                   maPoints.end(),
++                                   boost::bind( 
++                         &ImplPolygon::append,
++                                       &rEdgeTargetPoly,
++                                       _1 ) );
++                    clear();
++                    append( rIntersection );
++                    setContainment( rEdgeTargetPoly.mnContainmentCount - 1 );
++                    // swap edges with rPoly
++                    rEdgeTargetPoly.mpLeadingEdge = mpLeadingEdge;
++                    rEdgeTargetPoly.mpLeadingEdge->setTargetPolygon( rEdgeTargetPoly );
++                    mpLeadingEdge = &rActiveEdge;
++                    rActiveEdge.setTargetPolygon( *this );
++                    mpTrailingEdge = NULL;
++                    OSL_POSTCOND( verifyMutualReferences() &&
++                                  rEdgeTargetPoly.verifyMutualReferences() &&
++                                  verifyEdgeReferences( rActiveEdge ),
++                                  "ImplPolygon::intersectionLowerRight(): case #2" );
++                    return *this;
++                }
++            }
++            /// Container for the actual polygon points
++            std::deque<B2DPoint> 	maPoints;
++            /** Number of polygons this one is contained within.
++				A polygon that is contained in no other polygon has a
++				0 here. A polygon that is contained in another
++				polygon, but has reversed winding (a 'hole') has the
++				same containment count as its surrounding
++				polygon. Thus, when filtering for containment number,
++				holes will be selected along with their surrounding
++				polygons.
++             */
++            sal_Int32				mnContainmentCount;
++            /** Refers to the current leading edge element of this
++                polygon, or NULL. The leading edge denotes the 'front'
++                of the polygon vertex sequence, i.e. the coordinates
++                at the polygon's leading edge are returned from
++                maPoints.front()
++             */
++            ActiveEdge*				mpLeadingEdge;
++            /** Refers to the current trailing edge element of this
++                polygon, or NULL. The trailing edge denotes the 'back'
++                of the polygon vertex sequence, i.e. the coordinates
++                at the polygon's trailing edge are returned from
++                maPoints.back()
++             */
++            ActiveEdge*				mpTrailingEdge;
++            /// When true, this polygon is 'done', i.e. nothing must be added anymore.
++            bool					mbIsFinished;
++        };
++        /** Prune given container from elements the 'filter' functor
++            yields true upon; exit from processing when 'pred'
++            predicate becomes true
++         */
++        template<typename Container, typename Filter, typename Predicate> 
++        inline void prune_until( Container& container,
++                                 Filter     filter, 
++                                 Predicate  pred )
++        {
++            typename Container::iterator first=container.begin();
++            const typename Container::iterator last=container.end();
++            while( first != last )
++            {
++                const bool bExit=pred(*first);
++                if( filter(*first) )
++                    first = container.erase(first);
++                else
++                    ++first;
++                if( bExit )
++                    return;
++            }
++        }
++        /** Init sweep line event list
++        	This method fills the event list with the sweep line
++        	events generated from the input rectangles, and sorts them
++        	with increasing x.
++         */
++        void setupSweepLineEventListFromRanges( VectorOfEvents& 		o_rEventVector,
++                                                const VectorOfRanges&	rVectorOfRectangles )
++        {
++            // we need exactly 2*rectVec.size() events: one for the
++            // left, and one for the right edge of each rectangle
++            o_rEventVector.clear();
++            o_rEventVector.reserve( 2*rVectorOfRectangles.size() );
++            // generate events
++            // ===============
++            // first pass: add all left edges in increasing order
++            VectorOfRanges::const_iterator 		 aCurrRect( rVectorOfRectangles.begin() );
++            const VectorOfRanges::const_iterator aEndRects( rVectorOfRectangles.end() );
++            for( ; aCurrRect != aEndRects; ++aCurrRect )
++            {
++                const B2DRectangle& rCurrRect( *aCurrRect );
++                o_rEventVector.push_back( 
++                    SweepLineEvent( rCurrRect.getMinX(),
++                                    rCurrRect,
++                                    SweepLineEvent::PROXIMAL ) );
++            }
++            // second pass: add all right edges in reversed order
++            VectorOfRanges::const_reverse_iterator 		 aCurrRectRev( rVectorOfRectangles.rbegin() );
++            const VectorOfRanges::const_reverse_iterator aEndRectsRev( rVectorOfRectangles.rend() );
++            for( ; aCurrRectRev != aEndRectsRev; ++aCurrRectRev )
++            {
++                const B2DRectangle& rCurrRect( *aCurrRectRev );
++                o_rEventVector.push_back( 
++                    SweepLineEvent( rCurrRect.getMaxX(),
++                                    rCurrRect,
++                                    SweepLineEvent::DISTAL ) );
++            }
++            // sort events
++            // ===========
++            // since we use stable_sort, the order of events with the
++            // same x value will not change. The elaborate two-pass
++            // add above thus ensures, that for each two rectangles
++            // with similar left and right x coordinates, the
++            // rectangle whose left event comes first will have its
++            // right event come last. This is advantageous for the
++            // clip algorithm below, see handleRightEdgeCrossing().
++            // TODO(P3): Use radix sort (from
++            // b2dpolypolygonrasterconverter, or have your own
++            // templatized version).
++            std::stable_sort( o_rEventVector.begin(),
++                              o_rEventVector.end() );
++        }
++        /** Insert two active edge segments for the given rectangle.
++            This method creates two active edge segments from the
++            given rect, and inserts them into the active edge list,
++            such that this stays sorted (if it was before).
++            @param io_rEdgeList
++            Active edge list to insert into
++            @param io_rPolygons
++            Vector of polygons. Each rectangle added creates one
++            tentative result polygon in this vector, and the edge list
++            entries holds a reference to that polygon (this _requires_
++            that the polygon vector does not reallocate, i.e. it must
++            have at least the maximal number of rectangles reserved)
++            @param o_CurrentPolygon
++            The then-current polygon when processing this sweep line
++            event
++            @param rCurrEvent
++            The actual event that caused this call
++         */
++        void createActiveEdgesFromEvent( ListOfEdges&		io_rEdgeList,
++                                         VectorOfPolygons&	io_rGeneratedPolygons,
++                                         ImplPolygon*&      o_pCurrentPolygon,
++                                         SweepLineEvent&    rCurrEvent )
++        {
++            ListOfEdges         aNewEdges;
++            const B2DRectangle& rRect=rCurrEvent.getRect();
++            // init current polygon for vertical edge point output,
++            // we're just generating upper and lower edges for it
++            io_rGeneratedPolygons.push_back( ImplPolygon() );
++            o_pCurrentPolygon = &io_rGeneratedPolygons.back();
++            // the new active edges
++            aNewEdges.push_back( 
++                ActiveEdge( 
++                    rRect,
++                    rRect.getMinY(),
++                    io_rGeneratedPolygons.back(),
++                    ActiveEdge::PROXIMAL ) );
++            aNewEdges.push_back( 
++                ActiveEdge( 
++                    rRect,
++                    rRect.getMaxY(),
++                    io_rGeneratedPolygons.back(),
++                    ActiveEdge::DISTAL ) );
++            // furthermore, have to respect a special tie-breaking
++            // rule here, for edges which share the same y value:
++            // newly added upper edges must be inserted _before_ any
++            // other edge with the same y value, and newly added lower
++            // edges must be _after_ all other edges with the same
++            // y. This ensures that the left vertical edge processing
++            // below encounters the upper edge of the current rect
++            // first, and the lower edge last, which automatically
++            // starts and finishes this rect correctly (as only then,
++            // the polygon will have their associated active edges
++            // set).
++            const double				nMinY( rRect.getMinY() );
++            const double				nMaxY( rRect.getMaxY() );
++            ListOfEdges::iterator 	    aCurr( io_rEdgeList.begin() );
++            const ListOfEdges::iterator aEnd ( io_rEdgeList.end() );
++            while( aCurr != aEnd )
++            {
++                const double nCurrY( aCurr->getInvariantCoord() );
++                if( nCurrY >= nMinY && 
++                    aNewEdges.size() == 2 ) // only add, if not yet done.
++                {
++                    // insert upper edge _before_ aCurr. Thus, it will
++                    // be the first entry for a range of equal y
++                    // values. Using splice here, since we hold
++                    // references to the moved list element!
++                    io_rEdgeList.splice( aCurr, 
++                                         aNewEdges,
++                                         aNewEdges.begin() );
++                }
++                if( nCurrY > nMaxY )
++                {
++                    // insert lower edge _before_ aCurr. Thus, it will
++                    // be the last entry for a range of equal y values
++                    // (aCurr is the first entry strictly larger than
++                    // nMaxY). Using splice here, since we hold
++                    // references to the moved list element!
++                    io_rEdgeList.splice( aCurr, 
++                                         aNewEdges,
++                                         aNewEdges.begin() );
++                    // done with insertion, can early-exit here.
++                    return;
++                }
++                ++aCurr;
++            }
++            // append remainder of aNewList (might still contain 2 or
++            // 1 elements, depending of the contents of io_rEdgeList).
++            io_rEdgeList.splice( aCurr,
++                                 aNewEdges );
++        }
++        /** Intersection predicate for active edge segments
++        	The check is inclusive, i.e. if rEdge's y coordinate is
++        	equal to one of the given vertical edge bounds, the
++        	predicate still returns true.
++            @return true, if the given active edge is intersected
++            by the sweep line edge.
++         */
++        inline bool intersects( const ActiveEdge& rEdge,
++                                const double	  fRectProximalValue,
++                                const double	  fRectDistalValue )
++        {
++            const double nEdgeY( rEdge.getInvariantCoord() );
++            return (nEdgeY >= fRectProximalValue && 
++                    nEdgeY <= fRectDistalValue );
++        }
++        /** Handle crossing of a right, vertical edge with horizontal
++            edges.
++        	@param rPolygonVector
++            Vector of polygons, for which rCurrPoly is a member of.
++            @param pCurrPoly
++            Pointer to the polygon the current vertical edge currently
++            adds points to (or NULL, then the polygon will be taken
++            from the edge we're intersecting).
++            @param nX
++            X coordinate of the vertical edge
++            @param rEdge
++            Horizontal edge that is crossed.
++            @return the pointer to the new currently active polygon
++            for the vertical edge (might differ from rCurrPoly, if we
++            jumped to another branch because of the
++            intersection). Might even get NULL, if the current polygon
++            gets finished by the intersecting edge.
++         */
++        ImplPolygon& handleRightEdgeCrossing( VectorOfPolygons&		rPolygonVector,
++                                              ImplPolygon*			pCurrPoly,
++                                              const SweepLineEvent&	rEvent,
++                                              ActiveEdge&		    rEdge )
++        {
++            ImplPolygon& rEdgePoly( rEdge.getTargetPolygon() );
++            OSL_ENSURE( rEdge.getRect().getMaxX() >= rEvent.getPos(),
++                        "handleRightEdgeCrossing(): end point left of current X!" );
++            // set current polygon to edge polygon, if not yet
++            // setup. This happens for the very first horizontal line
++            // intersected for a given vertical line event (because
++            // there's no other natural initial polygon)
++            if( pCurrPoly==NULL )
++                pCurrPoly = &rEdgePoly;
++            OSL_ENSURE( !pCurrPoly->isFinished(),
++                        "handleRightEdgeCrossing(): encountered already finished polygon!" );
++            OSL_ENSURE( !rEdgePoly.isFinished(),
++                        "handleRightEdgeCrossing(): encountered already finished polygon!" );
++            return pCurrPoly->intersect( rPolygonVector,
++                                         rEvent,
++                                         rEdge );
++        }
++        inline void handleStartingEdge( ActiveEdge&       rEdge,
++                                        const double      nVertEdgeStartY,
++                                        const double      nVertEdgeEndY,
++                                        ImplPolygon*&     pCurrPolygon,
++                                        VectorOfPolygons& rGeneratedPolygons,
++                                        SweepLineEvent&   rCurrEvent )
++        {
++            // fast-forward to our newly generated
++            // upper edge - which is guaranteed to be
++            // the first of all horizontal edges with
++            // the same value.
++            if( intersects( rEdge,
++                            nVertEdgeStartY,
++                            nVertEdgeEndY ) )
++            {
++                pCurrPolygon = &pCurrPolygon->intersect( rGeneratedPolygons,
++                                                         rCurrEvent,
++                                                         rEdge );
++            }
++        }
++        inline bool handleEndingEdge( ActiveEdge&       rEdge,
++                                      const double      nVertEdgeStartY,
++                                      const double      nVertEdgeEndY,
++                                      ImplPolygon*&     pCurrPolygon,
++                                      VectorOfPolygons& rGeneratedPolygons,
++                                      SweepLineEvent&   rCurrEvent ) 
++        {
++            // true, if aCurrActiveEdge and aCurrEvent
++            // intersect
++            const bool bIntersection( intersects( rEdge,
++                                                  nVertEdgeStartY,
++                                                  nVertEdgeEndY ) );
++            // true, if aCurrActiveEdge is either upper
++            // or lower edge of aCurrEvent's
++            // associated rectangle or right
++            const bool bOwnEdge( &rEdge.getRect() == &rCurrEvent.getRect() );
++            // skip intersections, if we've not yet
++            // hit aCurrEvent's own horizontal
++            // edge. This is kind of a tie-break: the
++            // horizontal edge elements are sorted
++            // such that new rectangles will always
++            // start outside of other rectangles, that
++            // have the same y value. Thus, on the
++            // right edge, we of course must not
++            // intersect with edges above us, which we
++            // did not intersect with on the left edge
++            // (uh, a drawing would help here...).
++            if( bIntersection &&
++                (pCurrPolygon || bOwnEdge) )
++            {
++                // right vertical edge crossing
++                pCurrPolygon = &handleRightEdgeCrossing(
++                    rGeneratedPolygons,
++                    pCurrPolygon,
++                    rCurrEvent,
++                    rEdge );
++            }
++            return bOwnEdge;
++        }
++        inline bool isOwnDistalEdge( ActiveEdge&     rEdge,
++                                     SweepLineEvent& rCurrEvent ) 
++        {
++            // true, if aCurrActiveEdge is either upper
++            // or lower edge of aCurrEvent's
++            // associated rectangle or right
++            const bool bOwnEdge( &rEdge.getRect() == &rCurrEvent.getRect() );
++            const bool bIsDistalEdge( rEdge.getEdgeType() == ActiveEdge::DISTAL );
++            return bOwnEdge && bIsDistalEdge;
++        }
++        void handleSweepLineEvent( SweepLineEvent&   rCurrEvent,
++                                   ListOfEdges&      rActiveEdgeList,
++                                   VectorOfPolygons& rGeneratedPolygons )
++        {
++            ImplPolygon* pCurrPolygon(NULL);
++            const double nVertEdgeStartY( rCurrEvent.getRect().getMinY() );
++            const double nVertEdgeEndY  ( rCurrEvent.getRect().getMaxY() );
++            const bool   bIsStartingEdge( rCurrEvent.getEdgeType() == SweepLineEvent::PROXIMAL );
++            // Add two new active edges, if this is the starting edge
++            // of a rectangle
++            if( bIsStartingEdge )
++                createActiveEdgesFromEvent( rActiveEdgeList,
++                                            rGeneratedPolygons,
++                                            pCurrPolygon,
++                                            rCurrEvent );
++            OSL_ENSURE( !rActiveEdgeList.empty(),
++                        "B2DMultiRange::getPolyPolygon(): empty edge list, "
++                        "with remaining events" );
++            // check current vertical line (defined by the
++            // current event) against intersection with all
++            // active horizontal edges
++            // ============================================
++            if( bIsStartingEdge )
++            {
++                std::for_each( rActiveEdgeList.begin(),
++                               rActiveEdgeList.end(),
++                               boost::bind(
++                     &handleStartingEdge,
++                                   _1,
++                                   nVertEdgeStartY,
++                                   nVertEdgeEndY,
++                                   boost::ref(pCurrPolygon),
++                                   boost::ref(rGeneratedPolygons),
++                                   boost::ref(rCurrEvent)) );
++            }
++            else
++            {
++                // pick up curr poly from first horiz edge we're
++                // intersecting. If NULL, also serves as a flag, to
++                // skip all intersections until own edge is hit
++                pCurrPolygon = NULL;
++                // handle ending edge, prune list from expired edges
++                // until sweep line's associated rectangle's own
++                // distal edge is reached
++                prune_until( rActiveEdgeList,
++                             boost::bind(
++                     &handleEndingEdge,
++                                 _1,
++                                 nVertEdgeStartY,
++                                 nVertEdgeEndY,
++                                 boost::ref(pCurrPolygon),
++                                 boost::ref(rGeneratedPolygons),
++                                 boost::ref(rCurrEvent)),
++                             boost::bind(
++                     &isOwnDistalEdge,
++                                 _1,
++                                 boost::ref(rCurrEvent)) );
++            }
++        }
++    }
+     class ImplB2DMultiRange
+     {
+     public:
+         ImplB2DMultiRange() :
+             maBounds(),
+-            maRanges()
++            maRanges(),
++            mpPolyPolygon()
+         {
+         }
++        ImplB2DMultiRange( const ImplB2DMultiRange& rOrig ) :
++            maBounds( rOrig.maBounds ),
++            maRanges( rOrig.maRanges ),
++            mpPolyPolygon()
++        {
++            if( rOrig.mpPolyPolygon )
++                mpPolyPolygon.reset( new B2DPolyPolygon(*rOrig.mpPolyPolygon) );
++        }
+         explicit ImplB2DMultiRange( const B2DRange& rRange ) :
+             maBounds(),
+-            maRanges( 1, rRange )
++            maRanges( 1, rRange ),
++            mpPolyPolygon()
+         {
+         }
+-        bool isEmpty() const
++		bool isEmpty() const
+         {
+             // no ranges at all, or all ranges empty
+             return maRanges.empty() || 
+-                ::std::count_if( maRanges.begin(), 
+-                                 maRanges.end(), 
+-                                 ::boost::mem_fn( &B2DRange::isEmpty ) )
++                std::count_if( maRanges.begin(), 
++                               maRanges.end(), 
++                               boost::mem_fn( &B2DRange::isEmpty ) )
+                 == static_cast<VectorOfRanges::difference_type>(maRanges.size());
+         }
+-        void reset()
++		void reset()
+         {
+             // swap in empty vector
+             VectorOfRanges aTmp;
+             maRanges.swap( aTmp );
+             maBounds.reset();
++            mpPolyPolygon.reset();
+         }
+-        template< typename ValueType > bool isInside( const ValueType& rValue ) const
++		template< typename ValueType > bool isInside( const ValueType& rValue ) const
+         {
+             if( !maBounds.isInside( rValue ) )
+                 return false;
+-            // cannot use ::boost::bind here, since isInside is overloaded.
++            // cannot use boost::bind here, since isInside is overloaded.
+             // It is currently not possible to resolve the overload
+             // by considering one of the other template arguments.
+             VectorOfRanges::const_iterator 		 aCurr( maRanges.begin() );
+@@ -96,23 +1301,26 @@ namespace basegfx
+             return false;
+         }
+-        bool overlaps( const B2DRange& rRange ) const
++		bool overlaps( const B2DRange& rRange ) const
+         {
+             if( !maBounds.overlaps( rRange ) )
+                 return false;
+             const VectorOfRanges::const_iterator aEnd( maRanges.end() );
+-            return ::std::find_if( maRanges.begin(), 
+-                                   aEnd,
+-                                   ::boost::bind<bool>( ::boost::mem_fn( &B2DRange::overlaps ),
+-                                                        _1,
+-                                                        rRange ) ) != aEnd;
++            return std::find_if( maRanges.begin(), 
++                                 aEnd,
++                                 boost::bind<bool>( boost::mem_fn( &B2DRange::overlaps ),
++                                                    _1,
++                                                    boost::cref(rRange) ) ) != aEnd;
+         }
+         void addRange( const B2DRange& rRange )
+         {
+             maRanges.push_back( rRange );
+             maBounds.expand( rRange );
++            // range changed, invalidate buffer
++            mpPolyPolygon.reset();
+         }
+         B2DRange getBounds() const
+@@ -120,91 +1328,79 @@ namespace basegfx
+             return maBounds;
+         }
++        const std::vector<B2DRange>& getRanges() const
++        {
++            return maRanges;
++        }
+         B2DPolyPolygon getPolyPolygon() const
+         {
+-            B2DPolyPolygon aRes;
++            // use buffered copy, if any.
++            if( !mpPolyPolygon )
++            {
++                mpPolyPolygon.reset( new B2DPolyPolygon() );
+-            // Make range vector unique ( have to avoid duplicate
+-            // rectangles. The polygon clipper will return an empty
+-            // result in this case).
+-            VectorOfRanges	aUniqueRanges;
+-            aUniqueRanges.reserve( maRanges.size() );
++                // sweep-line algorithm to generate a poly-polygon
++                // from a bunch of rectangles
++                // ===============================================
++                //
++                // This algorithm uses the well-known sweep line
++                // concept, explained in every good text book about
++                // computational geometry. 
++                // 
++                // We start with creating two structures for every
++                // rectangle, one representing the left x coordinate,
++                // one representing the right x coordinate (and both
++                // referencing the original rect). These structs are
++                // sorted with increasing x coordinates.
++                //
++                // Then, we start processing the resulting list from
++                // the beginning. Every entry in the list defines a
++                // point in time of the line sweeping from left to
++                // right across all rectangles.
+-            VectorOfRanges::const_iterator 		 aCurr( maRanges.begin() );
+-            const VectorOfRanges::const_iterator aEnd ( maRanges.end() );
+-            while( aCurr != aEnd )
+-            {
+-                // TODO(F3): It's plain wasted resources to apply a
+-                // general clipping algorithm to the problem at
+-                // hand. Go for a dedicated, scan-line-based approach.
+-                VectorOfRanges::const_iterator aCurrScan( aCurr+1 );
+-                VectorOfRanges::const_iterator aFound( aEnd );
+-                while( aCurrScan != aEnd )
+-                {
+-                    if( aCurrScan->equal( *aCurr ) ||
+-                        aCurrScan->isInside( *aCurr ) )
+-                    {
+-                        // current probe is equal to aCurr, or
+-                        // completely contains aCurr. Thus, stop
+-                        // searching, because aCurr is definitely not
+-                        // a member of the unique rect list
+-                        aFound = aCurrScan;
+-                        break;
+-                    }
++                VectorOfEvents aSweepLineEvents;
++                setupSweepLineEventListFromRanges( aSweepLineEvents,
++                                                   maRanges );
+-                    ++aCurrScan;
+-                }
++                ListOfEdges 	 aActiveEdgeList;
++                VectorOfPolygons aGeneratedPolygons;
+-                if( aFound == aEnd )
+-                {
+-                    // check whether aCurr is fully contained in one
+-                    // of the already added rects. If yes, we can skip
+-                    // it.
+-                    bool bUnique( true );
+-                    VectorOfRanges::const_iterator aCurrUnique( aUniqueRanges.begin() );
+-                    VectorOfRanges::const_iterator aEndUnique ( aUniqueRanges.end() );                    
+-                    while( aCurrUnique != aEndUnique )
+-                    {
+-                        if( aCurrUnique->isInside( *aCurr ) )
+-                        {
+-                            // fully contained, no need to add
+-                            bUnique = false;
+-                            break; 
+-                        }
+-                        ++aCurrUnique;
+-                    }
++                // Ensure that aGeneratedPolygons vector does *not* get
++                // resized *ever*. This is because we hold references
++                // into this vector, and thus must avoid memory
++                // reallocation. Each rectangle generates one polygon,
++                // thus, have to reserve that much space.
++                aGeneratedPolygons.reserve( maRanges.size()*maRanges.size() );
+-                    if( bUnique )
+-                        aUniqueRanges.push_back( *aCurr );
+-                }
++                std::for_each( aSweepLineEvents.begin(),
++                               aSweepLineEvents.end(),
++                               boost::bind(
++                     &handleSweepLineEvent,
++                                   _1,
++                                   boost::ref(aActiveEdgeList),
++                                   boost::ref(aGeneratedPolygons)) );
+-                ++aCurr;
+-            }            
++                // TODO: TEMP TEMP TEMP
++                VectorOfPolygons::const_iterator 		aCurr( aGeneratedPolygons.begin() );
++                const VectorOfPolygons::const_iterator	aEnd( aGeneratedPolygons.end() );
++                while( aCurr != aEnd )
++                {
++                    if( aCurr->isFinished() )
++                        mpPolyPolygon->append( aCurr->getPolygon() );
++                    ++aCurr;
++                }
++            }
+-            VectorOfRanges::const_iterator 		 aCurrUnique( aUniqueRanges.begin() );
+-            const VectorOfRanges::const_iterator aEndUnique ( aUniqueRanges.end() );
+-            while( aCurrUnique != aEndUnique )
+-            {
+-                // simply merge all unique parts (OR)
+-                aRes.append( tools::createPolygonFromRect( *aCurrUnique++ ) );
+-            }            
+-            // remove redundant intersections. Note: since all added
+-            // rectangles are positively oriented, this method cannot
+-            // generate any holes.
+-            aRes = basegfx::tools::solveCrossovers(aRes);
+-            aRes = basegfx::tools::stripNeutralPolygons(aRes);
+-            aRes = basegfx::tools::stripDispensablePolygons(aRes, false);
+-            return aRes;
++            return *mpPolyPolygon;
+         }
+     private:
+-        typedef ::std::vector< B2DRange > 	VectorOfRanges;
++        B2DRange									maBounds;
++        VectorOfRanges								maRanges;
+-        B2DRange		maBounds;
+-        VectorOfRanges	maRanges;
++        // buffered poly-polygon from getPolyPolygon() method
++        mutable boost::scoped_ptr< B2DPolyPolygon >	mpPolyPolygon;
+     };
+@@ -220,21 +1416,22 @@ namespace basegfx
+         mpImpl( ImplB2DMultiRange( rRange ) )
+     {
+     }
+-    B2DMultiRange::~B2DMultiRange()
++    B2DMultiRange::B2DMultiRange( const B2DMultiRange& rRange ) :
++        mpImpl( rRange.mpImpl )
+     {
+-        // otherwise, ImplB2DMultiRange would be an incomplete type
+     }
+-    B2DMultiRange::B2DMultiRange( const B2DMultiRange& rSrc ) : 
+-        mpImpl( rSrc.mpImpl )
++    B2DMultiRange& B2DMultiRange::operator=( const B2DMultiRange& rRange )
+     {
++        mpImpl = rRange.mpImpl;
++        return *this;
+     }
+-    B2DMultiRange& B2DMultiRange::operator=( const B2DMultiRange& rSrc )
++    B2DMultiRange::~B2DMultiRange()
+     {
+-        mpImpl = rSrc.mpImpl;
+-        return *this;
++        // to have ImplB2DMultiRange declaration available, when
++        // deleting the auto_ptr member
+     }
+     bool B2DMultiRange::isEmpty() const
+@@ -272,6 +1469,11 @@ namespace basegfx
+         return mpImpl->getBounds();
+     }
++    const std::vector<B2DRange>& B2DMultiRange::getRanges() const
++    {
++        return mpImpl->getRanges();
++    }
+     B2DPolyPolygon B2DMultiRange::getPolyPolygon() const
+     {
+         return mpImpl->getPolyPolygon();
+diff --git basegfx/test/basegfx2d.cxx basegfx/test/basegfx2d.cxx
+index 660a19d..c4d4069 100644
+--- basegfx/test/basegfx2d.cxx
++++ basegfx/test/basegfx2d.cxx
+@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
+ #include <basegfx/curve/b2dcubicbezier.hxx>
+ #include <basegfx/curve/b2dbeziertools.hxx>
+ #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygonclipper.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx>
+ #include <basegfx/range/b2dmultirange.hxx>
+ #include <basegfx/numeric/ftools.hxx>
+@@ -54,214 +56,6 @@ using namespace ::basegfx;
+ namespace basegfx2d
+ {
+-/// Gets a random ordinal [0,n)
+-inline double getRandomOrdinal( const ::std::size_t n )
+-    return double(n) * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0);
+-class b2dmultirange : public CppUnit::TestFixture
+-    B2DMultiRange aDisjunctRanges;
+-    B2DMultiRange aEqualRanges;
+-    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionN;
+-    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionE;
+-    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionS;
+-    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionW;
+-    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionNE;
+-    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionSE;
+-    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionSW;
+-    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionNW;
+-    B2DMultiRange aRingIntersection;
+-    B2DMultiRange aComplexIntersections;
+-    B2DMultiRange aRandomIntersections;
+-    // initialise your test code values here.
+-    void setUp()
+-    {
+-        B2DRange aCenter(1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0);
+-        B2DRange aOffside(9.0, 9.0, 11.0, 11.0);
+-        B2DRange aNorth(1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -2.0);
+-        B2DRange aSouth(1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 0.0);
+-        B2DRange aEast(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, -1.0);
+-        B2DRange aWest(-2.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0);
+-        B2DRange aNorthEast(0.0, 0.0, 2.0, -2.0);
+-        B2DRange aSouthEast(0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0);
+-        B2DRange aSouthWest(0.0, 0.0, -2.0, 2.0);
+-        B2DRange aNorthWest(0.0, 0.0, -2.0, -2.0);
+-        B2DRange aNorth2(-1.5, 0.5,  1.5,  3.5);
+-        B2DRange aSouth2(-1.5, -0.5, 1.5, -3.5);
+-        B2DRange aEast2 (0.5,  -1.5, 3.5,  1.5);
+-        B2DRange aWest2 (-0.5, -1.5,-3.5,  1.5);
+-        ::std::ofstream output("multirange_testcases.gnuplot");
+-        DebugPlotter aPlotter( "multirange testcases",
+-                               output );
+-        aPlotter.plot( aCenter, "center" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( aOffside, "offside" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( aNorth, "north" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( aSouth, "south" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( aEast, "east" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( aWest, "west" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( aNorthEast, "northeast" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( aSouthEast, "southeast" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( aSouthWest, "southwest" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( aNorthWest, "northwest" );
+-        aDisjunctRanges.addRange( aCenter );
+-        aDisjunctRanges.addRange( aOffside );
+-        aEqualRanges.addRange( aCenter );
+-        aEqualRanges.addRange( aCenter );
+-        aIntersectionN.addRange( aCenter );
+-        aIntersectionN.addRange( aNorth );
+-        aIntersectionE.addRange( aCenter );
+-        aIntersectionE.addRange( aEast );
+-        aIntersectionS.addRange( aCenter );
+-        aIntersectionS.addRange( aSouth );
+-        aIntersectionW.addRange( aCenter );
+-        aIntersectionW.addRange( aWest );
+-        aIntersectionNE.addRange( aCenter );
+-        aIntersectionNE.addRange( aNorthEast );
+-        aIntersectionSE.addRange( aCenter );
+-        aIntersectionSE.addRange( aSouthEast );
+-        aIntersectionSW.addRange( aCenter );
+-        aIntersectionSW.addRange( aSouthWest );
+-        aIntersectionNW.addRange( aCenter );
+-        aIntersectionNW.addRange( aNorthWest );
+-        aRingIntersection.addRange( aNorth2 );
+-        aRingIntersection.addRange( aEast2 );
+-        aRingIntersection.addRange( aSouth2 );
+-        aRingIntersection.addRange( aWest2 );
+-        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aCenter );
+-        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aOffside );
+-        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aCenter );
+-        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aNorth );
+-        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aEast );
+-        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aSouth );
+-        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aWest );
+-        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aNorthEast );
+-        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aSouthEast );
+-        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aSouthWest );
+-        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aNorthWest );
+-        for( int i=0; i<10; ++i )
+-        {
+-            B2DRange aRandomRange(
+-                getRandomOrdinal( 10 ),
+-                getRandomOrdinal( 10 ),
+-                getRandomOrdinal( 10 ),
+-                getRandomOrdinal( 10 ) );
+-            aRandomIntersections.addRange( aRandomRange );
+-        }
+-    }
+-    void tearDown()
+-    {
+-    }
+-    ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon shiftPoly( int 								nCount,
+-                                         const ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon&	rPoly )
+-    {
+-        B2DHomMatrix aMatrix;
+-        aMatrix.translate( nCount*4.0, 
+-                           10.0-nCount*2.0 );
+-        ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aRes( rPoly );
+-        aRes.transform( aMatrix );
+-        return aRes;
+-    } 
+-    void getPolyPolygon()
+-    {
+-        ::std::ofstream output("multirange_getpolypolygon.gnuplot");
+-        DebugPlotter aPlotter( "multirange getPolyPolygon",
+-                               output );
+-        B2DPolyPolygon result;
+-        aPlotter.plot( shiftPoly(
+-                           0,
+-                           aDisjunctRanges.getPolyPolygon() ),
+-                       "disjunct" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( shiftPoly(
+-                           1,
+-                           aEqualRanges.getPolyPolygon() ),
+-                       "equal" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( shiftPoly(
+-                           2,
+-                           aIntersectionN.getPolyPolygon() ),
+-                       "intersectionN" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( shiftPoly(
+-                           3,
+-                           aIntersectionE.getPolyPolygon() ),
+-                       "intersectionE" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( shiftPoly(
+-                           4,
+-                           aIntersectionS.getPolyPolygon() ),
+-                       "intersectionS" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( shiftPoly(
+-                           5,
+-                           aIntersectionW.getPolyPolygon() ),
+-                       "intersectionW" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( shiftPoly(
+-                           6,
+-                           aIntersectionNE.getPolyPolygon() ),
+-                       "intersectionNE" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( shiftPoly(
+-                           7,
+-                           aIntersectionSE.getPolyPolygon() ),
+-                       "intersectionSE" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( shiftPoly(
+-                           8,
+-                           aIntersectionSW.getPolyPolygon() ),
+-                       "intersectionSW" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( shiftPoly(
+-                           9,
+-                           aIntersectionNW.getPolyPolygon() ),
+-                       "intersectionNW" );
+-        aPlotter.plot( shiftPoly(
+-                           10,
+-                           aRingIntersection.getPolyPolygon() ),
+-                       "intersection ring" );    
+-        aPlotter.plot( shiftPoly(
+-                           11,
+-                           aComplexIntersections.getPolyPolygon() ),
+-                       "intersection complex" );    
+-        aPlotter.plot( shiftPoly(
+-                           12,
+-                           aRandomIntersections.getPolyPolygon() ),
+-                       "intersection random" );    
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("getPolyPolygon", true );
+-    }
+-    // Change the following lines only, if you add, remove or rename 
+-    // member functions of the current class, 
+-    // because these macros are need by auto register mechanism.
+-    CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(b2dmultirange);
+-    CPPUNIT_TEST(getPolyPolygon);
+-}; // class b2dmultirange
+ class b2dsvgdimpex : public CppUnit::TestFixture
+ {
+@@ -1444,7 +1238,6 @@ public:
+ }; // class b2dvector
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-//CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION(basegfx2d::b2dmultirange, "basegfx2d");
+ CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION(basegfx2d::b2dsvgdimpex, "basegfx2d");
+ //CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION(basegfx2d::b2dbeziertools, "basegfx2d");
+ CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION(basegfx2d::b2dcubicbezier, "basegfx2d");
+diff --git basegfx/test/boxclipper.cxx basegfx/test/boxclipper.cxx
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..cd7ed83
+--- /dev/null
++++ basegfx/test/boxclipper.cxx
+@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
++ *
++ * 
++ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
++ *
++ * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ * $RCSfile: basegfx2d.cxx,v $
++ * $Revision: 1.14 $
++ *
++ * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
++ *
++ * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
++ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++ *
++ * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
++ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
++ * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
++ * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
++ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
++#include "precompiled_basegfx.hxx"
++// autogenerated file with codegen.pl
++#include <cppunit/simpleheader.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygontools.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/curve/b2dcubicbezier.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/curve/b2dbeziertools.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygoncutter.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygonclipper.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/range/b2dmultirange.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/numeric/ftools.hxx>
++#include <boost/bind.hpp>
++using namespace ::basegfx;
++namespace basegfx2d
++/// Gets a random ordinal [0,n)
++inline double getRandomOrdinal( const ::std::size_t n )
++    // use this one when displaying polygons in OOo, which still sucks
++    // great rocks when trying to import non-integer svg:d attributes
++    // return sal_Int64(double(n) * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0));
++    return double(n) * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0);
++inline bool compare(const B2DPoint& left, const B2DPoint& right)
++    return left.getX()<right.getX() 
++        || (left.getX()==right.getX() && left.getY()<right.getY());
++class boxclipper : public CppUnit::TestFixture
++    B2DMultiRange aDisjunctRanges;
++    B2DMultiRange aEqualRanges;
++    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionN;
++    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionE;
++    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionS;
++    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionW;
++    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionNE;
++    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionSE;
++    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionSW;
++    B2DMultiRange aIntersectionNW;
++    B2DMultiRange aRingIntersection;
++    B2DMultiRange aRingIntersection2;
++    B2DMultiRange aRingIntersectExtraStrip;
++    B2DMultiRange aComplexIntersections;
++    B2DMultiRange aRandomIntersections;
++    // initialise your test code values here.
++    void setUp()
++    {
++        B2DRange aCenter(100, 100, -100, -100);
++        B2DRange aOffside(800, 800, 1000, 1000);
++        B2DRange aNorth(100, 0, -100, -200);
++        B2DRange aSouth(100, 200, -100, 0);
++        B2DRange aEast(0, 100, 200, -100);
++        B2DRange aWest(-200, 100, 0, -100);
++        B2DRange aNorthEast(0, 0, 200, -200);
++        B2DRange aSouthEast(0, 0, 200, 200);
++        B2DRange aSouthWest(0, 0, -200, 200);
++        B2DRange aNorthWest(0, 0, -200, -200);
++        B2DRange aNorth2(-150, 50,  150,  350);
++        B2DRange aSouth2(-150, -50, 150, -350);
++        B2DRange aEast2 (50,  -150, 350,  150);
++        B2DRange aWest2 (-50, -150,-350,  150);
++        aDisjunctRanges.addRange( aCenter );
++        aDisjunctRanges.addRange( aOffside );
++        aEqualRanges.addRange( aCenter );
++        aEqualRanges.addRange( aCenter );
++        aIntersectionN.addRange( aCenter );
++        aIntersectionN.addRange( aNorth );
++        aIntersectionE.addRange( aCenter );
++        aIntersectionE.addRange( aEast );
++        aIntersectionS.addRange( aCenter );
++        aIntersectionS.addRange( aSouth );
++        aIntersectionW.addRange( aCenter );
++        aIntersectionW.addRange( aWest );
++        aIntersectionNE.addRange( aCenter );
++        aIntersectionNE.addRange( aNorthEast );
++        aIntersectionSE.addRange( aCenter );
++        aIntersectionSE.addRange( aSouthEast );
++        aIntersectionSW.addRange( aCenter );
++        aIntersectionSW.addRange( aSouthWest );
++        aIntersectionNW.addRange( aCenter );
++        aIntersectionNW.addRange( aNorthWest );
++        aRingIntersection.addRange( aNorth2 );
++        aRingIntersection.addRange( aEast2 );
++        aRingIntersection.addRange( aSouth2 );
++        aRingIntersection2 = aRingIntersection;
++        aRingIntersection2.addRange( aWest2 );
++        aRingIntersectExtraStrip = aRingIntersection2;
++        aRingIntersectExtraStrip.addRange( B2DRange(0, -25, 200, 25) );
++        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aCenter );
++        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aOffside );
++        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aCenter );
++        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aNorth );
++        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aEast );
++        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aSouth );
++        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aWest );
++        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aNorthEast );
++        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aSouthEast );
++        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aSouthWest );
++        aComplexIntersections.addRange( aNorthWest );
++        for( int i=0; i<800; ++i )
++        {
++            B2DRange aRandomRange(
++                getRandomOrdinal( 1000 ),
++                getRandomOrdinal( 1000 ),
++                getRandomOrdinal( 1000 ),
++                getRandomOrdinal( 1000 ) );
++            aRandomIntersections.addRange( aRandomRange );
++        }
++        const char* randomSvg="m394 783h404v57h-404zm-197-505h571v576h-571zm356-634h75v200h-75zm-40-113h403v588h-403zm93-811h111v494h-111zm-364-619h562v121h-562zm-134-8h292v27h-292zm110 356h621v486h-621zm78-386h228v25h-228zm475-345h201v201h-201zm-2-93h122v126h-122zm-417-243h567v524h-567zm-266-738h863v456h-863zm262-333h315v698h-315zm-328-826h43v393h-43zm830-219h120v664h-120zm-311-636h221v109h-221zm-500 137h628v19h-628zm681-94h211v493h-211zm-366-646h384v355h-384zm-189-199h715v247h-715zm165-459h563v601h-563zm258-479h98v606h-98zm270-517h65v218h-65zm-44-259h96v286h-96zm-599-202h705v468h-705zm216-803h450v494h-450zm-150-22h26v167h-26zm-55-599h50v260h-50zm190-278h490v387h-490zm-290-453h634v392h-634zm257 189h552v300h-552zm-151-690h136v455h-136zm12-597h488v432h-488zm501-459h48v39h-48zm-224-112h429v22h-429zm-281 102h492v621h-492zm519-158h208v17h-208zm-681-563h56v427h-56zm126-451h615v392h-615zm-47-410h598v522h-598zm-32 316h79v110h-79zm-71-129h18v127h-18zm126-993h743v589h-743zm211-430h428v750h-428zm61-554h100v220h-100zm-353-49h658v157h-658zm778-383h115v272h-115zm-249-541h119v712h-119zm203 86h94v40h-94z";
++        B2DPolyPolygon randomPoly;
++        tools::importFromSvgD(
++            randomPoly,
++            rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(randomSvg));
++        std::for_each(randomPoly.begin(),
++                      randomPoly.end(),
++                      boost::bind(
++                          &B2DMultiRange::addRange,
++                          boost::ref(aRandomIntersections),
++                          boost::bind(
++                              &B2DPolygon::getB2DRange,
++                              _1)));
++    }
++    void tearDown()
++    {
++    }
++    void verifyPoly(const char* sName, const char* sSvg, const B2DMultiRange& toTest)
++    {
++        B2DPolyPolygon aTmp1;
++                               tools::importFromSvgD(
++                                   aTmp1,
++                                   rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(sSvg)));
++        const rtl::OUString aSvg=
++            tools::exportToSvgD(toTest.getPolyPolygon());
++        B2DPolyPolygon aTmp2;
++                               tools::importFromSvgD(
++                                   aTmp2,
++                                   aSvg));
++                               aTmp2 == aTmp1);
++    }
++    void verifyPoly()
++    {
++        const char* disjunct="m100 100v-200h-200v200zm1100 900v-200h-200v200z";
++        const char* equal="m100 100v-200h-200v200zm200 0v-200h-200v200h200z";
++        const char* intersectionN="m100 0v-100h-200v100zm200 100v-200-100h-200v100 200z";
++        const char* intersectionE="m100 100v-200h-100v200zm200 0v-200h-200-100v200h100z";
++        const char* intersectionS="m100 100v-200h-200v200 100h200v-100zm0 0v-100h-200v100z";
++        const char* intersectionW="m0 100v-200h-100v200zm200 0v-200h-200-100v200h100z";
++        const char* intersectionNE="m100 0v-100h-100v100zm200 0v-200h-200v100h-100v200h200v-100z";
++        const char* intersectionSE="m200 200v-200h-100v-100h-200v200h100v100zm100-100v-100h-100v100z";
++        const char* intersectionSW="m0 100v-100h-100v100zm200 0v-200h-200v100h-100v200h200v-100z";
++        const char* intersectionNW="m100 100v-200h-100v-100h-200v200h100v100zm100-100v-100h-100v100z";
++        const char* ringIntersection="m150 150v-100h-100v100zm300 0v-300h-200v-200h-300v300h200v100h-200v300h300v-200zm0-200v-100h-100v100z";
++        const char* ringIntersection2="m-50-50v-100h-100v100zm100 200v-100h-100v100zm500 0v-300h-200v-200h-300v200h-200v300h200v200h300v-200zm-200-100v-100h100v100zm100-100v-100h-100v100zm100 200v-100h-100v100z";
++        const char* ringIntersectExtraStrip="m-50-50v-100h-100v100zm100 200v-100h-100v100zm500 0v-300h-200v-200h-300v200h-200v300h200v200h300v-200zm-200-100v-100h100v25h-50v50h50v25zm150-25v-50h-150v50zm100-75v-100h-100v100zm100 200v-100h-100v100z";
++        const char* complexIntersections="m100 0h-100v-100 100h-100 100v100-100zm0 0zm200 0h-100v-100h-100v-100 100h-100v100h-100 100v100h100v100-100h100v-100zm0 0h-100v-100 100h-100 100v100-100h100zm0 0v-100h-100-100v100 100h100 100v-100zm100 0v-100h-100v-100h-100-100v100h-100v100 100h100v100h100 100v-100h100v-100zm-200 0zm100 0v-100h-100-100v100 100h100 100v-100zm100 100v-200-100h-200-100-100v100 200 100h100 100 200v-100zm-200-100zm1000 1000v-200h-200v200z";
++        const char* randomIntersections="m63 457v-393h-43v393zm114 63v-8h-48v8zm-14 477v-127h-18v127zm693-923v-5h-119v5zm-260 457v-1h-14v1zm-220-375v-27h-8v27zm78 755v-22h-7v22zm203-774v-8h-158v8zm-108 375v-17h23v17zm813-19v-189h-21v-12h-26v-54h-17v-69h-25v-22h-62v-73h104v-5h-104-15v-17h-49v-1h-8v-16h-119v16h-386v18h-38-24v34h-23v26h-23v-26h-8v26h-18v27h18v339h8v-339h23v339h8v17h-8v13h8v5h-8v1h8v42h15v20h17v94h18 3v224h165v39h130v2h75v4h98v-4h153v-2h77v-20h4v-28h11v-218h-11v-27h3v-1h8v-17h-8v-63h8v-51h18v-32zm-581 32v-13h-14v13zm-78-78v-7h-32v7zm124 14v-21h-14v21zm595 32v-189h-26v-12h-4v-9h-13v-45h-13v-10h-12v-59h-62v-22h-26v-10h11v-63h15v-5h-15-49v-17h-8v-1h-119v1h-107v17h-279-38v34h-24v26h-23v27h23v284h-15v55h15v17h-15v13h15v5h-15v1h15v42h17v20h18v94h3 14v62h8v48h90v32h18v61h35v21h8v2h122v37h75v2h98v-2h153v-20h77v-28h4v-29h5v-40h-5v-149h-1v-27h1v-1h3v-17h-3v-46h3v-17-51h8v-32zm-563 2v-13h-14v13zm198 30v-13h-39v13zm204-43v-21h3v21zm-168-21v-21h-39v21zm306 0v-21h-5v21zm178 115v-272h-20v-12h-2v-54h-21v-164h1v-22h-27v-48h-743v47h-23v18h-71v24h-8v419h-39v19h60v156h66 32v202h-72v110h79v-88h11v39h3v48h621v-14h96v-82h35v-326zm-570-420v-4h-156v4zm63 481v-18h-11v18zm72 0v-25h-14v25zm465-112v-13h-5v13zm-46-43v-21h1v21zm-37-21v-21h-12v21zm-352 21v-21h23v21zm-23 30v-17h23v17zm-23 18v-5h23v5zm-23 82v-19h23v19zm272 75v-3h-35v3zm-76-192v-13h-39v13zm150 30v-13h-35v13zm-76 6v-1h-39v1zm11 106v-25h-11v25zm150 160v-14h-75v14zm318-304v-11h-13v-43h-2v-2h-10v-37h-4v37h-27v3h-31v-3-37h-5v37h-43v3h-2v21h2v21h-2v30h-1v-30h-8v-21h8v-21h-8v-3h-5v-62h5v-11h-5v-29h-8v-52h-15v-17-38h-15v-52h-89v16h-22v36h-175v55h-15v1h-25v51h-23v-41h-14v41h-2v105h-4v21h4v21h-4v13h4v17h-4-18v13h18v5h-18v1h18v42h4v11h2v9h14v-9h23v9h40v19h-40v25h40v2h82v2h75v43h-75v3h75 40v60h35v-60h23 34 12 15v-3h-15v-43h15v-48h10v-37h11v-31h1v1h45v30h5v-30h20v-1h11v1h8v30h19v20h3v-20h1v-30h10v-1h2v-32zm-146-329v-1h-2v1zm-117 211v-11 11zm-76 0v-11h-13v11zm13 65v-65h1v65zm-1 42v-21h1v16h35v5zm-36 30v-17h36v17zm-36 18v-5h36v5zm180-5v-13h-13v-17h5v-13h-5v-21h5v-21h-5v-3h-8v-62h8v-11h-8v-29h-9v-51h-6v-1-17h-15v-38h-54v-36h-35v36h-22v38h-67v17h-108v1h-15v51h-25v105h-23v-105h-14v105h-2v21h2v21h-2v13h2v17h-2-4v13h4v5h-4v1h4v42h2v11h14v-11h23v11h40v9h82v19h-82v25h82v2h75v2h40v43h-40v3h40 35 23v-3h-23v-43h23v-2h34v2h12v-2h6v-46h9v-20h8v-17h2v-26h-2v-5zm-127-64v-21 21zm89 51v-17h3v17zm-57-17v-13h-35v13zm58 61v-26h-19v-5h19v-13h-23v-17h23v-13h-23v-21h23v-21h-23v-65h23v-11h-23v-14h-35v-15 15h-22v14h-18v11h18v65h-18v21h18v16h22v5h-22v13h22v17h-22-18v13h18v5h-18v1h18v25h22v17h35v-17zm0-25v-1h-35v1zm-22-390v6h-175v5h-31v-15h228v4zm344 352v-189h-2v-12h-21v-54h-26v-164h26v-5h-26v-17h-119v-36h-562v35h-62v18h-23v34h-23v-10h-48v419h-8v8h8v5h71v5h-58v1h58v42h8v114h32 18v224h3v39h165v34h456v-32h77v-2h4v-20h11v-28h4v-218h-4v-28h36v-17h-36v-63h39v-83zm-50 0v-11h-1v-43h-3v-2h-6v-39h-4v-34h-13v-60h-12v-12h-31v72h-31v-72-9h-59v-17-38h-5v-59h-8v-5h8v-1h-8v-16h-2v16h-13v-11h-15v-5h-89v5h-22v11h-175v6h-15v7h-25v16h-43v36h-18v66h-54v-107h-32v107h-4v41h-8v105h-6v7h6v14h8v21h-8v13h8v17h-8-14v13h14v5h-14v1h14v42h8v20h90v19h-34v7h-15v68h26v-50h23v50h18 4v62h16v-62h15v110h8v10h3v22h119v11h75v50h75v-50h23v-11h34v11h48v-11h30v-22h21v-120h20v-3h11v3h30v-3h13-13v-27h13v-1h17v-17h-17v-46h17v-17h6v-51h3v-32zm-256-32v-21h-35v-65h35v-11h-35v-14 14h-22v11h22v65h-22v21h22v16-16zm89 69v-5h3v5zm-3 26v-26h-31v-5h31v-13h-31v-17h31v-13h-31v-21h31v-21h-31v-65h31v-11h-31v-14h-23v-15h-35v-51 51h-22v15h-18v14h-35v11h35v65h-35v21h35v16h18v5h-18v13h18v17h-18-36-39-61v13h61v5h-61v1h61v25h39v-25h36v25h18v17h22v11h35v-11h23v-17zm-19-25v-1h-4v-5h4v-13h-4-35-22v13h22v5h-22v1h22v25h35v-25zm23 252v-36h34v36zm-34-99v-43h34v43zm35-128v-26h-8v-5h8v-13h-8v-17h8v-13h-8v-21h8v-21h-8v-3h-9v-62h9v-11h-9v-29h-6v-51-1h-15v-17h-54v-38h-35v38h-22v11h-53v6h-14v1h-108v51h-15v105h-25v21h25v21h-25v13h25v17h-25-23-14-2v13h2v5h-2v1h2v42h14v-42h23v42h40v11h82v9h75v46h40v2h35v-2h23v-4h31v-42h3v46h12v-46h6v-20h9v-17zm-15-61v-13h-12v13zm12 30v-13h-12v13zm12 31v-26h-12v26zm12 131v-3h-12v3zm12 110v-14h-12v14zm27-241v-26h-9v-5h9v-13h-9v-17h9v-13h-9v-21h9v-21h-9v-3h-6v-62h6v-11h-6v-29-51h-15v-1h-54v-17h-35v11h-22v6h-53v1h-14v51h-108v105h-15v21h15v21h-15v13h15v17h-15-25v13h25v5h-25v1h25v25h15v17h21v6h61v5h75v9h18v42h22v4h35v-4h23v-42h31v-9h3v9h12v-9-11h6v-17zm0 0v-26h-6v-5h6v-13h-6v-17h6v-13h-6v-21h6v-21h-6v-3-62-11-29h-15v-51h-54v-1h-35v-6 6h-22v1h-53v51h-14v24h-87v81h-21v21h21v21h-21v13h21v17h-21-15v13h15v5h-15v1h15v25h21v17h61v6h39v-6h36v11h18v9h22v42h35v-42h23v-9h31v-11h3v11h12v-11-17zm0 0v-26-5-13-17-13-21-21-3h-12v3h-3v-65h15v-11h-15v-29h-54v-51h-35v-1 1h-22v51h-53v29h-1v-5h-13v5h-26v76h-61v21h61v21h-61v13h61v17h-61-21v13h21v5h-21v1h21v25h61v17h39v-17h36v17h18v11h22v9h35v-9h23v-11h31v-17h3v17h12v-17zm15-419v-12h-2v12zm186 356v-56h-8v-133h-4v-12h-13v-9h-13v-45h-12v-10h-62v-59-6h-26v-16h-33v-10h33v-12h-33v-22h-5v-29h49v-5h-49-8v-17h-119v17h-107-279v34h-38v26h-24v27h24v179h-7v105h-17v55h17v17h-17v13h17v5h-17v1h17v42h18v20h3v94h14 8v62h41v37h26v-37h23v48h18v32h35v61h8v21h122v2h75v37h98v-37h34v17h119v-57h11v29h66v-29h4v-40h-4v-26h3v-123h-3v-27h3v-1h1v-17h-1v-46h1v-17h3v-51-32zm0 0v-54h-4v-2h-3v-73h-10v-60h-13v-12h-12v-9h-31v9h-31v-9-55h-59v-59h-5v-5h5v-1h-5v-16h-8v-10h8v-12h-8v-22h-119v34h117v10h-28v-6h-89v6h-22v5h-175v11h-40v13h-147v11h-4v107h-8v41h-6v105h-22v21h28v21h-17v13h17v17h-14-3v13h3v5h-3v1h3v42h14v20h8v94h41 26 23 18v62h4v48h31v10h8v22h3v11h119v50h75v21h98v-71h34v71h48v-71h30v-11h21v-22h20v-120h11v120h43v-123h17-17v-27h17v-1h6v-17h-6v-46h6v-17h3v-51h1v-32zm-4 0v-11h-6v-43h-4v-2h-13v-39h-12v-34h-4v34h-27v2h-31v-2-34h-48v36h-2v37h-1v-73h-8v-29-52h-5v-17h-8v-38h-15v-59h-15v-6h-89v6h-22v7h-175v16h-15v36h-25v55h-39v11h-4v41h-18v105h-54v-105h-32v105h-4v7h4v14h86v21h-86v13h86v17h-86-4v13h4v5h-4v1h4v42h86v11h18v9h4v19h-4v25h4v50h16v-48h23v45h-8v3h8 122v96h-119v14h119v10h75v22h75v-22h23v-10h34v10h48v-24h-36v-36h15v-60h21v-3h-11v-43h2v15h9v-15h46v15h5v-15h20v-2h-20v-46h20v-37h11v37h8v46h-8v2h8v15h22v-15h1v-2h-1v-46h1v-17h12v-20h13v-31h4v-32zm-142 148v-2h-9v2zm9-2v-46h46v46zm-46 45v-28h46v28zm67-191v-11h-1v-42h-3v42h-19v11h19v32h3v-32zm-61 0v-11h-5v11zm96 0v-11h-4v-43h-13v-2h-2v-37h-10v-2h-4v2h-27v37h-31v-37-2h-5v2h-43v37h-2v3h-1v-3h-8v-62-11-29h-5v-52h-8v-17h-15v-38-52h-15v-7h-89v7h-22v16h-175v36h-15v55h-25v1h-37v10h-2v41h-4v105h-18v21h18v21h-18v13h18v17h-18-86v13h86v5h-86v1h86v42h18v11h4v9h2v19h-2v25h2v2h14v-2h23v2h40v2h82v43h-122v3h122 75v96h-75v14h75v10h75v-10h23v-14h-23v-36h23v-60h34v60h12v-60h15 10v-3h-10v-43h10v-48h11v-37h46v37h5v-37h20v-30h11v30h8v37h22v-17h1v-20h12v-31h13v-32zm-13 0v-11h-2v-43h-10v-2h-4v2h-19v1h-8v42h-31v-21-21-3h-5v3h-43v21h43v21h-43v11h43v19h-45v13h45v1h5v-1h20v-13h-20v-19h31v32h8v1h19v30h3v-30h1v-1h10v-32zm-72 148v-2h-5v2zm5 43h-5zm66-191v-11h-3v11zm-38 146v-46h11v46zm-11 45v-28h11v28zm-11 149v-4h11v4zm-11 40v-40h-8v40zm92-380v-54-2h-4v-133h-13v-12h-13v-9h-12v-45h-31v45h-31v-55-59h-59v-5h33v-1h-33v-16h-5v-10h5v-12h-5v-22h-8v-29h8v-5h-8-119-107v5h107v29h-386v26h-38v27h40v20h-4v11h-14v148h-22v105h-7v55h18v17h-18v13h18v5h-18v1h18v42h3v20h14v94h8 41v62h26v-62h23v62h18v48h4v10h31v22h8v61h122v21h75v2h98v-2h34v2h99v-84h20v-22h11v22h43v-22h23v-123h-6v-27h6v-1h3v-17h-3v-46h3v-17h1v-51h3v-32zm-43 148v-2h-22v2zm22 43h-30zm66 189v-40h-66v40zm41-380v-11h-10v-43h-4v1h-19v42h-8v11h8v32h19v1h3v-1h1v-32zm38 0v-11h-3v-43h-6v-2h-4v-39h-13v-34h-12v-60h-4v60h-27v34h-31v-34-72h-48v72h-3v-29h-8v-52-17h-5v-38h-8v-59h-15v-6h-15v-11h-89v11h-22v6h-175v7h-15v16h-25v36h-43v66h-18v41h-54v-41h-32v41h-4v105h-8v7h8v14h4v21h-4v13h4v17h-4-8v13h8v5h-8v1h8v42h4v11h86v9h18v19h-18v25h18v50h4 16 15 8v110h3v10h119v22h75v11h75v-11h23v-22h34v22h48v-22h30v-24h-30v-96h51v-3h20-20v-28h20v-15h11v15h8v1h22v-1h13v-17h-12v-46h12v-17h17v-51h6v-32z";
++        verifyPoly("disjunct", disjunct, aDisjunctRanges);
++        verifyPoly("equal", equal, aEqualRanges);
++        verifyPoly("intersectionN", intersectionN, aIntersectionN);
++        verifyPoly("intersectionE", intersectionE, aIntersectionE);
++        verifyPoly("intersectionS", intersectionS, aIntersectionS);
++        verifyPoly("intersectionW", intersectionW, aIntersectionW);
++        verifyPoly("intersectionNE", intersectionNE, aIntersectionNE);
++        verifyPoly("intersectionSE", intersectionSE, aIntersectionSE);
++        verifyPoly("intersectionSW", intersectionSW, aIntersectionSW);
++        verifyPoly("intersectionNW", intersectionNW, aIntersectionNW);
++        verifyPoly("ringIntersection", ringIntersection, aRingIntersection);
++        verifyPoly("ringIntersection2", ringIntersection2, aRingIntersection2);
++        verifyPoly("ringIntersectExtraStrip", ringIntersectExtraStrip, aRingIntersectExtraStrip);
++        verifyPoly("complexIntersections", complexIntersections, aComplexIntersections);
++        verifyPoly("randomIntersections", randomIntersections, aRandomIntersections);
++    }
++    void dumpSvg(const char* pName, 
++                 const ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPoly)
++    {
++        (void)pName; (void)rPoly;
++#if defined(VERBOSE)
++        fprintf(stderr, "%s - svg:d=\"%s\"\n", 
++                pName, rtl::OUStringToOString(
++                    basegfx::tools::exportToSvgD(rPoly),
++                    RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr() );
++    }
++    void getPolyPolygon()
++    {
++        dumpSvg("disjunct",aDisjunctRanges.getPolyPolygon());
++        dumpSvg("equal",aEqualRanges.getPolyPolygon());
++        dumpSvg("intersectionN",aIntersectionN.getPolyPolygon());
++        dumpSvg("intersectionE",aIntersectionE.getPolyPolygon());
++        dumpSvg("intersectionS",aIntersectionS.getPolyPolygon());
++        dumpSvg("intersectionW",aIntersectionW.getPolyPolygon());
++        dumpSvg("intersectionNE",aIntersectionNE.getPolyPolygon());
++        dumpSvg("intersectionSE",aIntersectionSE.getPolyPolygon());
++        dumpSvg("intersectionSW",aIntersectionSW.getPolyPolygon());
++        dumpSvg("intersectionNW",aIntersectionNW.getPolyPolygon());
++        dumpSvg("ringIntersection",aRingIntersection.getPolyPolygon());
++        dumpSvg("ringIntersection2",aRingIntersection2.getPolyPolygon());
++        dumpSvg("aRingIntersectExtraStrip",aRingIntersectExtraStrip.getPolyPolygon());
++        dumpSvg("complexIntersections",aComplexIntersections.getPolyPolygon());
++        dumpSvg("randomIntersections",aRandomIntersections.getPolyPolygon());
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("getPolyPolygon", true );
++    }
++    B2DPolyPolygon normalizePoly( const B2DPolyPolygon& rPoly )
++    {
++        B2DPolyPolygon aRes;
++        for( sal_uInt32 i=0; i<rPoly.count(); ++i )
++        {
++            B2DPolygon aTmp=rPoly.getB2DPolygon(i);
++            if( ORIENTATION_NEGATIVE == tools::getOrientation(aTmp) )
++                aTmp.flip();
++            aTmp=tools::removeNeutralPoints(aTmp);
++            B2DPoint* pSmallest=0;
++            for(B2DPoint* pCurr=aTmp.begin(); pCurr!=aTmp.end(); ++pCurr)
++            {
++                if( ! pSmallest || compare(*pCurr, *pSmallest) )
++                {
++                    pSmallest=pCurr;
++                }
++            }
++            if( pSmallest )
++                std::rotate(aTmp.begin(),pSmallest,aTmp.end());
++            aRes.append(aTmp);
++        }
++        // boxclipper & generic clipper disagree slightly on area-less
++        // polygons (one or two points only)
++        aRes = tools::stripNeutralPolygons(aRes);
++        // now, sort all polygons with increasing 0th point
++        std::sort(aRes.begin(),
++                  aRes.end(),
++                  boost::bind(
++                      &compare,
++                      boost::bind(
++                          &B2DPolygon::getB2DPoint,
++                          _1,0),
++                      boost::bind(
++                          &B2DPolygon::getB2DPoint,
++                          _2,0)));
++        return aRes;
++    }
++    void validatePoly( const char* pName, const B2DMultiRange& rRange )
++    {
++        B2DPolyPolygon genericClip;
++        std::for_each(rRange.getRanges().begin(),
++                      rRange.getRanges().end(),
++                      boost::bind(
++                          &B2DPolyPolygon::append,
++                          boost::ref(genericClip),
++                          boost::bind(
++                              &tools::createPolygonFromRect,_1),
++                          1));
++#if defined(VERBOSE)
++        fprintf(stderr, "%s input      - svg:d=\"%s\"\n", 
++                pName, rtl::OUStringToOString(
++                    basegfx::tools::exportToSvgD(
++                        genericClip),
++                    RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr() );
++        const B2DPolyPolygon boxClipResult=rRange.getPolyPolygon();
++        const rtl::OUString boxClipSvg(
++            basegfx::tools::exportToSvgD(
++                normalizePoly(
++                    boxClipResult)));
++#if defined(VERBOSE)
++        fprintf(stderr, "%s boxclipper - svg:d=\"%s\"\n", 
++                pName, rtl::OUStringToOString(
++                    boxClipSvg,
++                    RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr() );
++        genericClip = tools::solveCrossovers(genericClip);
++        const rtl::OUString genericClipSvg(
++            basegfx::tools::exportToSvgD(
++                normalizePoly(
++                    genericClip)));
++#if defined(VERBOSE)
++        fprintf(stderr, "%s genclipper - svg:d=\"%s\"\n", 
++                pName, rtl::OUStringToOString(
++                    genericClipSvg,
++                    RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr() );
++                               genericClipSvg == boxClipSvg);
++    }
++    void validatePoly()
++    {
++        validatePoly("disjunct", aDisjunctRanges);
++        validatePoly("equal", aEqualRanges);
++        validatePoly("intersectionN", aIntersectionN);
++        validatePoly("intersectionE", aIntersectionE);
++        validatePoly("intersectionS", aIntersectionS);
++        validatePoly("intersectionW", aIntersectionW);
++        validatePoly("intersectionNE", aIntersectionNE);
++        validatePoly("intersectionSE", aIntersectionSE);
++        validatePoly("intersectionSW", aIntersectionSW);
++        validatePoly("intersectionNW", aIntersectionNW);
++        validatePoly("ringIntersection", aRingIntersection);
++        validatePoly("ringIntersection2", aRingIntersection2);
++        validatePoly("ringIntersectExtraStrip", aRingIntersectExtraStrip);
++        // generic clipper buggy here, likely
++        //validatePoly("complexIntersections", aComplexIntersections);
++        //validatePoly("randomIntersections", aRandomIntersections);
++    }
++    // Change the following lines only, if you add, remove or rename 
++    // member functions of the current class, 
++    // because these macros are need by auto register mechanism.
++    CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(boxclipper);
++    CPPUNIT_TEST(validatePoly);
++    CPPUNIT_TEST(verifyPoly);
++    CPPUNIT_TEST(getPolyPolygon);    
++// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
++CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION(basegfx2d::boxclipper, "boxclipper");
++} // namespace basegfx2d
++// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
++// this macro creates an empty function, which will called by the RegisterAllFunctions()
++// to let the user the possibility to also register some functions by hand.
+diff --git basegfx/test/makefile.mk basegfx/test/makefile.mk
+index 5bf0d8a..320bd0c 100644
+--- basegfx/test/makefile.mk
++++ basegfx/test/makefile.mk
+@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ SHL1OBJS=  \
+     $(SLO)$/basegfx1d.obj \
+     $(SLO)$/basegfx2d.obj \
+     $(SLO)$/basegfx3d.obj \
++    $(SLO)$/boxclipper.obj \
+     $(SLO)$/testtools.obj	
+ # linking statically against basegfx parts
+@@ -83,6 +84,10 @@ SLOFILES=$(SHL1OBJS)
+ .INCLUDE : target.mk
+ .INCLUDE : _cppunit.mk 
++.IF "$(verbose)"!="" || "$(VERBOSE)"!=""
+ # --- Enable testshl2 execution in normal build ------------------------
+ $(MISC)$/unittest_succeeded : $(SHL1TARGETN)

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