[ooo-build-commit] Branch 'ooo-build-3-1-1' - patches/dev300

Kohei Yoshida kohei at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Sep 25 19:14:03 PDT 2009

 patches/dev300/apply                               |    3 
 patches/dev300/calc-selection-protected-cells.diff |  155 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 158 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit 48fc62576c2c4797ac823e4818d92a50b79d52c3
Author: Kohei Yoshida <kyoshida at novell.com>
Date:   Fri Sep 25 22:05:11 2009 -0400

    [experimental] Disable context menu on non-selectable cells.
    * patches/dev300/apply: apply this new patch.
    * patches/dev300/calc-selection-protected-cells.diff: disable
      selection of non-selectable cells via right-click, when the
      sheet is protected and the sheet protection option specifies
      that the protected cells be non-selectable. (n#542024)

diff --git a/patches/dev300/apply b/patches/dev300/apply
index 982df73..fdddca7 100644
--- a/patches/dev300/apply
+++ b/patches/dev300/apply
@@ -3419,6 +3419,9 @@ calc-insert-over-merged-cells.diff, n#540923, i#7500, kohei
 # 2003 and 2007 happy.
 calc-combo-listbox-export-fix.diff, n#540566, noelp
+# Disable context menu on non-selectable cells.
+calc-selection-protected-cells.diff, n#542024, kohei
 [ AutoLayout ]
 sd-layoutcode.diff, cocofan
 offapi-layoutcode.diff, cocofan
diff --git a/patches/dev300/calc-selection-protected-cells.diff b/patches/dev300/calc-selection-protected-cells.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa7a882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/dev300/calc-selection-protected-cells.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+diff --git sc/source/ui/inc/gridwin.hxx sc/source/ui/inc/gridwin.hxx
+index 3ab93fd..29cd088 100644
+--- sc/source/ui/inc/gridwin.hxx
++++ sc/source/ui/inc/gridwin.hxx
+@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ private:
+     void			PasteSelection( const Point& rPosPixel );
+-    void			SelectForContextMenu( const Point& rPosPixel );
++    void			SelectForContextMenu( const Point& rPosPixel, SCsCOL nCellX, SCsROW nCellY );
+     void            GetSelectionRects( ::std::vector< Rectangle >& rPixelRects );
+     struct RectangleConverter {
+diff --git sc/source/ui/inc/hdrcont.hxx sc/source/ui/inc/hdrcont.hxx
+index 20cc822..497140f 100644
+--- sc/source/ui/inc/hdrcont.hxx
++++ sc/source/ui/inc/hdrcont.hxx
+@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ private:
+     long			GetScrPos( SCCOLROW nEntryNo );
+     SCCOLROW		GetMousePos( const MouseEvent& rMEvt, BOOL& rBorder );
++    bool            IsSelectionAllowed(SCCOLROW nPos) const;
+     void			ShowDragHelp();
+     void			DoPaint( SCCOLROW nStart, SCCOLROW nEnd );
+diff --git sc/source/ui/view/gridwin.cxx sc/source/ui/view/gridwin.cxx
+index adb2f20..1079b9d 100644
+--- sc/source/ui/view/gridwin.cxx
++++ sc/source/ui/view/gridwin.cxx
+@@ -2753,9 +2753,32 @@ void __EXPORT ScGridWindow::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt )
+         if ( bMouse )
+         {
++            SCsCOL nCellX = -1;
++            SCsROW nCellY = -1;
++            pViewData->GetPosFromPixel(aPosPixel.X(), aPosPixel.Y(), eWhich, nCellX, nCellY);
++            ScDocument* pDoc = pViewData->GetDocument();
++            SCTAB nTab = pViewData->GetTabNo();
++            const ScTableProtection* pProtect = pDoc->GetTabProtection(nTab);
++            bool bSelectAllowed = true;
++            if ( pProtect && pProtect->isProtected() )
++            {
++                // This sheet is protected.  Check if a context menu is allowed on this cell.
++                bool bCellProtected = pDoc->HasAttrib(nCellX, nCellY, nTab, nCellX, nCellY, nTab, HASATTR_PROTECTED);
++                bool bSelProtected   = pProtect->isOptionEnabled(ScTableProtection::SELECT_LOCKED_CELLS);
++                bool bSelUnprotected = pProtect->isOptionEnabled(ScTableProtection::SELECT_UNLOCKED_CELLS);
++                if (bCellProtected)
++                    bSelectAllowed = bSelProtected;
++                else
++                    bSelectAllowed = bSelUnprotected;
++            }
++            if (!bSelectAllowed)
++                // Selecting this cell is not allowed, neither is context menu.
++                return;
+             //	#i18735# First select the item under the mouse pointer.
+             //	This can change the selection, and the view state (edit mode, etc).
+-            SelectForContextMenu( aPosPixel );
++            SelectForContextMenu( aPosPixel, nCellX, nCellY );
+         }
+         BOOL bDone = FALSE;
+@@ -2850,15 +2873,12 @@ void __EXPORT ScGridWindow::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt )
+     }
+ }
+-void ScGridWindow::SelectForContextMenu( const Point& rPosPixel )
++void ScGridWindow::SelectForContextMenu( const Point& rPosPixel, SCsCOL nCellX, SCsROW nCellY )
+ {
+     //  #i18735# if the click was outside of the current selection,
+     //  the cursor is moved or an object at the click position selected.
+     //  (see SwEditWin::SelectMenuPosition in Writer)
+-    SCsCOL nCellX;
+-    SCsROW nCellY;
+-    pViewData->GetPosFromPixel( rPosPixel.X(), rPosPixel.Y(), eWhich, nCellX, nCellY );
+     ScTabView* pView = pViewData->GetView();
+     ScDrawView* pDrawView = pView->GetScDrawView();
+diff --git sc/source/ui/view/hdrcont.cxx sc/source/ui/view/hdrcont.cxx
+index 89e871c..5cfe8f8 100644
+--- sc/source/ui/view/hdrcont.cxx
++++ sc/source/ui/view/hdrcont.cxx
+@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
+ #include "scmod.hxx"		// Optionen
+ #include "inputopt.hxx"		// Optionen
+ #include "gridmerg.hxx"
++#include "document.hxx"
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -655,6 +656,39 @@ SCCOLROW ScHeaderControl::GetMousePos( const MouseEvent& rMEvt, BOOL& rBorder )
+     return nHitNo;
+ }
++bool ScHeaderControl::IsSelectionAllowed(SCCOLROW nPos) const
++    ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = dynamic_cast<ScTabViewShell*>(SfxViewShell::Current());
++    if (!pViewSh)
++        return false;
++    ScViewData* pViewData = pViewSh->GetViewData();
++    USHORT nTab = pViewData->GetTabNo();
++    ScDocument* pDoc = pViewData->GetDocument();
++    const ScTableProtection* pProtect = pDoc->GetTabProtection(nTab);
++    bool bSelectAllowed = true;
++    if ( pProtect && pProtect->isProtected() )
++    {
++        // This sheet is protected.  Check if a context menu is allowed on this cell.
++        bool bCellsProtected = false;
++        if (bVertical)
++            // row header
++            bCellsProtected = pDoc->HasAttrib(0, nPos, nTab, MAXCOL, nPos, nTab, HASATTR_PROTECTED);
++        else
++            // column header
++            bCellsProtected = pDoc->HasAttrib(nPos, 0, nTab, nPos, MAXROW, nTab, HASATTR_PROTECTED);
++        bool bSelProtected   = pProtect->isOptionEnabled(ScTableProtection::SELECT_LOCKED_CELLS);
++        bool bSelUnprotected = pProtect->isOptionEnabled(ScTableProtection::SELECT_UNLOCKED_CELLS);
++        if (bCellsProtected)
++            bSelectAllowed = bSelProtected;
++        else
++            bSelectAllowed = bSelUnprotected;
++    }
++    return bSelectAllowed;
+ void __EXPORT ScHeaderControl::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ {
+     if (IsDisabled())
+@@ -665,6 +699,8 @@ void __EXPORT ScHeaderControl::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+     BOOL bFound;
+     SCCOLROW nHitNo = GetMousePos( rMEvt, bFound );
++    if (!IsSelectionAllowed(nHitNo))
++        return;
+     if ( bFound && rMEvt.IsLeft() && ResizeAllowed() )
+     {
+@@ -848,8 +884,11 @@ void __EXPORT ScHeaderControl::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt )
+                 MouseEvent aMEvt( rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel() );
+                 BOOL bBorder;
+                 SCCOLROW nPos = GetMousePos( aMEvt, bBorder );
+-                USHORT nTab = pViewData->GetTabNo();
++                if (!IsSelectionAllowed(nPos))
++                    // Selecting this cell is not allowed, neither is context menu.
++                    return;
++                SCTAB nTab = pViewData->GetTabNo();
+                 ScRange aNewRange;
+                 if ( bVertical )
+                     aNewRange = ScRange( 0, sal::static_int_cast<SCROW>(nPos), nTab,

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