[ooo-build-commit] Branch 'ooo/master' - soldep/bootstrp soldep/inc soldep/source

Jan Holesovsky kendy at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Sep 28 17:11:46 PDT 2009

 soldep/bootstrp/makefile.mk    |    6 
 soldep/bootstrp/prj.cxx        |  370 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 soldep/inc/XmlBuildListDef.hxx |    8 
 soldep/inc/soldep/prj.hxx      |    2 
 soldep/source/makefile.mk      |    2 
 soldep/source/soldep.cxx       |   11 -
 6 files changed, 202 insertions(+), 197 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit d30ee78a5430af6f2cc42f3283ddbbff0c547f75
Author: Release Engineers <releng at openoffice.org>
Date:   Mon Sep 28 13:09:15 2009 +0000

    CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS ause107
    2009-09-23 17:21:07 +0200 hjs  r276406 : #i105312# remove code dependency on perl

diff --git a/soldep/bootstrp/makefile.mk b/soldep/bootstrp/makefile.mk
index 48a6b24..f65a2ff 100644
--- a/soldep/bootstrp/makefile.mk
+++ b/soldep/bootstrp/makefile.mk
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS=true
 # --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
-.INCLUDE :  $(PRJ)$/util$/perl.mk
+#.INCLUDE :  $(PRJ)$/util$/perl.mk
 .INCLUDE :  settings.mk
 # fixme, code is not yet 64 bit clean
@@ -60,7 +60,9 @@ SLOFILES=\
           $(SLO)$/appdef.obj \
            $(SLO)$/hashtbl.obj		\
           $(SLO)$/prj.obj \
-          $(SLO)$/XmlBuildList.obj
+#          $(SLO)$/XmlBuildList.obj
diff --git a/soldep/bootstrp/prj.cxx b/soldep/bootstrp/prj.cxx
index 822bc20..c38528d 100644
--- a/soldep/bootstrp/prj.cxx
+++ b/soldep/bootstrp/prj.cxx
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
-static const char * XML_ALL  =	"all";
+//static const char * XML_ALL  =	"all";
 //	class SimpleConfig
@@ -1393,14 +1393,14 @@ void Star::Read( String &rFileName )
         ByteString sFileName_l(ssFileName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
         StarFile *pFile = new StarFile( ssFileName );
         if ( pFile->Exists()) {
-            if (sFileName_l.Len() >= RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH(XML_EXT) && ssFileName.EqualsAscii(XML_EXT, sFileName_l.Len() - RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH(XML_EXT), RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH(XML_EXT)))
-            {
-                ReadXmlBuildList(sFileName_l);
-            } else {
+//			{
+//                ReadXmlBuildList(sFileName_l);
+//            } else {
                 SimpleConfig aSolarConfig( ssFileName );
                 while (( aString = aSolarConfig.GetNext()) != "" )
                     InsertToken (( char * ) aString.GetBuffer());
-            }
+//			}
         ReplaceFileEntry (&aLoadedFilesList, pFile);
@@ -1460,14 +1460,14 @@ void Star::Read( SolarFileList *pSolarFiles )
         StarFile *pFile = new StarFile( ssFileName );
         if ( pFile->Exists()) {
-            if (sFileName_l.Len() >= RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH(XML_EXT) && ssFileName.EqualsAscii(XML_EXT, sFileName_l.Len() - RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH(XML_EXT), RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH(XML_EXT)))
-            {
-                ReadXmlBuildList(sFileName_l);
-            } else {
+//			{
+//                ReadXmlBuildList(sFileName_l);
+//            } else {
                 SimpleConfig aSolarConfig( ssFileName );
                 while (( aString = aSolarConfig.GetNext()) != "" )
                     InsertToken (( char * ) aString.GetBuffer());
-            }
+//			}
             DirEntry aEntry( pFile->GetName() );
             DirEntry aEntryPrj = aEntry.GetPath().GetPath();
@@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ String Star::CreateFileName( String& rProject, String& rSourceRoot )
     // this method is used to find solarlist parts of nabours (other projects)
     String sPrjDir( String::CreateFromAscii( "prj" ));
     String sBuildList( String::CreateFromAscii( "build.lst" ));
-    String sXmlBuildList( String::CreateFromAscii( "build.xlist" ));
+//	String sXmlBuildList( String::CreateFromAscii( "build.xlist" ));
     DirEntry aEntry( rSourceRoot );
     aEntry += DirEntry( rProject );
@@ -1519,15 +1519,17 @@ String Star::CreateFileName( String& rProject, String& rSourceRoot )
     aEntry += DirEntry( sPrjDir );
-    DirEntry aPossibleEntry(aEntry);
-    aPossibleEntry += DirEntry( sXmlBuildList );
+//	DirEntry aPossibleEntry(aEntry);
+//  aPossibleEntry += DirEntry( sXmlBuildList );
     aEntry += DirEntry( sBuildList );
     DirEntry& aActualEntry = aEntry;
     if (aPossibleEntry.Exists()) {
         aActualEntry = aPossibleEntry;
-    } else if ( !aActualEntry.Exists() && aDBNotFoundHdl.IsSet())
+    } else */
+    if ( !aActualEntry.Exists() && aDBNotFoundHdl.IsSet())
         aDBNotFoundHdl.Call( &rProject );
     return aActualEntry.GetFull();
@@ -1985,163 +1987,163 @@ void Star::SetCurrentDeps (SByteStringList* pDepList)
-void Star::ReadXmlBuildList(const ByteString& sBuildLstPath) {
-    if (mpXmlBuildList) {
-        Prj* pPrj = NULL;
-        try {
-            mpXmlBuildList->loadXMLFile(sBuildLstPath);
-        }
-        catch (XmlBuildListException) {
-            DirEntry aDirEntry (sBuildLstPath);
-            String ssPrjName = aDirEntry.GetPath().GetPath().GetBase();
-            ByteString sPrjName = ByteString(ssPrjName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
-            pPrj = GetPrj( sPrjName );
-            if (pPrj)
-            {
-                //remove old Project
-                RemovePrj (pPrj);
-            }
-            return;
-        }
-        try {
-            ByteString sProjectName = mpXmlBuildList->getModuleName();
-            pPrj = GetPrj( sProjectName );
-            if (pPrj)
-            {
-                //remove old Project
-                RemovePrj (pPrj);
-            }
-            // insert new Project
-            pPrj = new Prj ( sProjectName );
-            pPrj->SetPreFix( sProjectName ); // use ProjectName as Prefix
-            Insert(pPrj,LIST_APPEND);
-            // get global dependencies
-            FullByteStringListWrapper aProducts = mpXmlBuildList->getProducts();
-            ByteString aDepType = ByteString(DEP_MD_ALWAYS_STR);
-            if (mpXmlBuildList->hasModuleDepType(aProducts, aDepType))
-                pPrj->HasHardDependencies( TRUE );
-            aDepType = ByteString(DEP_MD_FORCE_STR);
-            if (mpXmlBuildList->hasModuleDepType(aProducts, aDepType))
-            {
-                pPrj->HasHardDependencies( TRUE );
-                pPrj->HasFixedDependencies( TRUE );
-            }
-            // modul dependencies
-            ByteString sModulDepType = ByteString();
-            FullByteStringListWrapper aModulDeps = mpXmlBuildList->getModuleDependencies(aProducts, sModulDepType);
-            ByteString * pModulDep = aModulDeps.First();
-            while (pModulDep)
-            {
-                FullByteStringListWrapper aModulProducts = mpXmlBuildList->getModuleProducts(*pModulDep);
-                ByteString *pModulePoduct = aModulProducts.First();
-                while (pModulePoduct)
-                {
-                    if (*pModulePoduct == XML_ALL)
-                        pPrj->AddDependencies( *pModulDep );
-                    else
-                        pPrj->AddDependencies( *pModulDep, *pModulePoduct);
-                    pModulePoduct = aModulProducts.Next();
-                }
-                pModulDep = aModulDeps.Next();
-            }
-            // job dirs
-            ByteString sJobType = ByteString();
-            ByteString sJobPlatforms = ByteString();
-            FullByteStringListWrapper aJobDirs = mpXmlBuildList->getJobDirectories(sJobType, sJobPlatforms); // all dirs
-            ByteString* pJobDir = aJobDirs.First();
-            while (pJobDir)
-            {
-                FullByteStringListWrapper aJobPlatforms = mpXmlBuildList->getJobPlatforms (*pJobDir);
-                ByteString* pJobPlatform = aJobPlatforms.First();
-                while (pJobPlatform)
-                {
-                    ByteString sJobRestriction = ByteString();
-                    FullByteStringListWrapper aJobReq = mpXmlBuildList->getJobBuildReqs (*pJobDir, *pJobPlatform);
-                    // nur ein Req pro Platform wird zur Zeit unterstützt
-                    // mehr geht wegen der Struktur zur Zeit nicht!
-                    // lese sie trotzdem kommasepariert ein, wenn nötig
-                    if (aJobReq.Count() > 0)
-                    {
-                        ByteString* pRestriction = aJobReq.First();
-                        sJobRestriction = ByteString (*pRestriction);
-                        pRestriction = aJobReq.Next();
-                        while (pRestriction)
-                        {
-                            sJobRestriction += ByteString (",");
-                            sJobRestriction += ByteString (*pRestriction);
-                            pRestriction = aJobReq.Next();
-                        }
-                    }
-                    FullByteStringListWrapper aJobTypes = mpXmlBuildList->getJobTypes (*pJobDir);
-                    ByteString * pJobType = aJobTypes.First();
-                    while(pJobType)
-                    {
-                        FullByteStringListWrapper aDirDependencies = mpXmlBuildList->getDirDependencies(*pJobDir, *pJobType, *pJobPlatform);
-                        SByteStringList *pDepList = NULL;
-                        if (aDirDependencies.Count() > 0)
-                        {
-                            pDepList = new SByteStringList;
-                            ByteString* pDirDep = aDirDependencies.First();
-                            while (pDirDep)
-                            {
-                                ByteString sFullDir = sProjectName;
-                                sFullDir += *pDirDep;
-                                sFullDir.SearchAndReplaceAll('/', '\\');
-                                *pDirDep = sFullDir;
-                                pDepList->PutString(pDirDep);	// String wird übergeben
-                                aDirDependencies.Remove();		// Zeiger aus alter Liste löschen
-                                pDirDep = aDirDependencies.First();
-                            }
-                        }
-                        // insert CommandData
-                        CommandData * pCmdData = new CommandData;
-                        ByteString sRequiredPath = sProjectName;
-                        sRequiredPath += *pJobDir;
-                        sRequiredPath.SearchAndReplaceAll('/', '\\');
-                        pCmdData->SetPath(sRequiredPath);
-                        pCmdData->SetCommandType( GetJobType(*pJobType) );
-                        pCmdData->SetCommandPara( ByteString() );
-                        pCmdData->SetOSType( GetOSType(*pJobPlatform) );
-                        ByteString sLogFileName = sProjectName;
-                        sLogFileName += ByteString::CreateFromInt64( pPrj->Count() );
-                         pCmdData->SetLogFile( sLogFileName );
-                        pCmdData->SetClientRestriction( sJobRestriction );
-                        if ( pDepList )
-                            pCmdData->SetDependencies( pDepList );
-                        pPrj->Insert ( pCmdData, LIST_APPEND );
-                        pJobType = aJobTypes.Next();
-                    }
-                    pJobPlatform = aJobPlatforms.Next();
-                }
-                pJobDir = aJobDirs.Next();
-            }
-            pPrj->ExtractDependencies();
-        }
-        catch (XmlBuildListException) {
-            if (pPrj)
-            {
-                RemovePrj (pPrj);
-                delete pPrj;
-            }
-        }
-    }
+//void Star::ReadXmlBuildList(const ByteString& sBuildLstPath) {
+//	if (mpXmlBuildList) {
+//		Prj* pPrj = NULL;
+//		try {
+//			mpXmlBuildList->loadXMLFile(sBuildLstPath);
+//		}
+//		catch (XmlBuildListException) {
+//			DirEntry aDirEntry (sBuildLstPath);
+//			String ssPrjName = aDirEntry.GetPath().GetPath().GetBase();
+//			ByteString sPrjName = ByteString(ssPrjName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+//			pPrj = GetPrj( sPrjName );
+//			if (pPrj)
+//			{
+//				//remove old Project
+//				RemovePrj (pPrj);
+//			}
+//			return;
+//		}
+//		try {
+//			ByteString sProjectName = mpXmlBuildList->getModuleName();
+//			pPrj = GetPrj( sProjectName );
+//			if (pPrj)
+//			{
+//				//remove old Project
+//				RemovePrj (pPrj);
+//			}
+//			// insert new Project
+//			pPrj = new Prj ( sProjectName );
+//			pPrj->SetPreFix( sProjectName ); // use ProjectName as Prefix
+//			Insert(pPrj,LIST_APPEND);
+//			// get global dependencies
+//			FullByteStringListWrapper aProducts = mpXmlBuildList->getProducts();
+//			ByteString aDepType = ByteString(DEP_MD_ALWAYS_STR);
+//			if (mpXmlBuildList->hasModuleDepType(aProducts, aDepType))
+//				pPrj->HasHardDependencies( TRUE );
+//			aDepType = ByteString(DEP_MD_FORCE_STR);
+//			if (mpXmlBuildList->hasModuleDepType(aProducts, aDepType))
+//			{
+//				pPrj->HasHardDependencies( TRUE );
+//				pPrj->HasFixedDependencies( TRUE );
+//			}
+//			// modul dependencies
+//			ByteString sModulDepType = ByteString();
+//			FullByteStringListWrapper aModulDeps = mpXmlBuildList->getModuleDependencies(aProducts, sModulDepType);
+//			ByteString * pModulDep = aModulDeps.First();
+//			while (pModulDep)
+//			{
+//				FullByteStringListWrapper aModulProducts = mpXmlBuildList->getModuleProducts(*pModulDep);
+//				ByteString *pModulePoduct = aModulProducts.First();
+//				while (pModulePoduct)
+//				{
+//					if (*pModulePoduct == XML_ALL)
+//						pPrj->AddDependencies( *pModulDep );
+//					else
+//						pPrj->AddDependencies( *pModulDep, *pModulePoduct);
+//					pModulePoduct = aModulProducts.Next();
+//				}
+//				pModulDep = aModulDeps.Next();
+//			}
+//			// job dirs
+//			ByteString sJobType = ByteString();
+//			ByteString sJobPlatforms = ByteString();
+//			FullByteStringListWrapper aJobDirs = mpXmlBuildList->getJobDirectories(sJobType, sJobPlatforms); // all dirs
+//			ByteString* pJobDir = aJobDirs.First();
+//			while (pJobDir)
+//			{
+//				FullByteStringListWrapper aJobPlatforms = mpXmlBuildList->getJobPlatforms (*pJobDir);
+//				ByteString* pJobPlatform = aJobPlatforms.First();
+//				while (pJobPlatform)
+//				{
+//					ByteString sJobRestriction = ByteString();
+//					FullByteStringListWrapper aJobReq = mpXmlBuildList->getJobBuildReqs (*pJobDir, *pJobPlatform);
+//					// nur ein Req pro Platform wird zur Zeit unterstützt
+//					// mehr geht wegen der Struktur zur Zeit nicht!
+//					// lese sie trotzdem kommasepariert ein, wenn nötig
+//					if (aJobReq.Count() > 0)
+//					{
+//						ByteString* pRestriction = aJobReq.First();
+//						sJobRestriction = ByteString (*pRestriction);
+//						pRestriction = aJobReq.Next();
+//						while (pRestriction)
+//						{
+//							sJobRestriction += ByteString (",");
+//							sJobRestriction += ByteString (*pRestriction);
+//							pRestriction = aJobReq.Next();
+//						}
+//					}
+//					FullByteStringListWrapper aJobTypes = mpXmlBuildList->getJobTypes (*pJobDir);
+//					ByteString * pJobType = aJobTypes.First();
+//					while(pJobType)
+//					{
+//						FullByteStringListWrapper aDirDependencies = mpXmlBuildList->getDirDependencies(*pJobDir, *pJobType, *pJobPlatform);
+//						SByteStringList *pDepList = NULL;
+//						if (aDirDependencies.Count() > 0)
+//						{
+//							pDepList = new SByteStringList;
+//							ByteString* pDirDep = aDirDependencies.First();
+//							while (pDirDep)
+//							{
+//								ByteString sFullDir = sProjectName;
+//								sFullDir += *pDirDep;
+//								sFullDir.SearchAndReplaceAll('/', '\\');
+//								*pDirDep = sFullDir;
+//								pDepList->PutString(pDirDep);	// String wird übergeben
+//								aDirDependencies.Remove();		// Zeiger aus alter Liste löschen
+//								pDirDep = aDirDependencies.First();
+//							}
+//						}
+//						// insert CommandData
+//						CommandData * pCmdData = new CommandData;
+//						ByteString sRequiredPath = sProjectName;
+//						sRequiredPath += *pJobDir;
+//						sRequiredPath.SearchAndReplaceAll('/', '\\');
+//						pCmdData->SetPath(sRequiredPath);
+//						pCmdData->SetCommandType( GetJobType(*pJobType) );
+//						pCmdData->SetCommandPara( ByteString() );
+//						pCmdData->SetOSType( GetOSType(*pJobPlatform) );
+//						ByteString sLogFileName = sProjectName;
+//						sLogFileName += ByteString::CreateFromInt64( pPrj->Count() );
+// 						pCmdData->SetLogFile( sLogFileName );
+//						pCmdData->SetClientRestriction( sJobRestriction );
+//						if ( pDepList )
+//							pCmdData->SetDependencies( pDepList );
+//						pPrj->Insert ( pCmdData, LIST_APPEND );
+//						pJobType = aJobTypes.Next();
+//					}
+//					pJobPlatform = aJobPlatforms.Next();
+//				}
+//				pJobDir = aJobDirs.Next();
+//			}
+//			pPrj->ExtractDependencies();
+//		}
+//		catch (XmlBuildListException) {
+//			if (pPrj)
+//			{
+//				RemovePrj (pPrj);
+//				delete pPrj;
+//			}
+//		}
+//	}
 int Star::GetOSType ( ByteString& aWhatOS ) {
@@ -2445,15 +2447,15 @@ USHORT StarWriter::Read( String aFileName, BOOL bReadComments, USHORT nMode  )
         ByteString sFileName_l(ssFileName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
         StarFile *pFile = new StarFile( ssFileName );
         if ( pFile->Exists()) {
-            if (sFileName_l.Len() >= RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH(XML_EXT) && ssFileName.EqualsAscii(XML_EXT, sFileName_l.Len() - RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH(XML_EXT), RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH(XML_EXT)))
-            {
-                ReadXmlBuildList(sFileName_l);
-            } else {
+//			{
+//                ReadXmlBuildList(sFileName_l);
+//            } else {
                 SimpleConfig aSolarConfig( ssFileName );
                 while (( aString = aSolarConfig.GetCleanedNextLine( bReadComments )) != "" )
                     InsertTokenLine ( aString );
-        }
+//		}
         aLoadedFilesList.Insert( pFile, LIST_APPEND );
@@ -2481,16 +2483,16 @@ USHORT StarWriter::Read( SolarFileList *pSolarFiles, BOOL bReadComments )
         ByteString sFileName_l(ssFileName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
         StarFile *pFile = new StarFile( ssFileName);
         if ( pFile->Exists()) {
-            if (sFileName_l.Len() >= RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH(XML_EXT) && ssFileName.EqualsAscii(XML_EXT, sFileName_l.Len() - RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH(XML_EXT), RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH(XML_EXT)))
-            {
-                ReadXmlBuildList(sFileName_l);
-            }
-            else
-            {
+//			{
+//				ReadXmlBuildList(sFileName_l);
+//			}
+//			else
+//			{
                 SimpleConfig aSolarConfig( ssFileName );
                 while (( aString = aSolarConfig.GetCleanedNextLine( bReadComments )) != "" )
                     InsertTokenLine ( aString );
-            }
+//			}
diff --git a/soldep/inc/XmlBuildListDef.hxx b/soldep/inc/XmlBuildListDef.hxx
index 578893e..5827cdd 100755
--- a/soldep/inc/XmlBuildListDef.hxx
+++ b/soldep/inc/XmlBuildListDef.hxx
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ enum DepTypes
 #define DEP_MD_SIMPLE	1;
-#define DEP_MD_ALWAYS	2;
-#define DEP_MD_FORCE	4;
+//#define DEP_MD_ALWAYS	2;
+//#define DEP_MD_FORCE	4;
-static const char * DEP_MD_ALWAYS_STR =	"md-always";
-static const char * DEP_MD_FORCE_STR  =	"md-force";
+//static const char * DEP_MD_ALWAYS_STR =	"md-always";
+//static const char * DEP_MD_FORCE_STR  =	"md-force";
diff --git a/soldep/inc/soldep/prj.hxx b/soldep/inc/soldep/prj.hxx
index dd05140..a6c462a 100644
--- a/soldep/inc/soldep/prj.hxx
+++ b/soldep/inc/soldep/prj.hxx
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ public:
     ByteString      GetName(){ return aStarName; }; // dummy function of VG
     void			Read( String &rFileName );
     void			Read( SolarFileList *pSOlarFiles );
-    void			ReadXmlBuildList(const ByteString& sBuildLstPath);
+//	void			ReadXmlBuildList(const ByteString& sBuildLstPath);
     BOOL			HasProject( ByteString aProjectName );
diff --git a/soldep/source/makefile.mk b/soldep/source/makefile.mk
index 63f6d42..7ababf5 100644
--- a/soldep/source/makefile.mk
+++ b/soldep/source/makefile.mk
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ TARGET=soldep
 # --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
-.INCLUDE :  $(PRJ)$/util$/perl.mk
+#.INCLUDE :  $(PRJ)$/util$/perl.mk
 .INCLUDE :  settings.mk
 # fixme, code is not yet 64 bit clean
diff --git a/soldep/source/soldep.cxx b/soldep/source/soldep.cxx
index 3dc9f34..f19d7de 100644
--- a/soldep/source/soldep.cxx
+++ b/soldep/source/soldep.cxx
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 #include <soldep/depper.hxx>
 #include <soldep/soldep.hxx>
 #include <soldep/soldlg.hxx>
-#include <soldep/XmlBuildList.hxx>
+//#include <soldep/XmlBuildList.hxx>
 #include "dtsodcmp.hrc"
@@ -66,8 +66,9 @@ SolDep::SolDep( Window* pBaseWindow )
                 : Depper( pBaseWindow ),
                 mpTravellerList( NULL ),
-                mbIsHide( FALSE ),
-                mpXmlBuildList (NULL)
+                mbIsHide( FALSE )
+//				,
+//				mpXmlBuildList (NULL)
     ByteString sModulPath ("."); // wo soll das Perlmodul stehen???
@@ -103,8 +104,8 @@ SolDep::~SolDep()
     delete mpSolIdMapper;
     delete mpStarWriter;
     delete mpStandLst;
-    if (mpXmlBuildList)
-        delete mpXmlBuildList;
+//	if (mpXmlBuildList)
+//		delete mpXmlBuildList;

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