[ooo-build-commit] .: patches/dev300

René Engelhard rene at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Apr 27 15:15:43 PDT 2010

 patches/dev300/reportdesign-mention-package-l10n-m15.diff |  376 ------------
 patches/dev300/reportdesign-mention-package-l10n.diff     |  427 --------------
 2 files changed, 803 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit fd61363144d709a58ec28e197985b30928fdc0d1
Author: Rene Engelhard <rene at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Apr 28 00:13:07 2010 +0200

    remove bogus dbumiscres.src resources deleting
    * patches/dev300/reportdesign-mention-package-l10n-m15.diff:
    * patches/dev300/reportdesign-mention-package-l10n.diff:

diff --git a/patches/dev300/reportdesign-mention-package-l10n-m15.diff b/patches/dev300/reportdesign-mention-package-l10n-m15.diff
index 8896d6e..233494a 100644
--- a/patches/dev300/reportdesign-mention-package-l10n-m15.diff
+++ b/patches/dev300/reportdesign-mention-package-l10n-m15.diff
@@ -22,14 +22,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/bg/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	bg	Из~тегляне...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	bg	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\indexdialog.src	0	toolboxitem	DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS	ID_INDEX_NEW	HID_DLGIDX_NEWINDEX		13691	bg	Нов индекс				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -73378,7 +73377,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	bg	Файлът "$file$" не съществува.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	bg	Възникнали са предупреждения по време на свързване към източника на данни. Натиснете "$buttontext$", за да ги видите.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	bg	Името "$#$" вече съществува.\nМоля, въведете друго име.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	bg	Справката, "$file$", изисква разширението Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	bg	Избиране на колони				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	bg	Форматиране на типовете				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	bg	Следните полета вече са зададени като първични ключове:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/ja/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/ja/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -42,14 +34,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/ja/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	ja	削除オプション				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	ja	更新オプション				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	ja	含まれるフィールド				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	ja	以下のフィールドはすでにプライマリキーとして設定されています。\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	ja	テーブルのコピー				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	ja	タイプの書式設定				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	ja	レポート "$file$" には Sun Report Builder 拡張が必須です。				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	ja	システム				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	ja	すべて(~A)				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	ja	ドキュメント "$file$" を開くことができませんでした。				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/fi/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/fi/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -62,14 +46,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/fi/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	fi	Lataa...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	fi	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\UserAdmin.src	0	fixedline	TAB_PAGE_USERADMIN	FL_USER			0	fi	Käyttäjän valinta				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1896,7 +1895,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				0	fi	Tiedostoa "$file$" ei ole olemassa.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				0	fi	Yhteydenoton aikana tietolähteeseen ilmeni varoituksia. Napsauta "$buttontext$" nähdäksesi ne.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				0	fi	Nimi '$#$' on jo olemassa.\nAnna toinen nimi.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	fi	Raportti "$file$" vaatii Sun Report Builder -lisäosan.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\querydesign\querydlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL	FL_JOIN			191	fi	Asetukset				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\querydesign\querydlg.src	0	fixedtext	DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL	FT_LISTBOXTITLE			89	fi	~Tyyppi				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\querydesign\querydlg.src	0	stringlist	DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL.LB_JOINTYPE	1			0	fi	Sisäliitos				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/bn/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/bn/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -82,14 +58,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/bn/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	bn	মুছে ফেলার অপশন				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	bn	হালনাগাদ অপশন				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	bn	ক্ষেত্রসমূহ সংশ্লিষ্ট				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -65042,7 +65041,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	bn	নিম্নোক্ত ক্ষেত্রসমূহকে ইতোমধ্যে প্রাথমিক কী হিসেবে নির্ধারণ করা হয়েছে:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	bn	টেবিল অনুলিপি করুন				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	bn	ধরণ বিন্যাস করা হচ্ছে				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	bn	 "$file$" রিপোর্টটির Sun Report Builder এক্সটেনশন প্রয়োজন				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	bn	সিস্টেম				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	bn	সব (~A)				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	bn	"$file$" নথি খোলা যাবেনা।				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/nb/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/nb/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -102,14 +70,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/nb/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	nb	~Last ned				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	nb	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\indexdialog.src	0	toolboxitem	DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS	ID_INDEX_NEW	HID_DLGIDX_NEWINDEX		13691	nb	Ny indeks				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -49278,7 +49277,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	nb	Fila «$file$» finnes ikke.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	nb	Advarsler ble påtruffet ved tilkobling til datakilden. Trykk «$buttontext$» for å se advarslene.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	nb	Navnet «$#$» finnes allerede.\nSkriv inn et annet navn.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	nb	Rapporten«$file$» krever utvidelsen «Sun Report Builder».				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	nb	Bruk kolonner				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	nb	Formateringstype				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	nb	Følgende felter er allerede satt opp som primærnøkler:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/ne/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/ne/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -147,14 +107,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/fr/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	fr	Options de suppression				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	fr	Options de mise à jour				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	fr	Champs impliqués				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1708,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	fr	Les champs suivants ont déjà été définis comme clés primaires :\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	fr	Copier la table				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	fr	Formatage de type				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	fr	Le rapport, "$file$", nécessite l'extension Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	fr	Système				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	fr	~Tout				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	fr	Impossible d'ouvrir le document "$file$" !				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/kid/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/kid/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -167,14 +119,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/kid/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	kid	xcly18‖~Download...				20091030 14:20:22
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	kid	x+-7q4‖%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				20091030 14:20:22
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\advancedsettings.src	0	fixedline	AUTO_DATAHANDLING(AUTO_Y)	FL_DATAHANDLING			0	kid	8p1y3g‖Options				20091030 14:20:22
-@@ -1947,7 +1946,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				0	kid	an-a57‖The file "$file$" does not exist.				20091030 14:20:22
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				0	kid	i3s7e<‖Warnings were encountered while connecting to the data source. Press "$buttontext$" to view them.				20091030 14:20:22
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				0	kid	1dgzc2‖The name '$#$' already exists.\nPlease enter another name.				20091030 14:20:22
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	kid	tp<7s8‖The report, "$file$", requires the extension Sun Report Builder.				20091030 14:20:22
- dbaccess	source\ui\querydesign\query.src	0	string	STR_QUERY_UNDO_TABWINSHOW				0	kid	jmor61‖Add Table Window				20091030 14:20:22
- dbaccess	source\ui\querydesign\query.src	0	string	STR_QUERY_UNDO_MOVETABWIN				0	kid	g<um+2‖Move table window				20091030 14:20:22
- dbaccess	source\ui\querydesign\query.src	0	string	STR_QUERY_UNDO_INSERTCONNECTION				0	kid	zbnxym‖Insert Join				20091030 14:20:22
 Index: l10n/source/nl/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/nl/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -187,14 +131,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/nl/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	nl	Wisopties				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	nl	Bijwerkopties				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	nl	betrokken velden				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	nl	De volgende velden zijn reeds als primaire sleutel gedefinieerd:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	nl	Tabel kopiëren				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	nl	Opmaaktype				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	nl	Het rapport, "$file$", vereist de extensie Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	nl	Systeem				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	nl	~Alles				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	nl	Het document "$file$" kon niet worden geopend.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/nn/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/nn/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -207,14 +143,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/nn/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	nn	~Last ned …				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	nn	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\indexdialog.src	0	toolboxitem	DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS	ID_INDEX_NEW	HID_DLGIDX_NEWINDEX		13691	nn	Ny indeks				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -29105,7 +29104,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	nn	Fila «$file$» finst ikkje.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	nn	Det kom åtvaringar ved tilkopling til datakjelda. Trykk «$buttontext$» for å sjå åtvaringane.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	nn	Namnet «$#$» finst frå før.\nVel eit anna namn.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	nn	Rapporten «$file$» krev utvidinga «Sun rapportbyggjar».				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	nn	Bruk kolonnar				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	nn	Formateringstype				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	nn	Følgjande felt er alt sette opp som primærnøklar:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/vi/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/vi/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -227,26 +155,10 @@ Index: l10n/source/vi/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	vi	Xoá tùy chọn				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	vi	Cập nhật tùy chọn				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	vi	Trường liên quan				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1645,7 +1644,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	vi	Nhưng trường theo đây đã được đặt là khoá chính:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	vi	Chép bảng				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	vi	Định dạng kiểu				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	vi	Báo cáo "$file$" cần phần mở rộng Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	vi	Hệ thống				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	vi	Tất ~cả				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	vi	Tài liệu « $file$ » không thể mở được.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/ro/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/ro/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
 +++ l10n/source/ro/localize.sdf	(Arbeitskopie)
-@@ -6762,7 +6762,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				0	ro	Nu există fișierul „$file$”.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				0	ro	Au apărut  avertismente la conectarea la sursa de date. Apăsați „$buttontext$” pentru a le vizualiza.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				0	ro	Numele „$#$” există deja.\nVă rugăm să introduceți un alt nume.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	ro	Raportul „$file$” necesită extensia Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				0	ro	Aplică coloanele				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	ro	Formatarea tipului				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	ro	Următoarele câmpuri au fost deja setate ca și chei primare:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 @@ -7042,7 +7041,6 @@
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dbfindex.src	0	fixedtext	DLG_DBASE_INDEXES	FT_TABLEINDEXES			0	ro	Indecși de t~abel				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dbfindex.src	0	fixedtext	DLG_DBASE_INDEXES	FT_ALLINDEXES			0	ro	~Indecși liberi				2002-02-02 02:02:02
@@ -267,14 +179,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/ca/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	ca	Opcions de supressió				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	ca	Opcions d'actualització				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	ca	Camps implicats				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	ca	Els camps següents s'han definit com a claus primàries:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	ca	Copia la taula				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	ca	Formatació de tipus				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	ca	L'informe "$file$" requereix l'extensió Constructor d'informes de Sun.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	ca	Sistema				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	ca	~Tot				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	ca	No s'ha pogut obrir el document "$file$".				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/pt-BR/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/pt-BR/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -287,14 +191,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/pt-BR/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	pt-BR	Excluir opções				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	pt-BR	Atualizar opções				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	pt-BR	Campos envolvidos				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	pt-BR	Os seguintes campos foram configurados como chaves primárias:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	pt-BR	Copiar tabela				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	pt-BR	Formatação de tipo				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	pt-BR	O relatório, "$file$", necessita a extensão Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	pt-BR	Sistema				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	pt-BR	~Todas				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	pt-BR	Não foi possível abrir o documento "$file$".				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/ru/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/ru/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -307,26 +203,10 @@ Index: l10n/source/ru/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	ru	При удалении				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	ru	При обновлении				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	ru	Поля				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	ru	Следующие поля уже установлены как первичные ключи:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	ru	Копирование				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	ru	Типы полей				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	ru	Отчет "$file$" требует наличия Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	ru	Системный				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	ru	Все				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	ru	Документ "$file$" не может быть открыт.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/ga/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/ga/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
 +++ l10n/source/ga/localize.sdf	(Arbeitskopie)
-@@ -13570,7 +13570,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	ga	Níl an comhad "$file$" ann.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	ga	Fuarthas rabhaidh le linn ceangal leis an bhfoinse sonraí. Brúigh "$buttontext$" le hiad a fheiceáil.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	ga	Tá an t-ainm '$#$' ann cheana.\nIontráil ainm eile le do thoil.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	ga	Tá an eisínteacht Sun Report Builder de dhíth ar an tuairisc, "$file$".				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	ga	Cuir colúin i bhfeidhm				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	ga	Formáidiú cló				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	ga	Tá na réimsí seo a leanas socraithe mar phríomheochracha:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 @@ -13943,7 +13942,6 @@
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dsselect.src	0	string	DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION	STR_LOCAL_DATASOURCES			50	ga	Bunachair Shonraí Logánta				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dsselect.src	0	string	DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION	STR_DESCRIPTION2			50	ga	Roghnaigh bunachar sonraí				2002-02-02 02:02:02
@@ -359,26 +239,10 @@ Index: l10n/source/oc/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	oc	Opcions d'escafament				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	oc	Opcions d'actualizacion				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	oc	Camps implicats				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1707,7 +1706,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	oc	Los camps seguents son ja causits coma clau primària:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	oc	Copiar la taula				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	oc	Tipe de formatatge				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	oc	Lo rapòrt, "$file$", a de besonh de l'extension Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	oc	Sistèma				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	oc	~Tot				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	oc	Lo document "$file$" se pòt pas dobrir.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/gl/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/gl/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
 +++ l10n/source/gl/localize.sdf	(Arbeitskopie)
-@@ -16112,7 +16112,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	gl	O ficheiro "$file$" non existe.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	gl	Encontráronse avisos ao conectar á fonte de datos. Prema "$buttontext$" para velos.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	gl	Xa existe o nome '$Name: OpenOffice_1_0_3 $'.\nIntroduza outro nome.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	gl	O informe, "$file$", require a extensión Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	gl	Aplicar columnas				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	gl	Formatado do tipo				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	gl	Xa foron definidos os seguintes campos como chaves primarias:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 @@ -16432,7 +16431,6 @@
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dsselect.src	0	string	DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION	STR_LOCAL_DATASOURCES			50	gl	Bases de datos locais				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dsselect.src	0	string	DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION	STR_DESCRIPTION2			50	gl	Seleccione unha base de datos				2002-02-02 02:02:02
@@ -401,26 +265,10 @@ Index: l10n/source/cs/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	cs	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\indexdialog.src	0	toolboxitem	DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS	ID_INDEX_NEW	HID_DLGIDX_NEWINDEX		13691	cs	Nový indexy				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\indexdialog.src	0	toolboxitem	DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS	ID_INDEX_DROP	HID_DLGIDX_DROPINDEX		13691	cs	Odstranit aktuální index				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1953,7 +1953,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	cs	Soubor "$file$" neexistuje.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	cs	Při připojování ke zdroji dat byla zobrazena upozornění. Zobrazíte je stisknutím "$buttontext$".				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	cs	Název '$#$' již existuje.\nZvolte jiný název.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	cs	Sestava "$file$" vyžaduje rozšíření Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	cs	Použít sloupce				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	cs	Formátování typu				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	cs	Následující pole již byla použita jako primární klíč:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/km/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/km/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
 +++ l10n/source/km/localize.sdf	(Arbeitskopie)
-@@ -70764,7 +70764,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	km	ឯកសារ "$file$" មិន​មាន​ឡើយ ។				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	km	ការ​ព្រមាន​ត្រូវ​បាន​ជួប​ប្រទះ ខណៈ​ពេល​តភ្ជាប់​ប្រភព​ទិន្នន័យ ។ ចុច"$buttontext$" ដើម្បី​មើល​ពួក​វា ។				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	km	មាន​ឈ្មោះ '$#$' រួចហើយ ។\nសូម​បញ្ចូល​ឈ្មោះ​មួយ​ទៀត ។				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	km	របាយការណ៍ "$file$" ត្រូវការ​ផ្នែកបន្ថែម​របស់​កម្មវិធី​​បង្កើត​​របាយការណ៍​របស់ Sun ។				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	km	អនុវត្ត​ជួរឈរ				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	km	ការ​ធ្វើ​ទ្រង់​ទ្រាយ​ប្រភេទ				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	km	វាល​​ខាង​ក្រោម​ ត្រូវ​បាន​កំណត់​ជា​កូន​សោសំខាន់​រួច​ហើយ ៖ \n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 @@ -71137,7 +71136,6 @@
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dsselect.src	0	string	DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION	STR_LOCAL_DATASOURCES			50	km	មូល​ដ្ឋាន​ទិន្ន​ន័យ មូល​​ដ្ឋាន​				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dsselect.src	0	string	DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION	STR_DESCRIPTION2			50	km	ជ្រើស​​មូលដ្ឋាន​​ទិន្នន័យ				2002-02-02 02:02:02
@@ -441,14 +289,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/kn/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	kn	ಅಳಿಸುವ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳು				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	kn	ಅಪ್‌ಡೇಟ್‌ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳು				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	kn	ಒಳಗೊಂಡಿರುವ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳು				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	kn	ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಈಗಾಗಲೆ ಪ್ರಾಥಮಿಕ ಕೀಲಿಯಾಗಿ ಅಣಿಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	kn	ಕೋಷ್ಟಕವನ್ನು ಕಾಪಿ ಮಾಡಿ				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	kn	ಬಗೆಯನ್ನು ಫಾರ್ಮಾಟ್‌ ಮಾಡುವಿಕೆ				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	kn	"$file$" ಎಂಬ ವರದಿಗಾಗಿ ಸನ್ ರಿಪೋರ್ಟ್ ಬಿಲ್ಡರ್ ಎಂಬ ವಿಸ್ತರಣೆಗ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿರುತ್ತದೆ.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	kn	ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆ				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	kn	ಎಲ್ಲವೂ(~A)				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	kn	"$file$" ದಸ್ತಾವೇಜನ್ನು ತೆರೆಯಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/ko/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/ko/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -473,14 +313,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/sh/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	sh	~Preuzmi...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	sh	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\indexdialog.src	0	toolboxitem	DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS	ID_INDEX_NEW	HID_DLGIDX_NEWINDEX		13691	sh	Novi indeks				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -26454,7 +26453,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	sh	Datoteka „$file$“ ne postoji.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	sh	Pojavila su se upozorenja pri povezivanju na izvor baze podataka. Kliknite „$buttontext$“ da biste ih pregledali.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	sh	Ime '$#$' već postoji.\nUnesite drugo ime.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	sh	Proširenje Sun-ov Konstruktor izveštaja je neophodno za izveštaj „$file$“.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	sh	Primeni kolone				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	sh	Vrsta formatiranja				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	sh	Sledeća polja su već postavljena kao primarni ključevi:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/om/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/om/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -493,14 +325,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/om/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	om	Buusi...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	om	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\indexdialog.src	0	toolboxitem	DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS	ID_INDEX_NEW	HID_DLGIDX_NEWINDEX		13691	om	Kasaa Haaraa				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1953,7 +1952,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	om	Faayiliin "$file$" hin jiru.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	om	Osoo madda deetaatti walindhaa jiruu ofeeggannoowwan mul'atan. Ofeegggannoowwan kana ilaaluuf "$buttontext$" dhiibi.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	om	Maqaan '$#$' kanaan dura jira.\nMee maqaa biroo saagi.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	om	Gabaasni, "$file$", dheertoo Ijaaraa Gabaasa Sun barbaada. 				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	om	Tarjaalee fayyadami				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	om	Akaakuu dhangeessuu				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	om	Dirreewwan armaan gadii akka furtuu dursaatti qindeessamaniiru:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/gu/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/gu/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -513,14 +337,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/gu/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	gu	વિકલ્પોને રદ કરો				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	gu	વિકલ્પો બદલવા				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	gu	સમાવિષ્ટ કરાયેલ ક્ષેત્રો				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1694,7 +1693,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	gu	નીચેના ક્ષેત્રો પ્રાથમિક કીઓ તરીકે પહેલાથી જ સુયોજિત થઈ ગયેલ છે:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	gu	કોષ્ટકની નકલ કરો				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	gu	બંધારણ કરવાનો પ્રકાર				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	gu	અહેવાલ, "$file$", એક્સટેન્શન Sun Report Builder ની જરૂર છે.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	gu	સિસ્ટમ				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	gu	બધું (~A)				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	gu	દસ્તાવેજ "$file$" ખોલી શક્યા નહિં.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/sl/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/sl/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -533,14 +349,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/sl/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	sl	Možnosti brisanja				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	sl	Možnosti posodobitve				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	sl	Vključeni polji				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1974,7 +1973,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	sl	Naslednja polja so že bila nastavljena kot primarni ključi:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	sl	Kopiraj tabelo				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	sl	Oblikovanje vrste				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	sl	Za izdelavo poročila "$file$" potrebujete razširitev Oblikovalec poročil podjetja Sun.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	sl	Sistem				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	sl	~Vse				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	sl	Dokumenta "$file$" ni mogoče odpreti.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/zh-CN/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/zh-CN/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -565,14 +373,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/or/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	or	ବିକଳ୍ପସବୁକୁ ବିଲୋପ କର				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	or	 ବିକଳ୍ପଗୁଡିକ  ଅପଡେଟ କର				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	or	 କ୍ଷେତ୍ରଗୁଡିକ ସାମିଲହୋଇଥିବା				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1690,7 +1689,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	or	ପ୍ରାଥମିକ କିଗୁଡିକ ପରି ନିମ୍ନ କ୍ଷେତ୍ରଗୁଡିକ ପୂର୍ବରୁ ସେଟ ହୋଇଅଛି:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	or	ଟେବୁଲର ନକଲ				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	or	ପ୍ରକାର ଫର୍ମାଟିଙ୍ଗ				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	or	ବିବରଣୀ, "$file$", ଅନୁଲଗ୍ନ Sun ବିବରଣୀ ନିର୍ମାତା ଆବଶ୍ୟକ କରିଥାଏ।				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	or	ତନ୍ତ୍ର				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	or	ସମସ୍ତ				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	or	ଦଲିଲ "$file$" କୁ ଖୋଲାଯାଇପାରିବ ନାହିଁ।				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/da/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/da/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -585,14 +385,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/da/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	da	~Hent...				20070805 13:45:08
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	da	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				20070723 05:45:37
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\indexdialog.src	0	toolboxitem	DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS	ID_INDEX_NEW	HID_DLGIDX_NEWINDEX		13691	da	Nyt indeks				20050205 10:00:53
-@@ -1953,7 +1952,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	da	Filen "$file$" findes ikke.				20050415 18:04:11
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	da	Advarsler forekom under etablering af forbindelse til datakilden. Tryk "$buttontext$" for at vise dem.				20061018 22:20:14
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	da	Navnet '$#$' findes allerede.\nIndtast et andet navn.				20060805 13:50:08
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	da	Rapporten, "$fil$", kræver udvidelsen Sun Report Builder.				20091003 13:03:10
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	da	Anvend kolonner				20050205 10:00:53
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	da	Typeformatering				20050205 10:00:53
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	da	Følgende felter er allerede valgt som primærnøgler:\n				20050205 10:00:53
 Index: l10n/source/sr/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/sr/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -605,14 +397,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/sr/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	sr	~Преузми...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	sr	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\indexdialog.src	0	toolboxitem	DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS	ID_INDEX_NEW	HID_DLGIDX_NEWINDEX		13691	sr	Нови индекс				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -26454,7 +26453,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	sr	Датотека „$file$“ не постоји.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	sr	Појавила су се упозорења при повезивању на извор базе података. Кликните „$buttontext$“ да бисте их прегледали.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	sr	Име '$#$' већ постоји.\nУнесите друго име.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	sr	Проширење Sun-ов Конструктор извештаја је неопходно за извештај „$file$“.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	sr	Примени колоне				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	sr	Врста форматирања				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	sr	Следећа поља су већ постављена као примарни кључеви:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/sv/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/sv/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -625,14 +409,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/sv/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	sv	Raderingsalternativ				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	sv	Uppdateringsalternativ				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	sv	Inkluderade fält				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1706,7 +1705,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	sv	Följande fält är redan satta som primärnycklar:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	sv	Kopiera tabell				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	sv	Typformateringar				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	sv	Rapporten "$file$" kräver paketet Sun Rapportdesign.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	sv	System				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	sv	~Alla				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	sv	Det gick inte att öppna dokumentet\n\n$file$\n\n.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/de/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/de/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -646,14 +422,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/de/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	de	Löschoptionen				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	de	Update Optionen				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	de	beteiligte Felder				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1982,7 +1982,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	de	Es sind bereits folgende Felder als Primärschlüssel gesetzt:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	de	Tabelle kopieren				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	de	Typformatierungen				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	de	Der Bericht "$file$" benötigt die Extension Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	de	System				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	de	~Alle				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	de	Das Dokument "$file$" konnte nicht geöffnet werden.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/he/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/he/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -670,14 +438,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/hi-IN/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/hi-IN/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
 +++ l10n/source/hi-IN/localize.sdf	(Arbeitskopie)
-@@ -6376,7 +6376,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	hi-IN	फ़ाइल "$file$" मौजूद नहीं है.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	hi-IN	आँकड़ा स्रोत से जुड़ने के दौरान चेतावनी का सामना हुआ. "$buttontext$" को उन्हें देखने के लिए दबाएं.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	hi-IN	नाम '$#$' पहले से मौजूद है.\nकृपया अऩ्य नाम दें.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	hi-IN	रिपोर्ट, "$file$", के लिए विस्तार Sun रिपोर्ट बिल्डर जरूरी है.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	hi-IN	स्तंभ लागू करें				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	hi-IN	वर्ग रचना				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	hi-IN	निम्नलिखित क्षेत्रों को पहले से ही प्राथमिक कुंजी जैसे स्थापित किया है:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 @@ -6716,7 +6715,6 @@
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dsselect.src	0	string	DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION	STR_LOCAL_DATASOURCES			50	hi-IN	स्थानिक आँकड़ा मूल				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dsselect.src	0	string	DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION	STR_DESCRIPTION2			50	hi-IN	एक डेटाबेस चुनें				2002-02-02 02:02:02
@@ -710,14 +470,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/ta/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	ta	நீக்கத் தேர்வுகள்				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	ta	தேர்வுகளைப் புதுப்பி				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	ta	ஈடுபட்டுள்ள புலமங்கள்				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1715,7 +1714,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	ta	பின்வரும் புலங்கள் முதன்மை விசைகளாக ஏற்கனவே அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	ta	அட்டவணையைப் படியெடு				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	ta	வகை வடிவமைப்பு				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	ta	The report, "$file$", requires the extension Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	ta	முறைமை				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	ta	~அனைத்தும்				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	ta	"$file$" ஆவணத்தைத் திறக்க இயலவில்லை.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/sa-IN/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/sa-IN/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -743,14 +495,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/te/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	te	తాజాపరుచు ఇచ్ఛాపూర్వకాలు				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	te	 నిహితమైన క్షేత్రములు				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 @@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	te	ఈ క్షేత్రములు అప్పటికే ప్రాథమికమీటలుగా అమర్చబడినది:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	te	పట్టికను నకలుతీయుము				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	te	ఫార్మటింగ్ రకం				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	te	నివేదిక, "$file$",కు పొడిగింపు Sun Report Builder అవసరము.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	te	వ్యవస్థ 				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	te	మొత్తము (~A)				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	te	పత్రము "$file$" యిప్పుడు నకలు తీయబడలేవు.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-Index: l10n/source/hr/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/hr/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
 +++ l10n/source/hr/localize.sdf	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -774,14 +518,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/pl/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	pl	Opcje usuwania				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	pl	Opcje aktualizacji				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	pl	ZÅ‚Ä…czone pola				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	pl	Następujące pola już zostały ustawione jako klucze główne:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	pl	Kopiuj tabelÄ™				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	pl	Formatowanie typu				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	pl	Raport "$file$" wymaga rozszerzenia Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	pl	Systemowe				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	pl	~Wszystko				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	pl	Otwarcie dokumentu "$file$" nie powiodło się.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/hu/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/hu/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -794,14 +530,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/hu/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	hu	Beállítások törlése				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	hu	Beállítások frissítése				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	hu	Érintett mezők				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	hu	A következő mezők már elsődleges kulcsnak vannak beállítva:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	hu	Tábla másolása				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	hu	Típusformázás				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	hu	A jelentéshez („$file$”) a Sun Report Builder kiterjesztés szükséges.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	hu	Rendszer				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	hu	~Minden szintre				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	hu	A(z) „$file$” dokumentum nem nyitható meg.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/dz/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/dz/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -838,14 +566,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/pt/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	pt	Opções de eliminação				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	pt	Opções de actualização				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	pt	Campos considerados				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	pt	Já foram definidos como chaves principais os seguintes campos:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	pt	Copiar tabela				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	pt	Formatação de tipo				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	pt	O relatório , "$file$", requer a extensão do Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	pt	Sistema				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	pt	~Tudo				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	pt	Não foi possível abrir o documento "$file$".				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/tr/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/tr/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -870,14 +590,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/ast/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	ast	Quitar opciones				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	ast	Anovar opciones...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	ast	Campos implicaos				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1707,7 +1706,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	ast	Yá se definieron los campos que vienen darréu como llaves primaries:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	ast	Copiar tabla				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	ast	Tipu formatu				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	ast	L'informe, "$file$", requier la estensión Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	ast	Sistema				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	ast	~Too				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	ast	Imposible abrir el documentu $file$ !				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/en-GB/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/en-GB/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -890,14 +602,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/en-GB/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	en-GB	Delete options				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	en-GB	Update options				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	en-GB	Fields involved				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1974,7 +1973,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	en-GB	The following fields have already been set as primary keys:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	en-GB	Copy table				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	en-GB	Type formatting				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	en-GB	The report, "$file$", requires the extension Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	en-GB	System				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	en-GB	~All				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	en-GB	The document "$file$" could not be opened.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/id/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/id/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -910,14 +614,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/id/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	id	Opsi penghapusan				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	id	Opsi pembaharuan				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	id	Kolom yang terlibat				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	id	Kolom berikut telah ditentukan sebagai kunci utama:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	id	Salin tabel				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	id	Jenis pemformatan				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	id	Laporan "$file$" memerlukan ekstensi Pembuat Laporan Sun.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	id	Sistem				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	id	Semu~a				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	id	Dokumen "$file$" tidak bisa dibuka.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/be-BY/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/be-BY/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -934,14 +630,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/el/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/el/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
 +++ l10n/source/el/localize.sdf	(Arbeitskopie)
-@@ -1177,7 +1177,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	el	Το αρχείο "$file$" δεν υπάρχει.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	el	Παρουσιάστηκαν προειδοποιήσεις κατά τη σύνδεση με την προέλευση των δεδομένων. Πατήστε "$buttontext$" για να τις δείτε.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	el	Το όνομα '$#$' υπάρχει ήδη.\nΠαρακαλώ επιλέξτε ένα άλλο όνομα.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	el	Η αναφορά, "$file$", απαιτεί την επέκταση Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	el	Εφαρμογή στηλών				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	el	Μορφοποίηση τύπου				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	el	Τα παρακάτω πεδία έχουν ήδη οριστεί ως πρωτεύοντα κλειδιά:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 @@ -1571,7 +1570,6 @@
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dsselect.src	0	string	DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION	STR_LOCAL_DATASOURCES			50	el	Τοπικές βάσεις δεδομένων				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dsselect.src	0	string	DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION	STR_DESCRIPTION2			50	el	Επιλέξτε μια βάση δεδομένων				2002-02-02 02:02:02
@@ -962,14 +650,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/ar/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	ar	خيارات الحذف				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	ar	خيارات التحديث				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	ar	الحقول المعنية				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	ar	تم تعيين الحقول التالية كمفاتيح أساسية بالفعل:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	ar	نسخ جدول				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	ar	تنسيق النوع				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	ar	يتطلب التقرير, "$file$", الامتداد Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	ar	النظام				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	ar	ال~كل				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	ar	تعذر فتح المستند "$file$".				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/as/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/as/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -1006,14 +686,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/es/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	es	Opciones de eliminación				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	es	Opciones de actualización				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	es	Campos implicados				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	es	Ya se han definido los siguientes campos como llaves primarias:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	es	Copiar tabla				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	es	Formateado de tipos				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	es	El reporte, "$file$", requiere de extensiones Sun Report BUiilder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	es	Sistema				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	es	~Todos				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	es	No se pudo abrir el documento "$file$".				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/ml/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/ml/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -1026,26 +698,10 @@ Index: l10n/source/ml/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	ml	ഐച്ഛികം നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	ml	ഐച്ഛികം അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്യുക				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	ml	മണ്ഡലം ഉള്പ്പെട്ട				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1374,7 +1373,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	ml	ഈ മണ്ഡലങ്ങള് മുഖ്യ കീ ആയി സെറ്റ് ചെയ്തിരിക്കുന്നു:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	ml	പട്ടികയുടെ പകര്പ്പ്				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	ml	 രൂപരേഖ വിഭാഗം				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	ml	"$file$" എന്ന റിപോര്‍ട്ടിനു് സണ്‍ റിപോര്‍ട്ട് ബിള്‍ഡര്‍ എക്സ്റ്റെന്‍ഷന്‍ ആവശ്യമുണ്ടു്.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	ml	സിസ്റ്റം				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	ml	എല്ലാം				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	ml	ഡോക്കുമെന്റ്\n\n$file$\n\nതുറക്കാന് കഴിയില്ല.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/et/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/et/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
 +++ l10n/source/et/localize.sdf	(Arbeitskopie)
-@@ -786,7 +786,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	et	Faili "$file$" pole olemas.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	et	Andmeallikaga ühendumisel anti hoiatusi. Nende vaatamiseks klõpsa nupul "$buttontext$".				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	et	Nimi '$#$' on juba olemas.\nPalun sisesta mõni teine nimi.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	et	Aruanne, "$file$", vajab laiendust Sun'i Aruandekoostaja.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	et	Rakenda veergudele				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	et	Tüübi vorming				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	et	Need väljad on juba seatud primaarvõtmeteks:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 @@ -1159,7 +1158,6 @@
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dsselect.src	0	string	DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION	STR_LOCAL_DATASOURCES			50	et	Lokaalsed andmebaasid				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dsselect.src	0	string	DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION	STR_DESCRIPTION2			50	et	Vali andmebaas				2002-02-02 02:02:02
@@ -1066,14 +722,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/eu/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	eu	~Deskargatu...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	eu	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\indexdialog.src	0	toolboxitem	DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS	ID_INDEX_NEW	HID_DLGIDX_NEWINDEX		13691	eu	Indize berria				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1953,7 +1952,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	eu	"$file$" fitxategia ez dago.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	eu	Abisuak aurkitu dira datu-iturburura konektatzean. Ikusteko, sakatu "$buttontext$".				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	eu	'$#$' izena badago.\nIdatzi beste izen bat.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	eu	"$file$" txotenak 'Sun txostenen diseinatzailea' hedapena behar du.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	eu	Aplikatu zutabeak				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	eu	Mota-formateatzea				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	eu	Honako eremuak lehen mailako gako gisa ezarrita daude:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/zh-TW/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/zh-TW/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -1086,14 +734,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/zh-TW/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	zh-TW	刪除的選項				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	zh-TW	更新的選項				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	zh-TW	相關的欄位				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	zh-TW	以下的欄位已經指定成主關鍵字:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	zh-TW	複製表格				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	zh-TW	類型格式化				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	zh-TW	「$file$」報告需要擴充軟體 Sun Report Builder。				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	zh-TW	系統				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	zh-TW	全部(~A)				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	zh-TW	無法開啟文件「$file$」。				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/mn/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/mn/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -1130,14 +770,6 @@ Index: l10n/source/it/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	it	Opzioni di eliminazione				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	it	Opzioni di aggiornamento				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	it	Campi considerati				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	it	I seguenti campi sono stati impostati come chiave primaria:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	it	Copia tabella				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	it	Formattazione del tipo				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	it	Il rapporto "$file$" richiede l'estensione Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	it	Sistema				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	it	~Tutti				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	it	Non è stato possibile aprire il documento "$file$".				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 Index: l10n/source/mr/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/mr/localize.sdf	(Revision 277664)
@@ -1150,11 +782,3 @@ Index: l10n/source/mr/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	mr	पर्याय नष्ट करा				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	mr	अद्ययावत करण्याचे पर्याय				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	mr	समाविष्ट असलेली क्षेत्रे				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1708,7 +1707,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	mr	खालील  क्षेत्रांची आधीच प्राथमिक कीज म्हणून मांडणी केलेली आहे:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	mr	तक्त्याचे प्रत बनवा				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	mr	प्रकार स्वरूपित करत आहे				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	mr	अहवाल, "$file$", यांस एक्सटेंशन Sun Report Builder आवश्यक आहे.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	mr	पद्धती				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	mr	सर्व (~A)				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	mr	कागदपत्र\n\n$धारिका$\n\nउघडू शकत नाही.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
diff --git a/patches/dev300/reportdesign-mention-package-l10n.diff b/patches/dev300/reportdesign-mention-package-l10n.diff
index bfd9cb7..8cb562d 100644
--- a/patches/dev300/reportdesign-mention-package-l10n.diff
+++ b/patches/dev300/reportdesign-mention-package-l10n.diff
@@ -9,14 +9,6 @@ diff --git a/l10n/source/ar/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/ar/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	ar	~تنزيل...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	ar	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\UserAdmin.src	0	fixedline	TAB_PAGE_USERADMIN	FL_USER			0	ar	تحديد المستخدم				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1716,7 +1715,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				0	ar	الملف "$file$" غير موجود.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				0	ar	ظهرت تحذيرات أثناء الاتصال بمصدر البيانات. اضغط على "$buttontext$" لعرض هذه التحذيرات.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				0	ar	الاسم '$#$' موجود بالفعل.\nالرجاء إدخال اسم آخر.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	ar	يتطلب التقرير, "$file$", الامتداد Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\uno\copytablewizard.src	0	string	STR_CTW_NO_VIEWS_SUPPORT				0	ar	قاعدة البيانات الوجهة لا تدعم طرق العرض.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\uno\copytablewizard.src	0	string	STR_CTW_NO_PRIMARY_KEY_SUPPORT				0	ar	قاعدة البيانات الوجهة لا تدعم المفاتيح الرئيسية.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\uno\copytablewizard.src	0	string	STR_CTW_INVALID_DATA_ACCESS_DESCRIPTOR				0	ar	لم يتم العثور على واصف الوصول إلى البيانات، أو لا يوجد واصف وصول إلى البيانات قادر على تقديم كافة البيانات الضرورية				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 diff --git a/l10n/source/as/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/as/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/as/localize.sdf
 +++ l10n/source/as/localize.sdf
@@ -39,25 +31,6 @@ diff --git a/l10n/source/ast/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/ast/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	ast	~Descargar...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	ast	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\UserAdmin.src	0	fixedline	TAB_PAGE_USERADMIN	FL_USER			0	ast	Esbilla d'usuariu				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1715,7 +1714,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				0	ast	Nun esiste'l ficheru "$file$".				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				0	ast	Xeneráronse alvertencies na conexón col orixe de datos. Calca "$buttontext$" pa veles.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				0	ast	El nome '$#$' yá existe.\nEscribi otru nome.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	ast	L'informe, "$file$", requier la estensión Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\querydesign\querydlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL	FL_JOIN			191	ast	Opciones				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\querydesign\querydlg.src	0	fixedtext	DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL	FT_LISTBOXTITLE			89	ast	~Triba				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\querydesign\querydlg.src	0	stringlist	DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL.LB_JOINTYPE	1			0	ast	JOIN internu				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-diff --git a/l10n/source/be-BY/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/be-BY/localize.sdf
---- l10n/source/be-BY/localize.sdf
-+++ l10n/source/be-BY/localize.sdf
-@@ -5723,7 +5723,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				0	be-BY	Не існуе файл "$file$".				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				0	be-BY	Атрыманы папярэджанні пры далучэнні да крыніцы даных. Націсніце "$buttontext$", каб іх прачытаць.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				0	be-BY	Назва '$#$' ужо занята.\nВыберыце іншую назву.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	be-BY	Для справаздачы "$file$" патрабуецца прыстаўка Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\relationdesign\relation.src	0	string	STR_QUERY_REL_EDIT_RELATION				0	be-BY	Такі стасунак ужо існуе. Ці жадаеце правіць яго, ці дадаць новы?				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\relationdesign\relation.src	0	string	STR_QUERY_REL_EDIT				0	be-BY	Правіць...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\relationdesign\relation.src	0	string	STR_QUERY_REL_CREATE				0	be-BY	Дадаць...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 diff --git a/l10n/source/bg/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/bg/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/bg/localize.sdf
 +++ l10n/source/bg/localize.sdf
@@ -69,14 +42,6 @@ diff --git a/l10n/source/bg/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/bg/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	bg	Из~тегляне...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	bg	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\indexdialog.src	0	toolboxitem	DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS	ID_INDEX_NEW	HID_DLGIDX_NEWINDEX		13691	bg	Нов индекс				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -73374,7 +73373,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	bg	Файлът "$file$" не съществува.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	bg	Възникнали са предупреждения по време на свързване към източника на данни. Натиснете "$buttontext$", за да ги видите.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	bg	Името "$#$" вече съществува.\nМоля, въведете друго име.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	bg	Справката, "$file$", изисква разширението Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	bg	Избиране на колони				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	bg	Форматиране на типовете				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	bg	Следните полета вече са зададени като първични ключове:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 diff --git a/l10n/source/bn/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/bn/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/bn/localize.sdf
 +++ l10n/source/bn/localize.sdf
@@ -110,14 +75,6 @@ diff --git a/l10n/source/ca-XV/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/ca-XV/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	ca-XV	~Baixa...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	ca-XV	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\UserAdmin.src	0	fixedline	TAB_PAGE_USERADMIN	FL_USER			0	ca-XV	Selecció de l'usuari				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1718,7 +1717,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				0	ca-XV	El fitxer «$file$» no existix.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				0	ca-XV	S'han generat advertiments durant la connexió amb la font de dades. Polsa "$buttontext$" per a veure-les.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				0	ca-XV	El nom '$#$' ja existix.\nIntroduïu un altre nom.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	ca-XV	L'informe «$file$» requerix l'extensió Report Builder de Sun™.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\control\undosqledit.src	0	string	STR_QUERY_UNDO_MODIFYSQLEDIT				0	ca-XV	Modifica les expressions SQL				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\control\TableGrantCtrl.src	0	string	STR_TABLE_PRIV_NAME				0	ca-XV	Nom de la taula				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\control\TableGrantCtrl.src	0	string	STR_TABLE_PRIV_INSERT				0	ca-XV	Inserix les dades				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 diff --git a/l10n/source/ca/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/ca/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/ca/localize.sdf
 +++ l10n/source/ca/localize.sdf
@@ -129,14 +86,6 @@ diff --git a/l10n/source/ca/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/ca/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	ca	~Baixa...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	ca	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\UserAdmin.src	0	fixedline	TAB_PAGE_USERADMIN	FL_USER			0	ca	Selecció de l'usuari				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1716,7 +1715,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				0	ca	El fitxer "$file$" no existeix.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				0	ca	S'han trobat advertències mentre es connectava a la font de base de dades. Feu clic a "$buttontext$" per veure-les.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				0	ca	El nom '$#$' ja existeix.\nIntroduïu un altre nom.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	ca	L'informe "$file$" requereix l'extensió Constructor d'informes de Sun.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\uno\copytablewizard.src	0	string	STR_CTW_NO_VIEWS_SUPPORT				0	ca	La base de dades de destinació no permet l'ús de visualitzacions.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\uno\copytablewizard.src	0	string	STR_CTW_NO_PRIMARY_KEY_SUPPORT				0	ca	La base de dades de destinació no permet l'ús de tecles primàries.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\uno\copytablewizard.src	0	string	STR_CTW_INVALID_DATA_ACCESS_DESCRIPTOR				0	ca	No s'ha trobat cap descriptor d'accés a dades o no hi ha cap descriptor d'accés a dades capaç de proporcionar tota la informació necessària.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 diff --git a/l10n/source/cs/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/cs/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/cs/localize.sdf
 +++ l10n/source/cs/localize.sdf
@@ -160,14 +109,6 @@ diff --git a/l10n/source/da/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/da/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	da	~Hent...				20070805 13:45:08
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	da	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				20070723 05:45:37
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\indexdialog.src	0	toolboxitem	DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS	ID_INDEX_NEW	HID_DLGIDX_NEWINDEX		13691	da	Nyt indeks				20050205 10:00:53
-@@ -1949,7 +1948,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	da	Filen "$file$" findes ikke.				20050415 18:04:11
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	da	Advarsler forekom under etablering af forbindelse til datakilden. Tryk "$buttontext$" for at vise dem.				20061018 22:20:14
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	da	Navnet '$#$' findes allerede.\nIndtast et andet navn.				20060805 13:50:08
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	da	Rapporten, "$fil$", kræver udvidelsen Sun Report Builder.				20091003 13:03:10
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	da	Anvend kolonner				20050205 10:00:53
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	da	Typeformatering				20050205 10:00:53
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	da	Følgende felter er allerede valgt som primærnøgler:\n				20050205 10:00:53
 diff --git a/l10n/source/de/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/de/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/de/localize.sdf
 +++ l10n/source/de/localize.sdf
@@ -194,14 +135,6 @@ diff --git a/l10n/source/dz/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/dz/localize.sdf
 diff --git a/l10n/source/el/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/el/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/el/localize.sdf
 +++ l10n/source/el/localize.sdf
-@@ -69052,7 +69052,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				0	el	Το αρχείο "$file$" δεν υπάρχει.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				0	el	Παρουσιάστηκαν προειδοποιήσεις κατά τη σύνδεση με την προέλευση των δεδομένων. Πατήστε "$buttontext$" για να τις δείτε.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				0	el	Το όνομα '$#$' υπάρχει ήδη.\nΠαρακαλώ επιλέξτε ένα άλλο όνομα.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	el	Η αναφορά, "$file$", απαιτεί την επέκταση Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\inc\toolbox_tmpl.hrc	0	#define	MID_SBA_QRY_REFRESH			!defined DBAUI_TOOLBOX_HXX	0	el	Ενημέρωση				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\inc\toolbox_tmpl.hrc	0	#define	MID_NEW_VIEW_DESIGN		HID_BROWSER_VIEW_CREATE_DESIGN	!defined DBAUI_TOOLBOX_HXX	0	el	Νέος σχεδιασμός ~προβολής				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\inc\toolbox_tmpl.hrc	0	#define	MID_NEW_TABLE_DESIGN		HID_BROWSER_TABLE_CREATE_DESIGN	!defined DBAUI_TOOLBOX_HXX	0	el	Νέο ~σχέδιο πίνακα				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 @@ -69385,7 +69384,6 @@
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\sqlmessage.src	0	string	STR_EXCEPTION_WARNING				240	el	Προειδοποίηση				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\sqlmessage.src	0	string	STR_EXCEPTION_INFO				240	el	Πληροφορίες				2002-02-02 02:02:02
@@ -221,14 +154,6 @@ diff --git a/l10n/source/en-GB/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/en-GB/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	en-GB	~Download...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	en-GB	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\UserAdmin.src	0	fixedline	TAB_PAGE_USERADMIN	FL_USER			0	en-GB	User selection				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1982,7 +1981,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				0	en-GB	The file "$file$" does not exist.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				0	en-GB	Warnings were encountered while connecting to the data source. Press "$buttontext$" to view them.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				0	en-GB	The name '$#$' already exists.\nPlease enter another name.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	en-GB	The report, "$file$", requires the extension Sun Report Builder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\querydesign\querydlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL	FL_JOIN			191	en-GB	Options				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\querydesign\querydlg.src	0	fixedtext	DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL	FT_LISTBOXTITLE			89	en-GB	~Type				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\querydesign\querydlg.src	0	stringlist	DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL.LB_JOINTYPE	1			0	en-GB	Inner join				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 diff --git a/l10n/source/eo/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/eo/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/eo/localize.sdf
 +++ l10n/source/eo/localize.sdf
@@ -240,14 +165,6 @@ diff --git a/l10n/source/eo/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/eo/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_DEL			84	eo	Forigaj agordaĵoj				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES	FL_CASC_UPD			84	eo	Ĝisdatigi agordaĵojn				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\RelationDlg.src	0	fixedline	DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.WND_CONTROL	FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS			174	eo	Kampoj koncernataj				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1934,7 +1933,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				0	eo	La jenaj kampoj jam estas agorditaj kiel ĉefŝlosilojn:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY				0	eo	Kopii tabelon				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				0	eo	Formatado de tipo				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	eo	La raporto, "$file$", bezonas la kromprogramon Sun Raport-Konstruanton.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RSC_CHARSETS	1			0	eo	Sistemo				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL				0	eo	Ĉiuj				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC				0	eo	Ne eblis malfermi la dokumenton "$file$"				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 diff --git a/l10n/source/es/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/es/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/es/localize.sdf
 +++ l10n/source/es/localize.sdf
@@ -259,25 +176,9 @@ diff --git a/l10n/source/es/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/es/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	es	~Descargar...				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	modaldialog	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		HID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG		0	es	%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\UserAdmin.src	0	fixedline	TAB_PAGE_USERADMIN	FL_USER			0	es	Selección de usuario				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-@@ -1716,7 +1715,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				0	es	El archivo "$file$" no existe.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				0	es	Se han generado advertencias durante la conexión con el origen de datos. Pulse "$buttontext$" para verlas.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				0	es	El nombre '$#$' ya existe.\nEspecifique otro nombre.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				0	es	El reporte, "$file$", requiere de extensiones Sun Report BUiilder.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\uno\copytablewizard.src	0	string	STR_CTW_NO_VIEWS_SUPPORT				0	es	El base de datos de destino no apoyo vistas.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\uno\copytablewizard.src	0	string	STR_CTW_NO_PRIMARY_KEY_SUPPORT				0	es	El base de datos de destino no apoyo claves primarios.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\uno\copytablewizard.src	0	string	STR_CTW_INVALID_DATA_ACCESS_DESCRIPTOR				0	es	ningún descriptor de acceso a datos encontrado, o ningún descriptor capaz de proveer la información necesario.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 diff --git a/l10n/source/et/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/et/localize.sdf
 --- l10n/source/et/localize.sdf
 +++ l10n/source/et/localize.sdf
-@@ -782,7 +782,6 @@
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST				13691	et	Faili "$file$" pole olemas.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT				13691	et	Andmeallikaga ühendumisel anti hoiatusi. Nende vaatamiseks klõpsa nupul "$buttontext$".				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS				13691	et	Nimi '$#$' on juba olemas.\nPalun sisesta mõni teine nimi.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
--dbaccess	source\ui\misc\dbumiscres.src	0	string	RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT				13691	et	Aruanne, "$file$", vajab laiendust Sun'i Aruandekoostaja.				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL				13691	et	Rakenda veergudele				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL				13691	et	Tüübi vorming				2002-02-02 02:02:02
- dbaccess	source\ui\misc\WizardPages.src	0	string	STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED				13691	et	Need väljad on juba seatud primaarvõtmeteks:\n				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 @@ -1155,7 +1154,6 @@
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dsselect.src	0	string	DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION	STR_LOCAL_DATASOURCES			50	et	Lokaalsed andmebaasid				2002-02-02 02:02:02
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\dsselect.src	0	string	DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION	STR_DESCRIPTION2			50	et	Vali andmebaas				2002-02-02 02:02:02
@@ -297,25 +198,9 @@ diff --git a/l10n/source/eu/localize.sdf b/l10n/source/eu/localize.sdf
  dbaccess	source\ui\dlg\ExtensionNotPresent.src	0	pushbutton	RID_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT_DLG	PB_DOWNLOAD			0	eu	~Deskargatu...				2002-02-02 02:02:02

... etc. - the rest is truncated

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