[ooo-build-commit] .: extensions/watchwindow

Kohei Yoshida kohei at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Feb 23 21:49:01 PST 2010

 extensions/watchwindow/build.xml                                |    2 
 extensions/watchwindow/watchwindow-variable-formula-syntax.diff |  416 ----------
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 416 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 686c10776778e66152c004bbd157053522f82c4e
Author: Kohei Yoshida <kyoshida at novell.com>
Date:   Wed Feb 24 00:46:03 2010 -0500

    Updated files for watchwindow extension.
    * extensions/watchwindow/build.xml: added licenses and images directory
      content to the package.
    * extensions/watchwindow/watchwindow-variable-formula-syntax.diff: removed,
      the patch has been applied in the sf.net repo.

diff --git a/extensions/watchwindow/build.xml b/extensions/watchwindow/build.xml
index 40f25e7..87ec6a3 100644
--- a/extensions/watchwindow/build.xml
+++ b/extensions/watchwindow/build.xml
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
             <fileset dir="." includes="${extjarname}"/>
             <fileset dir="." includes="registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/*.xcu"/>
             <fileset dir="." includes="dialogs/*"/>
+	    <fileset dir="." includes="licenses/*"/>
+	    <fileset dir="." includes="images/*"/>
             <fileset dir="src" includes="description.xml"/>
             <zipfileset dir="src" includes="uno-extension-manifest.xml" fullpath="META-INF/manifest.xml"/>
diff --git a/extensions/watchwindow/watchwindow-variable-formula-syntax.diff b/extensions/watchwindow/watchwindow-variable-formula-syntax.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 28a79dc..0000000
--- a/extensions/watchwindow/watchwindow-variable-formula-syntax.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
-diff --git src/org/openoffice/extensions/watchwindow/Controller.java src/org/openoffice/extensions/watchwindow/Controller.java
-index c3da795..e000b43 100644
---- src/org/openoffice/extensions/watchwindow/Controller.java
-+++ src/org/openoffice/extensions/watchwindow/Controller.java
-@@ -1,16 +1,24 @@
- package org.openoffice.extensions.watchwindow;
- import com.sun.star.awt.Point;
-+import com.sun.star.container.XIndexAccess;
- import com.sun.star.container.XNamed;
- import com.sun.star.frame.XController;
-+import com.sun.star.frame.XDesktop;
- import com.sun.star.frame.XFrame;
- import com.sun.star.frame.XModel;
- import com.sun.star.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException;
- import com.sun.star.lang.Locale;
- import com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException;
-+import com.sun.star.lang.XComponent;
- import com.sun.star.lang.XLocalizable;
- import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiComponentFactory;
-+import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory;
-+import com.sun.star.sheet.FormulaToken;
-+import com.sun.star.sheet.ReferenceFlags;
-+import com.sun.star.sheet.SingleReference;
- import com.sun.star.sheet.XCellAddressable;
-+import com.sun.star.sheet.XFormulaParser;
- import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheet;
- import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheetDocument;
- import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheetView;
-@@ -20,6 +28,7 @@ import com.sun.star.table.XCell;
- import com.sun.star.table.XCellRange;
- import com.sun.star.table.XColumnRowRange;
- import com.sun.star.table.XTableColumns;
-+import com.sun.star.uno.AnyConverter;
- import com.sun.star.uno.Exception;
- import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
- import com.sun.star.uno.XComponentContext;
-@@ -34,9 +43,10 @@ public class Controller {
-     private   DataModel              m_DataModel         = null;
-     private   XModel                 m_xModel            = null;
-     private   XMultiComponentFactory m_xServiceManager   = null;
-+    private   XFormulaParser         m_xFormulaParser    = null;
-     private   XSpreadsheetDocument   m_xDocument         = null;
--    private   String                 m_selectedCellName  = null;
-     private   String                 m_selectedSheetName = null;
-+    private   FormulaToken           m_selectedCell      = null;
-     private   XSpreadsheet           m_xValidSheet       = null;
-     private static short             _numer              = 0;
-@@ -57,6 +67,24 @@ public class Controller {
-         return m_xModel;
-     }
-+    public XFormulaParser getFormulaParser() {
-+        if (m_xFormulaParser == null) {
-+            try {
-+                // We need to get a service factory from the desktop instance 
-+                // in order to instantiate the formula parser.
-+                Object oDesktop = m_xServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop", m_xContext);
-+                XDesktop xDesktop = (XDesktop)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDesktop.class, oDesktop);
-+                XMultiServiceFactory xSrvMgr = (XMultiServiceFactory)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
-+                    XMultiServiceFactory.class, xDesktop.getCurrentComponent());
-+                Object oParser = xSrvMgr.createInstance("com.sun.star.sheet.FormulaParser");
-+                m_xFormulaParser = (XFormulaParser)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XFormulaParser.class, oParser);
-+            } catch (Exception ex) {
-+                ex.printStackTrace();
-+            }
-+        }
-+        return m_xFormulaParser;
-+    }
-     public Locale getLocation() { 
-         Locale locale = null;
-         try {
-@@ -114,23 +142,44 @@ public class Controller {
-     public String getSheetName(XSpreadsheet xSheet){
-         XNamed xNamed = (XNamed)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamed.class, xSheet);
-         return xNamed.getName();
--    } 
--    public String getCellNameWithDollars(XCell xCell) throws Exception{
--        String cellName ="";
--        Point address = getCellAdress(xCell);
--        cellName = "$" + convertColumnIndexToName(address.X);
--        cellName += "$" + (address.Y+1);
--        return cellName;
-     }
--    public Point getCellAdress(XCell xCell) throws Exception {
--        XCellAddressable xCellAddress =  (XCellAddressable)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCellAddressable.class, xCell);
--        CellAddress aAddress = xCellAddress.getCellAddress();
--        Point point =  new Point(aAddress.Column,aAddress.Row);
--        return point;
-+    private FormulaToken getRefToken(XCell xCell) {
-+        XCellAddressable xCellAddr =  (XCellAddressable)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
-+            XCellAddressable.class, xCell);
-+        CellAddress addr = xCellAddr.getCellAddress();
-+        SingleReference ref = new SingleReference();
-+        ref.Column = addr.Column;
-+        ref.Row    = addr.Row;
-+        ref.Sheet  = addr.Sheet;
-+        ref.Flags = ReferenceFlags.SHEET_3D;
-+        FormulaToken token = new FormulaToken();
-+        token.OpCode = 0;
-+        token.Data = ref;
-+        return token;
-     }
-+    private XSpreadsheet getSheetByIndex(int index) {
-+        if (m_xDocument == null)
-+            return null;
-+        XIndexAccess xIA = (XIndexAccess)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
-+            XIndexAccess.class, m_xDocument.getSheets());
-+        if (index >= xIA.getCount()) {
-+            return null;
-+        }
-+        try {
-+            XSpreadsheet xSheet = (XSpreadsheet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
-+                XSpreadsheet.class, xIA.getByIndex(index));
-+            return xSheet;
-+        } catch (Exception ex) {
-+        }
-+        return null;
-+    }  
-     public String convertColumnIndexToName(int columnPos) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, WrappedTargetException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {   
-         XCellRange xCellRange = getActiveSheet().getCellRangeByPosition(columnPos, 0, columnPos, 0);           
-         XColumnRowRange xColumnRowRange =(XColumnRowRange)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XColumnRowRange.class, xCellRange);
-@@ -170,68 +219,38 @@ public class Controller {
-     }
-     public boolean isValidSelectedName(String selectAreaName){
--        int length = selectAreaName.length();
--        if(length>5){
--            m_selectedCellName  = "";
--            m_selectedSheetName = "";
--            short index = 0;
--            short m = 0;
--            char[] selectedCellCharName = selectAreaName.toCharArray();
--            if(index>=length || selectedCellCharName[index++]!='$')
--                return false;
--            while(index<length && selectedCellCharName[index]!='.' ){
--                m_selectedSheetName += selectedCellCharName[index];
--                m++;
--                index++;
--            }  
--            if(m==0 || index>=length || selectedCellCharName[index++]!='.')
--                return false;
--            if(index>=length || selectedCellCharName[index++]!='$')
--                return false;
--            m = 0;
--            while(index<length && selectedCellCharName[index]!='$' && (int)selectedCellCharName[index]>64 && (int)selectedCellCharName[index]<91) {
--                m_selectedCellName += selectedCellCharName[index];
--                m++;
--                index++;
--            }
--            if(m==0 || index>=length || selectedCellCharName[index++]!='$')
--                return false;
--            m = 0;
--            while(index<length && (int)selectedCellCharName[index]>47 && (int)selectedCellCharName[index]<58 ) {
--                m_selectedCellName += selectedCellCharName[index];
--                m++;
--                index++;
--            }
--            if(m==0)
--                return false;
--            Object oSheet = null;
--            try{
--                XSpreadsheets xSpreadsheets = m_xDocument.getSheets();
--                oSheet = xSpreadsheets.getByName(m_selectedSheetName);
--                if(oSheet == null )
--                    return false; 
--            }catch(Exception ex){
--                ex.printStackTrace();
--                return false;
--            }  
--            m_xValidSheet = (XSpreadsheet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XSpreadsheet.class, oSheet);
--             if(m_xValidSheet != null )
--                 return true;
-+        XFormulaParser xParser = getFormulaParser();
-+        CellAddress origin = new CellAddress();
-+        FormulaToken[] tokens = xParser.parseFormula(selectAreaName, origin);
-+        if (tokens.length == 0)
-+            return false;
-+        FormulaToken token = tokens[0];
-+        if (token.OpCode != 0)
-+            // This is undocumented, but a reference token has an opcode of 0.
-+            // This may change in the future, to probably a named constant 
-+            // value.
-+            return false;
-+        if (SingleReference.class != token.Data.getClass())
-+            // this must be a single cell reference.
-+            return false;
-+        SingleReference ref = (SingleReference)token.Data;
-+        m_xValidSheet = getSheetByIndex(ref.Sheet);
-+        if (m_xValidSheet == null) {
-+            return false;
-         }
--        return false;
-+        m_selectedSheetName = getSheetName(m_xValidSheet);
-+        m_selectedCell = token;
-+        return true;
-     }
-     public void addCell() {
--        try {
--            String cellName = "";
--            XSpreadsheet activeSheet = getActiveSheet();
--            XCell activeCell = getActiveCell();
--            cellName = "$" + getSheetName(activeSheet) + "." + getCellNameWithDollars(activeCell);
--            m_Gui.cellSelection(cellName);
--        } catch (Exception ex) {
--            ex.printStackTrace();
--        }
-+        FormulaToken token = getRefToken(getActiveCell());
-+        FormulaToken[] tokens = { token };
-+        String cellName = getFormulaParser().printFormula(tokens, new CellAddress());
-+        m_Gui.cellSelection(cellName);
-     }
-     public void removeCell()  {
-@@ -248,15 +267,16 @@ public class Controller {
-     }
-     public void done(String selectAreaName) throws Exception {
--            if(isValidSelectedName(selectAreaName)){
--                if(m_DataModel == null)
--                    m_DataModel = new DataModel(this);
--                m_DataModel.addToDataList( m_xValidSheet, m_selectedSheetName, m_selectedCellName);
--                m_Gui.setVisible(true);
--            }else{
--                m_Gui.setVisible(true);
--                m_Gui.showMessageBox(0);
--            }         
-+        if (isValidSelectedName(selectAreaName)) {
-+            if(m_DataModel == null)
-+                m_DataModel = new DataModel(this);
-+            m_DataModel.addToDataList( m_xValidSheet, m_selectedSheetName, m_selectedCell);
-+            m_Gui.setVisible(true);
-+        } else {
-+            m_Gui.setVisible(true);
-+            m_Gui.showMessageBox(0);
-+        }         
-     }
-\ No newline at end of file
-diff --git src/org/openoffice/extensions/watchwindow/DataModel.java src/org/openoffice/extensions/watchwindow/DataModel.java
-index 230919b..d4a6ca6 100644
---- src/org/openoffice/extensions/watchwindow/DataModel.java
-+++ src/org/openoffice/extensions/watchwindow/DataModel.java
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- package org.openoffice.extensions.watchwindow;
-+import com.sun.star.sheet.FormulaToken;
- import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheet;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.List;
-@@ -19,11 +20,11 @@ public class DataModel {
-         return m_Controller;
-     }
--    public void addToDataList(XSpreadsheet xValidSheet, String selectedSheetName, String selectedCellName) {   
-+    public void addToDataList(XSpreadsheet xValidSheet, String selectedSheetName, FormulaToken selectedCell) {   
-         boolean bool = true;
-         short num = 0;
-         for(WatchedCell item: m_list){
--            if(item.getSheetName().equals(selectedSheetName) && item.getCellName().equals(selectedCellName)){
-+            if(item.getSheetName().equals(selectedSheetName) && item.getCellPos().equals(selectedCell)){
-                 bool = false;
-                 num = item.getNum();
-                 if(num == (short)-1){
-@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ public class DataModel {
-             }
-          }
-          if(bool){
--            m_list.add(new WatchedCell(getController(), xValidSheet, selectedSheetName, selectedCellName, getController().getNumer()));
-+            m_list.add(new WatchedCell(getController(), xValidSheet, selectedSheetName, selectedCell, getController().getNumer()));
-             getController().increaseNumer(); 
-         }
-     }
-diff --git src/org/openoffice/extensions/watchwindow/WatchedCell.java src/org/openoffice/extensions/watchwindow/WatchedCell.java
-index 1a98417..fd39236 100644
---- src/org/openoffice/extensions/watchwindow/WatchedCell.java
-+++ src/org/openoffice/extensions/watchwindow/WatchedCell.java
-@@ -6,10 +6,16 @@ import com.sun.star.document.XEventListener;
- import com.sun.star.frame.XModel;
- import com.sun.star.lang.EventObject;
- import com.sun.star.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException;
-+import com.sun.star.sheet.FormulaToken;
-+import com.sun.star.sheet.ReferenceFlags;
-+import com.sun.star.sheet.SingleReference;
- import com.sun.star.sheet.XCellRangeAddressable;
-+import com.sun.star.sheet.XFormulaParser;
-+import com.sun.star.sheet.XFormulaTokens;
- import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheet;
- import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheetDocument;
- import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheetView;
-+import com.sun.star.table.CellAddress;
- import com.sun.star.table.CellRangeAddress;
- import com.sun.star.table.XCell;
- import com.sun.star.table.XCellRange;
-@@ -22,6 +28,7 @@ import com.sun.star.util.XModifyListener;
- public class WatchedCell implements XModifyListener, XEventListener{
-     private Controller           m_Controller              = null;
-+    private FormulaToken         m_cellPos                 = null;
-     private String               m_sheetName               = "";
-     private String               m_cellName                = "";
-     private String               m_value                   = "";
-@@ -36,12 +43,12 @@ public class WatchedCell implements XModifyListener, XEventListener{
-     private XEventBroadcaster    m_xEventBroadcaster       = null;
-     private String               m_modifySheetName         = "";
--    public WatchedCell(Controller controller, XSpreadsheet xSpreadsheet, String sheetName, String cellName, short numer) {
-+    public WatchedCell(Controller controller, XSpreadsheet xSpreadsheet, String sheetName, FormulaToken cellPos, short numer) {
-         try {
-             m_Controller = controller;
-             m_xSpreadsheet = xSpreadsheet;
-             m_sheetName = m_modifySheetName = sheetName;
--            m_cellName = cellName;
-+            m_cellPos = cellPos;
-             m_num = numer;
-             init();
-             adjustCounter();
-@@ -52,10 +59,8 @@ public class WatchedCell implements XModifyListener, XEventListener{
-     }
-     public void init() throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
--        XCellRange xCellRange = m_xSpreadsheet.getCellRangeByName(getCellName());
--        XCellRangeAddressable xRangeAddr = (XCellRangeAddressable)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCellRangeAddressable.class, xCellRange);
--        CellRangeAddress cellAddress = xRangeAddr.getRangeAddress();
--        m_xCell = m_xSpreadsheet.getCellByPosition(cellAddress.StartColumn, cellAddress.StartRow);
-+        SingleReference ref = (SingleReference)m_cellPos.Data;
-+        m_xCell = m_xSpreadsheet.getCellByPosition(ref.Column, ref.Row);
-         setValue();
-         setFormula(); 
-         m_xDocument = getController().getDocument(); 
-@@ -106,25 +111,27 @@ public class WatchedCell implements XModifyListener, XEventListener{
-        m_sheetName = xNamed.getName();
-     }
--    public void setSheetName(String sheetName){
--        m_sheetName = sheetName;
--    }
-     public String getSheetNameWithSpaces(){
-         return getController().createStringWithSpace(getSheetName(), 27);
-     }
--    public String getCellName(){
--        return m_cellName;
-+    public String getCellName() {
-+        SingleReference ref = (SingleReference)m_cellPos.Data;
-+        // We don't want to display the sheet name, and the cell position should be absolute, not relative.
-+        ref.Flags = 0; 
-+        FormulaToken[] tokens = { m_cellPos };
-+        XFormulaParser xParser = m_Controller.getFormulaParser();
-+        return xParser.printFormula(tokens, new CellAddress());
-+    }
-+    public FormulaToken getCellPos() {
-+        return m_cellPos;
-     }
-     public String getCellNameWithSpaces(){
-         return getController().createStringWithSpace(getCellName(), 15);
-     }
--    public void setCellName(String cellName){
--        m_cellName = cellName;
--    }
-     public void setValue() { 
-         XText xText = (XText)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, m_xCell);
-         m_value = xText.getString();
-@@ -141,18 +148,17 @@ public class WatchedCell implements XModifyListener, XEventListener{
-     public String getValueWithSpaces(){
-         return getController().createStringWithSpace(getValue(), 26);
-     }
--    public void setFormula(){
--        m_formula = m_xCell.getFormula();
--        if(!m_formula.equals("")){
--            if(m_formula.charAt(0) != '='){
--                m_formula ="";
--            }
-+    public void setFormula() {
-+        XFormulaTokens xTokens = (XFormulaTokens)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
-+            XFormulaTokens.class, m_xCell);
-+        FormulaToken[] tokens = xTokens.getTokens();
-+        m_formula = m_Controller.getFormulaParser().printFormula(tokens, new CellAddress());
-+        if (!m_formula.isEmpty()) {
-+            m_formula = "=" + m_formula;
-         }
-     }
--    public void setFormula(String formula){
--        m_formula = formula;
--    }
-     public String getFormula(){
-         return m_formula;
-     }

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