[ooo-build-commit] .: patches/dev300

Petr Mladek pmladek at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Mar 29 07:56:01 PDT 2010

 patches/dev300/branch_directly_to_cpp_vtable_call_on_arm.diff |   64 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 178e7b8c821f3b668fe59ae67e9eca6516273f34
Author: Petr Mladek <pmladek at suse.cz>
Date:   Mon Mar 29 16:49:02 2010 +0200

    Removed CRs from branch_directly_to_cpp_vtable_call_on_arm.diff
    * patches/dev300/branch_directly_to_cpp_vtable_call_on_arm.diff: removed CRs;
      caused problems on Dropline

diff --git a/patches/dev300/branch_directly_to_cpp_vtable_call_on_arm.diff b/patches/dev300/branch_directly_to_cpp_vtable_call_on_arm.diff
index a6dbf23..0793c9d 100644
--- a/patches/dev300/branch_directly_to_cpp_vtable_call_on_arm.diff
+++ b/patches/dev300/branch_directly_to_cpp_vtable_call_on_arm.diff
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
---- bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_arm/armhelper.s	2007-12-12 15:35:44.000000000 +0000
-+++ bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_arm/armhelper.s	2010-03-15 11:57:20.000000000 +0000
-@@ -8,15 +8,22 @@
- 	.global privateSnippetExecutor
- 	.type privateSnippetExecutor, %function
- privateSnippetExecutor:
-+        .fnstart                   @ start of unwinder entry
-         stmfd sp!, {r0-r3}         @ follow other parameters on stack
-+        .pad  #16                  @ throw this data away on exception
- 	mov   r0, ip               @ r0 points to functionoffset/vtable
--        mov   ip, sp		   @ fix up the ip
--        stmfd sp!, {fp,ip,lr,pc}   @ 8 x 4 => stack remains 8 aligned
--	sub   fp, ip, #4	   @ set frame pointer
-+        mov   r1, sp               @ r1 points to this and params
-+                                   @ (see cppuno.cxx:codeSnippet())
-+        stmfd sp!, {r4,lr}         @ save return address 
-+                                   @ (r4 pushed to preserve stack alignment)
-+        .save {r4,lr}              @ restore these regs on exception
--        add   r1, sp, #16          @ r1 points to this and params
-         bl    cpp_vtable_call(PLT)
--        add  sp, sp, #32           @ restore stack
--        ldr  fp, [sp, #-32]	   @ restore frame pointer
--        ldr  pc, [sp, #-24]        @ return
-+        add   sp, sp, #4           @ no need to restore r4 (we didn't touch it)
-+        ldr   pc, [sp], #20        @ return, discarding function arguments
-+        .fnend                     @ end of unwinder entry
-+        .size privateSnippetExecutor, . - privateSnippetExecutor
+--- bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_arm/armhelper.s.old	2010-02-02 12:49:41.000000000 +0100
++++ bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_arm/armhelper.s	2010-03-29 16:45:43.000000000 +0200
+@@ -8,15 +8,22 @@
+ 	.global privateSnippetExecutor
+ 	.type privateSnippetExecutor, %function
+ privateSnippetExecutor:
++        .fnstart                   @ start of unwinder entry
+         stmfd sp!, {r0-r3}         @ follow other parameters on stack
++        .pad  #16                  @ throw this data away on exception
+ 	mov   r0, ip               @ r0 points to functionoffset/vtable
+-        mov   ip, sp		   @ fix up the ip
+-        stmfd sp!, {fp,ip,lr,pc}   @ 8 x 4 => stack remains 8 aligned
+-	sub   fp, ip, #4	   @ set frame pointer
++        mov   r1, sp               @ r1 points to this and params
++                                   @ (see cppuno.cxx:codeSnippet())
++        stmfd sp!, {r4,lr}         @ save return address 
++                                   @ (r4 pushed to preserve stack alignment)
++        .save {r4,lr}              @ restore these regs on exception
+-        add   r1, sp, #16          @ r1 points to this and params
+         bl    cpp_vtable_call(PLT)
+-        add  sp, sp, #32           @ restore stack
+-        ldr  fp, [sp, #-32]	   @ restore frame pointer
+-        ldr  pc, [sp, #-24]        @ return
++        add   sp, sp, #4           @ no need to restore r4 (we didn't touch it)
++        ldr   pc, [sp], #20        @ return, discarding function arguments
++        .fnend                     @ end of unwinder entry
++        .size privateSnippetExecutor, . - privateSnippetExecutor

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