[ooo-build-commit] .: bin/add_acor.py bin/add_acor.py.in bin/fixguard.py bin/fixguard.py.in bin/gob bin/gob.in configure.in

Thomas Klausner tklausner at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Oct 4 04:52:11 PDT 2010

 bin/add_acor.py    |    2 
 bin/add_acor.py.in |   84 ++++
 bin/fixguard.py    |    2 
 bin/fixguard.py.in |   14 
 bin/gob            |    2 
 bin/gob.in         | 1070 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 configure.in       |    5 
 7 files changed, 1176 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 2e4ff0e10c967f7e83983e83ee596809fc4f8fd5
Author: Thomas Klausner <wiz at NetBSD.org>
Date:   Mon Oct 4 13:50:50 2010 +0200

    Detect python executable and use it as interpreter in the scripts.
    Not every system has /usr/bin/python.
    While here, remove trailing whitespace in scripts since
    git complains about it.

diff --git a/bin/add_acor.py b/bin/add_acor.py
index 7a3aba6..3d0b4aa 100755
--- a/bin/add_acor.py
+++ b/bin/add_acor.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 import zipfile
 import xml.dom.minidom
diff --git a/bin/add_acor.py.in b/bin/add_acor.py.in
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c628dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/add_acor.py.in
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+import zipfile
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import os
+import csv
+import sys
+def read_list( file ):
+    langs = dict();
+    file_hd = open( file )
+    reader = csv.reader( file_hd )
+    reader.next( ) # Skip the headers line
+    for row in reader:
+        locale = row[0]
+        if locale == "":
+            locale = 'all'
+        values = []
+        if locale in langs:
+            values = langs[locale]
+        values.append( ( row[1], unicode( row[2], "utf-8" ) ) )
+        langs[locale] = values
+    return langs
+def extract_items( data, locale ):
+    entries = []
+    if 'all' in data:
+        entries = entries + data['all']
+    if locale in data:
+        entries = entries + data[locale]
+    return entries
+def update_zip( file, items ):
+    tmpname = file + ".new"
+    # First open the dat to extract the existing Documentlist.xml file
+    inFile = zipfile.ZipFile( file, "r" )
+    content = inFile.read( "DocumentList.xml" )
+    xmlDoc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString( content )
+    # Actually add the elements in the XML file
+    for pair in items:
+        node = xmlDoc.createElement( "block-list:block" )
+        node.setAttribute( "block-list:abbreviated-name", pair[0] )
+        node.setAttribute( "block-list:name", pair[1] )
+        xmlDoc.documentElement.appendChild( node )
+    # Open the dat file for writing now
+    outFile = zipfile.ZipFile( tmpname, "w" )
+    data = xmlDoc.toxml().encode( "utf-8" )
+    for name in inFile.namelist( ):
+        if name != "DocumentList.xml":
+            outFile.writestr( name, inFile.read( name ) )
+    outFile.writestr( "DocumentList.xml", data )
+    inFile.close()
+    outFile.close()
+    # Rename the new file
+    os.rename( tmpname, file )
+def main():
+    if ( len( sys.argv ) == 3 ):
+        builddir = sys.argv[1]
+        datafile = sys.argv[2]
+    else:
+        print "arguments: build-dir data-file.csv"
+        sys.exit( 1 )
+    data = read_list( datafile )
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk( os.path.join( builddir, "extras", "source", "autotext", "lang" ) ):
+        for f in files:
+            if ( f.endswith( ".dat" ) ):
+                locale = os.path.basename( root )
+                items = extract_items( data, locale )
+                if len( items ) > 0:
+                    print "Updating: " + os.path.join( root, f )
+                    update_zip( os.path.join( root, f ), items )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main( )
diff --git a/bin/fixguard.py b/bin/fixguard.py
index 2b3f98a..68811a6 100755
--- a/bin/fixguard.py
+++ b/bin/fixguard.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 import sys
 import re
diff --git a/bin/fixguard.py.in b/bin/fixguard.py.in
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bddd501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/fixguard.py.in
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import sys
+import re
+exp = '#ifndef.*_HXX.*\n(#include.*\n)#endif.*'
+filename = sys.argv[1] # warning no error checking
+data = open(filename).read()
+o = open("/tmp/fixed","w")
+o.write( re.sub(exp,"\\1",data) )
+os.rename("/tmp/fixed", filename)
diff --git a/bin/gob b/bin/gob
index 0435bad..0f3556f 100755
--- a/bin/gob
+++ b/bin/gob
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
 # gob.py - ooo-build to GIT conversion:  dump gob branch description files
 #          and create branched git
diff --git a/bin/gob.in b/bin/gob.in
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..627c9c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/gob.in
@@ -0,0 +1,1070 @@
+# gob.py - ooo-build to GIT conversion:  dump gob branch description files
+#          and create branched git
+# Usage: python bin/gob --help
+import optparse
+import operator
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import shutil
+class SystemFailed (Exception):
+    pass
+def log (s, threshold=1):
+    if options.verbose > threshold:
+        print >> sys.stderr, s
+def info (s):
+    log (s, threshold=0)
+def exception_string (exception=Exception ('no message')):
+    import traceback
+    return traceback.format_exc (None)
+def filter_out (predicate, lst):
+    return filter (lambda x: not predicate (x), lst)
+def makedirs (dir):
+    log ('mkdir %(dir)s' % locals ())
+    os.makedirs (dir)
+def symlink (src, dest):
+    log ('ln -s %(src)s %(dest)s' % locals ())
+    os.symlink (src, dest)
+def rename (src, dest):
+    log ('mv %(src)s %(dest)s' % locals ())
+    os.rename (src, dest)
+def rmdir (dir):
+    log ('rmdir %(dir)s' % locals ())
+    os.rmdir (dir)
+def system (command, raise_on_error=True):
+    if options.verbose > 1:
+        log ('executing: %(command)s' % locals ())
+    if options.verbose < 3:
+        command = '(%(command)s) > gob.log 2>&1' % locals ()
+    status = os.system (command)
+    if status and raise_on_error:
+        info (command)
+        info (file ('gob.log').read ())
+        raise SystemFailed ('Command failed: %(command)s' % locals ())
+    return status
+def read_pipe (command, raise_on_error=True):
+    log ('executing: %(command)s' % locals ())
+    if options.verbose < 3:
+        command = '(%(command)s) 2> gob.log' % locals ()
+    pipe = os.popen (command)
+    output = pipe.read ()
+    log ('pipe-output:\n%(output)s)s' % locals (), threshold=2)
+    if pipe.close () and raise_on_error:
+        info (command)
+        info (file ('gob.log').read ())
+        raise SystemFailed ('Pipe failed: %(command)s' % locals ())
+    return output
+def list_dirs (dir, allow_link=True):
+    return filter (lambda x: (os.path.isdir (os.path.join (dir, x))
+                              and (allow_link
+                                   or not os.path.islink (os.path.join (dir, x)))),
+                   os.listdir (dir))
+def find_file (root, path, name):
+    for dir in path:
+        file_name = os.path.abspath (os.path.join (root, dir, name))
+        if os.path.isfile (file_name):
+            return file_name
+    return None
+def _apply_patch (dir, patch):
+    system ('patch -l -p0 -d %(dir)s < %(patch)s' % locals ())
+def apply_patch (dir, patch):
+    if not options.split:
+        return _apply_patch (dir, patch)
+    apply_dir = os.path.join (dir, options.flat_apply_dir)
+    _apply_patch (apply_dir, patch)
+    for module in list_dirs (apply_dir, allow_link=False):
+        rename (os.path.join (apply_dir, module), os.path.join (dir, module))
+def get_srcpack2_dict ():
+    def modules_line (x):
+        e = x.split ("=")
+        return e[0], e[1].split (',')
+    return dict (map (modules_line, file (src_dir + 'bin/modules2.txt').readlines ()))
+def for_each (func, lst):
+    for i in lst:
+        func (i)
+def move (src):
+    src2 = get_srcpack2_dict ()
+    def move_pack (pack):
+        pack_dir = os.path.join (src, pack)
+        def move_module (module):
+            module_dir = src + '/' + module
+            pack_module_dir = pack_dir + '-/' + module
+            if os.path.exists (module_dir):
+                rename (module_dir, pack_module_dir)
+        makedirs (pack_dir + '-')
+        for_each (move_module, src2[pack])
+        rename (pack_dir + '-', pack_dir)
+    for_each (move_pack, src2.keys ())
+def move_back (src):
+    src2 = get_srcpack2_dict ()
+    def move_pack (pack):
+        pack_dir = os.path.join (src, pack)
+        def move_module (module):
+            print 'renaming:', module
+            module_dir = src + '/' + module
+            pack_module_dir = pack_dir + '-/' + module
+            if os.path.exists (pack_module_dir):
+                rename (pack_module_dir, module_dir)
+            else:
+                print 'no such dir:', pack_module_dir
+        rename (pack_dir, pack_dir + '-')
+        for_each (move_module, src2[pack])
+        rmdir (pack_dir + '-')
+    for_each (move_pack, src2.keys ())
+def setup_flat_apply_dir (src):
+    src2 = get_srcpack2_dict ()
+    apply_dir = os.path.join (src, options.flat_apply_dir)
+    shutil.rmtree (apply_dir, ignore_errors=True)
+    makedirs (apply_dir)
+    missing = ['mdbtools', 'libwpg', 'libwps', 'xalan']
+    for pack in src2.keys ():
+        for module in src2[pack]:
+            symlink (os.path.join ('..', '..', pack, module), os.path.join (apply_dir, module))
+    for pack in missing:
+        symlink (os.path.join ('..', '..', pack), os.path.join (apply_dir, pack))
+def patch_get_branch (patch):
+    patch_file = patch.file_name
+    if not patch_file:
+        return None
+    if 'vba' in options.dir_branch and int (options.milestone) > 19:
+        m = re.search ('(cws-scsheetprotection02|sc-autofilter-empty-nonempty|sc-copy-source-border|sc-datapilot|sc-move-from-origin|sc-paste-on-enter|sc-save-password-minlength|scroll-accel|xl-import-formradiobutton)', patch_file)
+        if m:
+            return 'vba'
+    # Prevent from going into ooxml
+    m = re.search ('(writerfilter-qnametostr-NOOPTFILES)', patch_file)
+    if m:
+        return m.group (1)
+    dir = os.path.basename (os.path.dirname  (patch_file))
+    base = os.path.splitext (os.path.basename (patch_file))[0]
+    module_re = None
+    if not module_re:
+        modules = list_dirs (options.build_dir)
+        if options.split:
+            modules = list_dirs (os.path.join (options.build_dir, options.flat_apply_dir))
+        module_re = '|'.join (modules)
+    # Patches with a simple digit suffix are aggregated into one branch
+    if (not re.search ('%(module_re)s$|\d\d+$' % locals (), base)
+        and re.search ('\d$', base)):
+        base = re.sub ('-*\d$', '', base)
+    # Patches in a separated may be aggregated into one branch
+    if dir in options.dir_branch:
+        return dir
+    # Pathes with a branch_prefix are aggregated into one branch
+    branch_prefix = [
+        'cjk-character-units',
+        'cws-layoutdialogs',
+        'cws-scsheetprotection02',
+        'emf+',
+        'fpicker-kde',
+        'jvmfwk-gij',
+        'lockfile',
+        'mono',
+        'sal-strintern-speed',
+        'sc-dataform',
+        'sc-datapilot',
+        'speed-configmgr',
+        'svg-import',
+        'system-lpsolve',
+        'tools-urlobj-smb-scheme',
+        'transogl',
+        'unittesting',
+        'unxsplash',
+        'vba',
+        'wpgimporter',
+        'writerfiltery'
+        ]
+    branch_prefix_re = '^(' + '|'.join (branch_prefix).replace ('+', '\+') + ')'
+    m = re.search (branch_prefix_re, base)
+    if m:
+        def assert_dir_group (m, s):
+            return s in options.dir_branch or m.group (1) != s
+        if (assert_dir_group (m, 'vba')
+            and assert_dir_group (m, 'emf+')
+            and assert_dir_group (m, 'unittesting')):
+            return m.group (1)
+    # Some patches are declared in the middle of a branch [another
+    # series of patches that form a branch] which depends on that
+    # patch, but have derogatory naming.  These patches must be
+    # categorised explicitly.  The ASSIMILATE warning helps to detect
+    # these.
+    if 'emf+' in options.dir_branch and re.search ('^(cairocanvas-alpha-pixmap-rewrite|vcl-grey-alpha-unix-sal-bitmap)', base):
+        return 'emf+'
+    if 'ooxml' in options.dir_branch and re.search ('^(win32-installer-register-moox-types)', base):
+        return 'ooxml'
+    if 'vba' in options.dir_branch and re.search ('^(default-autotext-and-form-name|sc-toggle-merge-center)', base):
+        return 'vba'
+    if re.search ('^(fix-linkoo|linkoo-)', base):
+        return 'linkoo'
+    if re.search ('^(fpicker-common-scp2)', base):
+        return 'fpicker-kde'
+    # Remove workspace and milestone suffixes
+    workspace = options.workspace
+    milestone = options.milestone
+    base = re.sub ('-%(workspace)s' % locals (), '', base)
+    base = re.sub ('-m%(milestone)s' % locals (), '', base)
+    # Patches with a -localize suffix are aggregated into one branch
+    base = re.sub ('-localize$' % locals (), '', base)
+    # Patches with a module suffix are aggregated into one branch
+    base = re.sub ('-(%(module_re)s)$' % locals (), '', base)
+    # git does not like dots in branch names
+    base = base.replace('.','-')
+    return base
+# Hard handy work for m19 gets quickly bit rotten
+# Use patch dependency calculation instead
+manual_m19_branch_dependencies = {
+    'buildfix-layoutdialogs': ['cws-layoutdialogs'],
+    'cairocanvas-fix-image-cache': ['cairo'],
+    'cws-scsheetprotection02': ['sc-datapilot', 'sc-paste-on-enter'],
+    'emf+': ['link-as-needed'],
+    'forms-radio-button-group-names': ['form-control-visibility'],
+    'layout-plugin': ['cws-layoutdialogs'],
+    'layout-tab': ['layout-plugin'],
+    'linkwarn-svtools-miscopts-bits': ['novell-win32-odma'],
+    'ooo59127.vcl.honourcairofont': ['ooo64508.vcl.honourfontconfighinting'],
+    'oosplash-etc-openoffice-sofficerc': ['unxsplash'],
+    'ooxml': ['lwp-filter-component'],
+    'sc-copy-on-merged-cells': ['sc-dataform'],
+    'sc-dataform': ['sc-hrc-ooo-build-resources'],
+    'sc-datapilot': ['sc-dataform'],
+    'sc-dp-gridlayout': ['sc-datapilot'],
+    'sc-export-shape-hlink-bindings': ['sc-export-shape-macro-bindings'],
+    'sc-simple-sort-include-format-header': ['sc-natural-sort'],
+    'sc-toggle-merge-center': ['vba'],
+    'sfx2-pre-and-postprocess-crash-fix': ['sfx2-pre-and-postprocess-during-save-load'],
+    'sfx2-pre-and-postprocess-during-save-load': ['sfx2-remove-check-update-on-fileload'],
+    'speed-bdirect': ['speed-symbolic-functions'],
+    'speed-store-lck': ['store-core'],
+    'static-libs-use-_pic': ['system-lpsolve'],
+    'ui-desktop-integration': ['linkwarn-svtools-miscopts-bits'],
+    'unittesting': ['tools-qa-urlobj-unittest', 'gnome-vfs-late-init'],
+    'vba': ['cws-npower10', 'cws-pflin10', 'cws-npower11'],
+    'vcl-linking-randr': ['autocorrect-accidental-caps-lock', 'internal-mesa-headers'],
+    'wpgimporter': ['wpsimport'],
+def range_union (a, b, fuzz=0):
+    u = (max (a[0], b[0]) - fuzz, min (a[1], b[1]) + fuzz, a[2], b[2])
+    if u[0] > u[1]:
+        return None
+    return u
+class File:
+    def __init__ (self, s):
+        self.string = s
+        self.ranges = None
+        self.name = None
+        if self.string.find ('\n+++ ') >= 0:
+            self.name = re.search ('\n[+]{3}\s+([.]/)?([^\s]+)', self.string).group (2)
+    def __repr__ (self):
+        return '<File: %(name)s>' % self.__dict__
+    def get_ranges (self):
+        if not self.ranges:
+            self.numbers = re.findall ('\n(@@ -(\d+),(\d+) [+](\d+),(\d+) @@(.|\n[^@])*)', self.string)
+            self.ranges = map (lambda x: (min (int (x[1]), int (x[3])), max (int (x[1]) + int (x[2]), int (x[3]) + int (x[4])), x[0][:160]), self.numbers)
+        return self.ranges
+def patch_depend (p, q):
+    files = []
+    for file_name in p.files.keys ():
+        if file_name in q.files.keys ():
+            for a in p.files[file_name].get_ranges ():
+                for b in q.files[file_name].get_ranges ():
+                    union = range_union (a, b, int (options.fuzz))
+                    if union:
+                        return union
+    return False
+def patch_get_dependencies (patches, patch):
+    dependencies = ['pristine']
+    for p in patches:
+        if p == patch:
+            break
+        if patch_depend (patch, p):
+            dependencies += [p.name]
+    return dependencies
+def branch_get_dependencies (branches, patches, branch):
+    patch_dependencies = {}
+    patch_overlaps = []
+    first_patch = None
+    for patch in patches:
+        if patch in branches[branch]:
+            first_patch = patch
+            break
+    last_patch = None
+    for patch in reversed (patches):
+        if patch in branches[branch]:
+            last_patch = patch
+            break
+    for patch in branches[branch]:
+        assimilate = False
+        for p in patches:
+            if p == last_patch:
+                name = p.name
+                break
+            if p == first_patch:
+                name = p.name
+                # We cannot have a branch pre-depend on a patch/branch
+                # that does not exist yet.  FIXME: if it is really
+                # needed, it should be auto-assimilated by the branch.
+                # This is now done manually in patch_get_branch ().
+                assimilate = True
+            o = patch_depend (patch, p)
+            if assimilate and o and p not in branches[branch]:
+                name = p.name
+                ab = patch_get_branch (p)
+                print 'ASSIMILATE[%(branch)s]: %(name)s [%(ab)s]' % locals ()
+                continue
+            if o:
+                patch_dependencies[p] = p
+                patch_overlaps += [o]
+    branch_dependencies = {}
+    for patch in patch_dependencies.values ():
+        b = patch_get_branch (patch)
+        if b != branch:
+            branch_dependencies[b] = b
+    if not branch_dependencies:
+        return ['pristine']
+    return branch_dependencies.values ()
+# No overrides are necessary when using fuzz >= 40
+branch_override_dependencies = {
+    }
+def branch_get_dependencies_with_override (branches, patches, branch):
+    return branch_override_dependencies.get (branch, branch_get_dependencies (branches, patches, branch))
+GitFailed = SystemFailed
+gitignores = '''
+keep = '''
+def create_gitignores (dir):
+    for i in filter_out (operator.not_, gitignores.split ('\n')):
+        if options.split:
+            i = i.replace ('/bootstrap', '/bootstrap/bootstrap')
+        if i[0] == '/':
+            file (dir + '/.gitignore', 'a').write (i + '\n')
+        else:
+            slash = ''
+            if i[-1] == '/':
+                i = i[:-1]
+                slash = '/'
+            file (dir + '/' + os.path.dirname (i) + '/.gitignore', 'a').write (os.path.basename (i) + slash + '\n')
+class Setup:
+    string = None
+    vars = {}
+    def __init__ (self, file_name='config.log'):
+        if not self.string and os.path.exists (file_name):
+            self.string = file (file_name).read ()
+    def get (self, key, default=None):
+        return self.vars.get (key, self.read_ (key, default))
+    def read_ (self, key, default):
+        m = re.search ('''%(key)s=['"*]([^*"']*)''' % locals (), self.string)
+        if m:
+            self.vars[key] = m.group (1)
+        else:
+            self.vars[key] = default
+        return self.vars[key]
+def get_svn_revision ():
+    return re.search ('\nRevision: ([0-9]+)', read_pipe ('svn info')).group (1)
+def get_git_committish ():
+    return re.search ('([^ ]+)', read_pipe ('git log --pretty=oneline -1')).group (1)
+class Git:
+    def __init__ (self, dir, patched, clean=False):
+        self.dir = dir
+        self.patched = patched
+        self.scratch = 'work/scratch'
+        self.workspace = options.workspace
+        self.milestone = options.milestone
+        self.pristine = 'upstream/%(workspace)s-m%(milestone)s' % self.__dict__
+        self.commits = {}
+        self.log = {}
+        if not os.path.exists (self.dir):
+            drink = Setup ().get ('DRINK', 'tea')
+            info ('Unpacking source tree - [ go and have some %(drink)s ] ...' % locals ())
+            system ('cd bin && ./unpack')
+            create_gitignores (dir)
+            if options.split:
+                move (self.dir)
+                setup_flat_apply_dir (self.dir)
+            self.system ('touch unpack')
+        if not os.path.isdir (dir + '/.git/refs'):
+            drink = Setup ().get ('DRINK')
+            info ('Creating GIT archive - [ go and have some %(drink)s ] ...' % locals ())
+            self.system ('git init')
+            #svn_revision = get_svn_revision ()
+            #self.commit ('Initial svn:r%(svn_revision)s unpatched.' % locals ())
+            git_committish = get_git_committish ()
+            self.commit ('Initial ooo-build: %(git_committish)s unpatched.' % locals ())
+            self.system ('git branch %(pristine)s' % self.__dict__)
+            self.system ('git tag gob-%(workspace)s-%(milestone)s %(pristine)s' % self.__dict__)
+            self.system ('git branch pristine')
+            self.system ('git gc')
+        if clean:
+            if self.is_modified ():
+                self.system ('git reset --hard HEAD')
+                self.system ('git clean -df')
+        if self.has_branch (self.patched):
+            self.checkout (self.patched)
+        else:
+            self.system ('git checkout -b %(patched)s pristine' % self.__dict__)
+        if self.has_branch (self.scratch):
+            self.system ('git branch -D %(scratch)s' % self.__dict__)
+    def pipe (self, command, raise_on_error=True):
+        dir = self.dir
+        return read_pipe ('cd %(dir)s && %(command)s' % locals (), raise_on_error)
+    def system (self, command, raise_on_error=True):
+        dir = self.dir
+        return system ('cd %(dir)s && %(command)s' % locals (), raise_on_error)
+    def get_branches (self):
+        return filter_out (operator.not_,
+                           self.pipe ('git branch')
+                           .replace ('*', '')
+                           .replace (' ', '').split ('\n'))
+    def get_log (self, branch=''):
+        commit = self.get_current_commit (branch)
+        self.log[commit] = self.log.get (commit, self.pipe ('git log --pretty=oneline %(branch)s --' % locals ()))
+        return self.log[commit]
+    def get_current_commit (self, branch=''):
+        if not branch:
+            branch = 'HEAD'
+        return self.pipe ('git rev-parse %(branch)s' % locals ())[:-1]
+    def get_commit (self, patch):
+        if not self.commits:
+            log = self.get_log (self.patched)
+            def grok_log_line (s):
+                m = re.match ('([^ ]+) Apply.*/([^/]+[.](diff|patch))', s)
+                if not m:
+                    info ('Skipping line:%(s)s:' % locals ())
+                    return None, None
+                return m.group (2), m.group (1)
+            self.commits = dict (map (grok_log_line, log.split ('\n')[:-2]))
+        return self.commits.get (patch, None)
+    def commit (self, message):
+        self.system ('git add .')
+        self.system ('git add -u .')
+        self.system ('''git commit -m '%(message)s' ''' % locals ())
+    def is_modified (self):
+        return re.sub ('# On branch.*\nnothing to commit \(working directory clean\)\n', '',
+                       self.pipe ('git status', raise_on_error=False))
+    def assert_clean (self):
+        dir = self.dir
+        pending = self.is_modified ()
+        if pending:
+            raise GitFailed ('working directory unclean: %(dir)s\n%(pending)s' % locals ())
+    def checkout (self, branch):
+        if not self.is_on_branch (branch):
+            self.system ('git checkout %(branch)s' % locals ())
+    def get_current_branch (self):
+        return self.pipe ('git symbolic-ref HEAD', raise_on_error=False)[len ('refs/heads/'):-1]
+    def is_on_branch (self, branch):
+        return branch == self.get_current_branch ()
+    def has_branch (self, branch):
+        return branch in self.get_branches ()
+    def apply_patch (self, branches, patches, patch):
+        branch = patch_get_branch (patch)
+        info ('Applying patch[%(branch)s]: ' % locals () + patch.name)
+        patched = self.get_current_branch ()
+        apply_patch (self.dir, patch.file_name)
+        base = os.path.basename (patch.file_name)
+        self.commit ('Apply %(base)s.' % locals ())
+        if options.milestone == '19':
+            dependencies = manual_m19_branch_dependencies.get (branch, ['pristine'])
+        else:
+            dependencies = branch_get_dependencies_with_override (branches, patches, branch)
+        if not self.has_branch (branch):
+            if not options.topgit:
+                base_depend = dependencies[0]
+                self.system ('git checkout -b %(branch)s %(base_depend)s' % locals ())
+                for dependency in dependencies[1:]:
+                    self.system ('git rebase %(dependency)s' % locals ())
+            else:
+                depend_str = ' '.join (dependencies)
+                self.system ('tg create %(branch)s %(depend_str)s' % locals ())
+                self.system ('git commit -am "topgit branch info %(branch)s"' % locals ())
+        else:
+            self.checkout (branch)
+        log = self.get_log (patched)
+        commit = log[:log.index (' ')]
+        self.system ('git cherry-pick -x %(commit)s' % locals ())
+    def before_ (self):
+        self.assert_clean ()
+        self.system ('git checkout -b %(scratch)s %(patched)s' % self.__dict__)
+    def after_ (self):
+        self.system ('git push . %(scratch)s:%(patched)s' % self.__dict__)
+        self.checkout (self.patched)
+        self.system ('git branch -D %(scratch)s' % self.__dict__)
+    def pick_patch (self, patch, commit):
+        branch = patch_get_branch (patch)
+        info ('Picking patch[%(branch)s]: ' % locals () + patch.name)
+        self.system ('git cherry-pick -x %(commit)s' % locals ())
+    def add_patch (self, branches, patches, patch):
+        if patch.name in self.get_log ():
+            info ('patch already applied, skipping: ' + patch.name)
+            return
+        if file (patch.file_name).read ().find ('\n+++ ') == -1:
+            info ('patch is empty, skipping: ' + patch.name)
+            return
+        commit = None
+        branch = patch_get_branch (patch)
+        if self.has_branch (branch):
+            name = patch.name.replace ('+', '\+')
+            m = re.search ('(^|\n)([^\s]+)\s+.*(\s|/)%(name)s' % locals (), self.get_log (branch))
+            if m:
+                commit = m.group (2)
+        self.before_ ()
+        if commit:
+            self.pick_patch (patch, commit)
+        else:
+            self.apply_patch (branches, patches, patch)
+        self.after_ ()
+    def dump_gob (self, branches, patches, branch):
+        gob_dir = self.dir + '/.git/refs/gob'
+        if not os.path.exists (gob_dir):
+            makedirs (gob_dir)
+        branch_patches = branches.get (branch, [])
+        if not branch_patches:
+            return
+        owner = ''
+        for patch in branch_patches:
+            owner = patch.owner
+            if owner:
+                break
+        issues = []
+        for patch in branch_patches:
+            issues += patch.issues
+        issue_string = ', '.join (issues)
+        dependencies = filter (lambda x: x != 'pristine', branch_get_dependencies (branches, patches, branch))
+        dependencies_string = ', '.join (dependencies)
+        commit = self.get_current_commit ()
+        gob_file_name = os.path.join (gob_dir, branch)
+        info ('Writing: ' + gob_file_name)
+        file (gob_file_name, 'w').write ('''%(commit)s
+state: stable
+issue: %(issue_string)s
+owner: %(owner)s
+depend: %(dependencies_string)s
+''' % locals ())
+class Patch:
+    def __init__ (self, file_name):
+        self.file_name = file_name
+        if self.file_name:
+            self.set_files ()
+        self.file_name = None
+    def set_files (self):
+        self.files = dict (map (lambda x: (x.name, x), map (File, ('\n' + file (self.file_name).read ()).split ('\n---')[1:])))
+    def __repr__ (self):
+        return '<Patch: ' + str (map (str, self.files.values ())) + ' >'
+class Apply_patch (Patch):
+    def __init__ (self, s, section, owner, issue):
+        Patch.__init__ (self, None)
+        self.string = s
+        self.section = section
+        self.owner = owner
+        m = re.search (', (\w\w+)', self.string)
+        if m:
+            self.owner = m.group (1)
+        m = re.match ('^\s*(([^#\s].*).(diff|patch))(.*)', self.string)
+        self.name = m.group (1)
+        self.base = m.group (2)
+        self.issues = map (lambda x: x[0], re.findall ('((i|n)#[0-9]+)', self.string))
+        if issue:
+            self.issues.append (issue)
+    def __repr__ (self):
+        return '<Patch: %(file_name)s [%(section)s] %(owner)s %(issues)s>' % self.__dict__
+    def set_file_name (self, dir, path):
+        self.file_name = find_file (dir, path, self.name)
+        self.set_files ()
+        return self
+class Section:
+    def __init__ (self, s):
+        self.string = s
+        m = re.match ('[[\s]*(.*[^\s])\s*\]', self.string)
+        self.tag = m.group (1).replace (' ', '')
+        self.name = re.sub ('[^\w].*', '', self.tag)
+        m = re.search ('\n(SectionOwner)\s*=>\s*(.*[^\s])', self.string)
+        self.owner = ''
+        if m:
+            self.owner = m.group (2)
+        m = re.search ('\n(SectionIssue)\s*=>\s*(.*[^\s])', self.string)
+        self.issue = ''
+        if m:
+            self.issue = m.group (2)
+    def __repr__ (self):
+        return '<Section: %(tag)s %(owner)s %(issue)s>' % self.__dict__
+    def get_patches (self):
+        def create_patch (s):
+            return Apply_patch (s[0], self.tag, self.owner, self.issue)
+        return map (create_patch, re.findall ('\n\s*([^#\s].*.(diff|patch).*)', self.string))
+class Apply:
+    def __init__ (self, apply_file, workspace, milestone):
+        self.workspace = workspace
+        self.milestone = milestone
+        self.string = file (apply_file).read ()
+        first_section = self.string.index ('\n[')
+        self.distros_string = self.string[:first_section]
+        self.sections_string = self.string[first_section:]
+        self.path = re.search ('\nPATCHPATH=(.*)', self.string).group (1).split (':')
+        self.distro = {}
+        self.master = {}
+        self.distros_string = re.sub ('\s*\\\s*\n\s*', '', self.distros_string)
+        for distro in re.findall ('\n\s*([^#=\s:]+)\s*:\s*(.*)', self.distros_string):
+            lst = distro[1].replace (' ', '').split (',')
+            expanded = []
+            for i in lst:
+                if i in self.master.keys ():
+                    del self.master[i]
+                expanded += self.distro.get (i, [i])
+            self.master[distro[0]] = self.distro[distro[0]] = expanded
+        # convenience: add sections as distro
+        #self.distro.update (dict (map (lambda x: (x.name, x.name), self.get_sections ())))
+    def get_section_strings (self):
+        return map (lambda x: '[' + x, self.sections_string.split ('\n[')[1:])
+    def get_sections (self):
+        return map (Section, self.get_section_strings ())
+    def get_distro (self, distro_name):
+        def section_in_distro (section):
+            if distro_name not in self.distro.keys ():
+                return distro_name == section.name
+            m = re.search ('(\w+).*(<=|<|==|!=|>=|>)%(workspace)s-m([0-9]+)'
+            % self.__dict__, section.tag)
+            if m:
+                name = m.group (1)
+                if not name in self.distro[distro_name]:
+                    return False
+                left_milestone = self.milestone
+                operator = m.group (2)
+                right_milestone = int (m.group (3))
+                return eval ('%(left_milestone)s %(operator)s %(right_milestone)s' % locals ())
+            else:
+                return section.tag in self.distro[distro_name]
+        return filter (section_in_distro, self.get_sections ())
+class Command:
+    def __init__ (self, apply, options):
+        self.options = options
+        self.apply = apply
+        self.patches_ = []
+        self.branches_ = {}
+    def patches (self):
+        '''list patches'''
+        print '\n'.join (map (str, self.get_patches ()))
+    def sections (self):
+        '''list sections'''
+        print '\n'.join (map (str, self.get_sections ()))
+    def distros (self):
+        '''list distros'''
+        print '\n'.join (map (str, self.apply.distro.keys ()))
+    def masters (self):
+        '''list masters'''
+        print '\n'.join (map (str, self.apply.master.keys ()))
+    def branches (self):
+        '''list branches'''
+        print '\n'.join (map (str, self.get_branches ().keys ()))
+    def get_branches (self):
+        if not self.branches_:
+            for patch in self.get_patches ():
+                branch = patch_get_branch (patch)
+                self.branches_[branch] = self.branches_.get (branch, []) + [patch]
+        return self.branches_
+    def dump_gobs (self):
+        '''dump gob files'''
+        branches = self.get_branches ()
+        patches = self.get_patches ()
+        git = Git (self.options.build_dir, self.options.patched)
+        for branch in git.get_branches ():
+            git.dump_gob (branches, patches, branch)
+    def checkout (self):
+        '''checkout patched ('master') branch'''
+        git = Git (self.options.build_dir, self.options.patched)
+    def git_export (self):
+        '''export to GIT with branches'''
+        git = Git (self.options.build_dir, self.options.patched, clean=True)
+        patches = self.get_patches ()
+        branches = self.get_branches ()
+        for patch in self.get_patches ():
+            git.add_patch (branches, patches, patch)
+        git.system ('git gc')
+    def get_patches_for_distro (self, distro):
+        patches = reduce (operator.add, map (lambda section: section.get_patches (), self.get_sections_for_distro (distro)))
+        for patch in patches:
+            patch.set_file_name (self.options.apply_dir, self.apply.path)
+        return patches
+    def get_patches (self):
+        if not self.patches_:
+            self.patches_ = reduce (operator.add, map (self.get_patches_for_distro, self.options.distros))
+        return self.patches_
+    def get_sections_for_distro (self, distro):
+        return self.apply.get_distro (distro)
+    def get_sections (self):
+        return reduce (operator.add, map (self.get_sections_for_distro, self.options.distros))
+    def prepare (self):
+        '''prepare ooo-build dir for use with GIT'''
+        git = Git (self.options.build_dir, self.options.patched)
+    def postpare (self):
+        '''update ooo-build dir GIT after patching'''
+        git = Git (self.options.build_dir, self.options.patched)
+        #svn_revision = get_svn_revision ()
+        #git.commit ('Update to svn:r%(svn_revision)s patched.' % locals ())
+        git_committish = get_git_committish ()
+        git.commit ('Update to ooo-build: %(git_committish)s patched.' % locals ())
+        git.system ('git rebase patched')
+    def dependencies (self):
+        '''list branch dependencies'''
+        patches = self.get_patches ()
+        branches = self.get_branches ()
+        independent = 0
+        for branch in branches:
+            dependencies = sorted (branch_get_dependencies (branches, patches, branch))
+            if dependencies == ['pristine']:
+                independent += 1
+            print 'BRANCH:', branch, '->', dependencies
+        print 'INDEPENDENT:', independent
+    def patch_dependencies (self):
+        '''list patch dependencies'''
+        branches = self.get_branches ()
+        patches = self.get_patches ()
+        for patch in patches:
+            branch = patch_get_branch (patch)
+            name = patch.name
+            print 'PATCH[%(branch)s]: %(name)s -> ' % locals (), patch_get_dependencies (patches, patch)
+    def bump (self):
+        '''bump BRANCH TAG-NAME - bump current branch (BRANCH=new upstream)'''
+        if len (self.options.arguments) != 2:
+            print 'Usage: gob bump BRANCH TAG-NAME'
+            print 'BRANCH: new upstream'
+            print 'Example:'
+            print '    gob bump upstream/dev300-m21 my-21-update'
+            sys.exit (2)
+        branch = self.options.arguments[0]
+        tag = self.options.arguments[1]
+        git_dir = self.options.build_dir
+        system ('cd %(git_dir)s && gob-bump %(branch)s %(tag)s' % locals ())
+    def update (self):
+        '''update BRANCH - update current branch (BRANCH='master')'''
+        if len (self.options.arguments) != 1:
+            print 'Usage: gob update BRANCH'
+            print '''BRANCH: the 'master' branch'''
+            print 'Example: '
+            print '    gob update distro/SUSE'
+            sys.exit (2)
+        branch = self.options.arguments[0]
+        git_dir = self.options.build_dir
+        system ('cdi %(git_dir)s && gob-update %(branch)s' % locals ())
+    def reset (self):
+        '''reset - set GIT tree to pristine and remove all branches'''
+        git = Git (self.options.build_dir, self.options.patched)
+        git.system ('git checkout -f %(patched)s' % git.__dict__)
+        git.system ('git reset --hard pristine')
+        git.system ('git clean -df')
+        git.system ('rm -rf .git/refs/top-bases')
+        cmd = 'xargs git branch -D'
+        if options.split:
+            git.system ('''git branch | grep -Ev '/|master|patched|pristine|upstream|%(patched)s' | xargs tg delete -f ''' % git.__dict__)
+        git.system ('''git branch | grep -Ev '/|master|patched|pristine|upstream|%(patched)s' | xargs git branch -D''' % git.__dict__)
+    def patch_depend (self):
+        '''patch-depend PATCH-1 PATCH-2 - show overlap between patches'''
+        if len (self.options.arguments) != 2:
+            print 'Usage: patch-depend PATCH-1 PATCH-2'
+            sys.exit (2)
+        union = patch_depend (Patch (self.options.arguments[0]), Patch (self.options.arguments[1]))
+        if union:
+            print union[0], '--', union[1]
+            print union[2]
+            print '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<=========================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'
+            print union[3]
+            sys.exit (1)
+    def statistics (self):
+        ### not advertised
+        ### show some statistics on dependensies
+        patches = self.get_patches ()
+        branches = self.get_branches ()
+        full_match = 0
+        match = 0
+        fail = 0
+        extra = 0
+        independent = 0
+        for branch in branches:
+            manual_dependencies = sorted (manual_m19_branch_dependencies.get (branch, ['pristine']))
+            auto_dependencies = sorted (branch_get_dependencies (branches, patches, branch))
+            missing = False
+            for m in manual_dependencies:
+                if m != 'pristine' and not m in auto_dependencies:
+                    missing = True
+                    break
+            if missing:
+                fail += 1
+                print
+                print 'BRANCH:', branch
+                print 'MANUAL:', manual_dependencies
+                print 'AUTO:', auto_dependencies
+                #dependencies 'OVERLAPS:', overlaps
+            if auto_dependencies == ['pristine']:
+                independent += 1
+            elif auto_dependencies == manual_dependencies:
+                full_match += 1
+            elif manual_dependencies == ['pristine']:
+                extra += 1
+                #print 'BRANCH:', branch
+                #print 'EXTRA:', auto_dependencies
+            elif not missing:
+                match += 1
+        print
+        print 'FAIL:', fail
+        print 'FULL_MATCH:', full_match
+        print 'MATCH:', match
+        print 'EXTRA:', extra
+        print 'INDEPENDENT:', independent
+    def move (self):
+        move (options.build_dir)
+        setup_flat_apply_dir (options.build_dir)
+    def move_back (self):
+        move_back (options.build_dir)
+def get_cli_parser ():
+    p = optparse.OptionParser ()
+    p.usage = '%prog [OPTION]... COMMAND\n\nCommands:\n'
+    d = Command.__dict__
+    commands = [(k, d[k].__doc__) for k in d.keys ()
+                if d[k].__doc__ and type (d[k]) == type (lambda x: x)]
+    commands.sort ()
+    global src_dir
+    src_dir = ''
+    if not os.path.exists ('patches'):
+        src_dir = '../'
+    os.environ['PATH'] = src_dir + '/bin:' + os.environ['PATH']
+    for (command, doc) in commands:
+        p.usage += '    %s - %s\n' % (re.sub ('_', '-', command), doc)
+    def get (option):
+        return p.get_option ('--' + option.replace ('-', '_')).default
+    setup_workspace, setup_milestone = Setup ().get ('CVSTAG', 'dev300-m19').split ('-m')
+    p.add_option ('--workspace',
+                  dest='workspace',
+                  default=setup_workspace,
+                  metavar='STRING',
+                  help='set master workspace')
+    p.add_option ('--milestone',
+                  dest='milestone',
+                  default=setup_milestone,
+                  metavar='STRING',
+                  help='set milestone')
+    p.add_option ('--distro',
+                  action='append',
+                  dest='distros',
+                  default=[],
+                  metavar='DISTRO',
+                  help='add distribution')
+    p.add_option ('--build-dir',
+                  default=src_dir + 'build/' + get ('workspace') + '-m' + get ('milestone'),
+                  dest='build_dir',
+                  metavar='DIR',
+                  help='build (/git) directory')
+    p.add_option ('--apply-dir',
+                  default=src_dir + 'patches/' + get ('workspace'),
+                  dest='apply_dir',
+                  metavar='DIR',
+                  help='directory with APPLY file')
+    p.add_option ('--patched',
+                  default='patched',
+                  dest='patched',
+                  metavar='NAME',
+                  help='''use NAME as patched 'master' branch name''')
+    p.add_option ('--dir-branch',
+                  default=[],
+                  dest='dir_branch',
+                  metavar='DIR',
+                  help='aggregate patches in directory DIR into one branch')
+    p.add_option ('--fuzz',
+                  default='40', # FIXME: 40 = magic sweet spot for dev300-m21
+                  dest='fuzz',
+                  metavar='INT',
+                  help='use FUZZ as fuzz factor for patch overlap')
+    p.add_option ('--force', action='store_true', dest='force', default=False)
+    p.add_option ('--split', action='store_true', dest='split', default=False)
+    p.add_option ('--topgit', action='store_true', dest='topgit', default=False)
+    p.add_option ('-v', '--verbose', action='count', dest='verbose', default=1)
+    p.add_option ('-q', '--quiet', action='count', dest='quiet', default=0)
+    return p
+def parse_options ():
+    p = get_cli_parser ()
+    (options, arguments) = p.parse_args ()
+    options.command = ''
+    options.arguments = []
+    if arguments:
+        options.command = re.sub ('-', '_', arguments.pop (0))
+    options.arguments = arguments
+    if options.command in Command.__dict__:
+        return options
+    if options.command:
+        sys.stderr.write ('no such command: ' + options.command)
+        sys.stderr.write ('\n\n')
+    p.print_help ()
+    sys.exit (2)
+def set_option_defaults (options):
+    options.flat_apply_dir = '.git/apply-dir'
+    options.verbose -= options.quiet
+    options.apply_dir = (options.apply_dir
+                         .replace ('ooo300', 'dev300')
+                         .replace ('ooo310', 'dev300')
+                         .replace ('ooo320', 'dev300')
+                         )
+    if not options.distros:
+        options.distros = ['SUSE']
+    if not options.dir_branch:
+        options.dir_branch = filter (lambda x: x not in ['.', '..', '.svn', '64bit', 'dev300', 'hotfixes'], list_dirs (options.apply_dir + '/..'))
+        too_dispersed = ['cairo', 'vba']
+        options.dir_branch = filter (lambda x: x not in too_dispersed, options.dir_branch)
+    return options
+options = None
+def main ():
+    global options
+    options = set_option_defaults (parse_options ())
+    apply_file = options.apply_dir + '/apply'
+    apply = Apply (apply_file, options.workspace, options.milestone)
+    Command.__dict__[options.command] (Command (apply, options))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main ()
diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
index b1df923..2f4988c 100644
--- a/configure.in
+++ b/configure.in
@@ -506,6 +506,8 @@ AC_SUBST(PERL)
 if test ! -x "$PKG_CONFIG" ; then
@@ -1629,7 +1631,10 @@ AC_MSG_RESULT([$OOO_ADDITIONAL_SECTIONS])
+AC_CONFIG_FILES([bin/add_acor.py], [chmod +x bin/add_acor.py])
+AC_CONFIG_FILES([bin/fixguard.py], [chmod +x bin/fixguard.py])
 AC_CONFIG_FILES([bin/font-munge], [chmod +x bin/font-munge])
+AC_CONFIG_FILES([bin/gob], [chmod +x bin/gob])
 AC_CONFIG_FILES([bin/help-font-munge], [chmod +x bin/help-font-munge])
 AC_CONFIG_FILES([download], [chmod +x download])
 AC_CONFIG_FILES([scratch/place], [chmod +x scratch/place])

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