[ooo-build-commit] ooeclipse: Branch 'master' - 3 commits

Cédric Bosdonnat cbosdo at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Apr 4 02:03:27 PDT 2013

 core/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF |    2 +-
 core/plugin.properties    |   32 ++++++++++++++++++++------------
 core/plugin.xml           |   14 +++++++-------
 dev/null                  |binary
 java/icons/uno_client.png |binary
 5 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit e95c53b3b05c2b95420a6c2a19fbf7a600099d2a
Author: Cédric Bosdonnat <cedric.bosdonnat at free.fr>
Date:   Thu Apr 4 11:00:29 2013 +0200

    Updated Java client project wizard icon with LO icon

diff --git a/java/icons/uno_client.png b/java/icons/uno_client.png
index d58ec3e..2cae06b 100644
Binary files a/java/icons/uno_client.png and b/java/icons/uno_client.png differ
commit df8102a719b1478412592883b27ea04d364e87af
Author: Cédric Bosdonnat <cedric.bosdonnat at free.fr>
Date:   Thu Apr 4 10:37:12 2013 +0200

    Java: removed unused icons

diff --git a/java/icons/library_wiz.png b/java/icons/library_wiz.png
deleted file mode 100644
index a26a633..0000000
Binary files a/java/icons/library_wiz.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/java/icons/uno_client_wiz.png b/java/icons/uno_client_wiz.png
deleted file mode 100644
index ae74ced..0000000
Binary files a/java/icons/uno_client_wiz.png and /dev/null differ
commit 8fa971259d73abfd70648a56a7bb9401ce49d7bf
Author: Cédric Bosdonnat <cedric.bosdonnat at free.fr>
Date:   Thu Apr 4 10:35:13 2013 +0200

    core: renamed some wizards and actions

index 6edd186..9fdcd70 100644
@@ -52,5 +52,5 @@ Export-Package: org.openoffice.ide.eclipse.core,
-Bundle-Vendor: Cédric Bosdonnat
+Bundle-Vendor: %Bundle-Vendor
 Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5
diff --git a/core/plugin.properties b/core/plugin.properties
index 2d2e68d..e11d438 100755
--- a/core/plugin.properties
+++ b/core/plugin.properties
@@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ preferences.oooplugin    = LibreOffice plugin
 preferences.unoidleditor = UNO-IDL Editor
 preferences.sdkconfig    = SDK Configuration
-wizards                  = UNO
-wizards.unoidlfile       = UNO-IDL file
-wizards.unoidlproject    = UNO-IDL project
-wizards.service          = UNO-IDL service
-wizards.interface        = UNO-IDL interface
+wizards                  = LibreOffice
+wizards.unoidlfile       = IDL file
+wizards.unoidlproject    = Extension project
+wizards.service          = UNO service
+wizards.interface        = UNO interface
+wizards.export			 = LibreOffice package
 decorator.name           = UNO decorator
 decorator.description    = This decorator provides new icons to distinguish UNO-IDL resources \
@@ -19,10 +20,10 @@ decorator.description    = This decorator provides new icons to distinguish UNO-
 builders.types           = Generate the types from the idl specifications
-newactions.name          = Uno idl creation wizards
+newactions.name          = LibreOffice creation wizards
 newactions.description   = Quick access to the file and project creation wizards
-newactions.newproject.name     = New UNO-IDL project
-newactions.newproject.tooltip  = Launch the new UNO-IDL project wizard
+newactions.newproject.name     = New LibreOffice extension project
+newactions.newproject.tooltip  = Launch the new LibreOffice extension project wizard
 idlcerrormarker.name           = Marker for idlc errors 
@@ -33,11 +34,18 @@ project.propertypage.name        = UNO properties
 Bundle-Name = OOo eclipse integration
 wizard.file.description = Create a new UNO specification file. Please use this wizard with care: you should better run the type-specific wizards if they exists.
-wizard.component.description = Create an empty UNO component with a service and it's implementation.
-wizard.service.description = Creates a new 'new-styled' UNO service. A service will export one interface and define some constructors.
+wizard.component.description = Create an empty extension with a service and it's implementation.
+wizard.service.description = Creates a new UNO service. A service will export one interface and define some constructors.
 wizard.interface.description = Create an new UNO interface. An interface is a set of related methods and properties that will be used by a service.
 wizard.ure.name = New URE based Application
 wizard.ure.description = Create an URE based application. This wizard will create the basic skeleton to run an application featuring UNO component model.
 nature.name = UNO Nature
-action.service.label = New Uno Service
-action.service.tooltip = Create a UNO Service
\ No newline at end of file
+action.service.label = New UNO Service
+action.service.tooltip = Create a UNO Service
+action.tomanifest = Convert to manifest
+Bundle-Vendor = C\u00E9dric Bosdonnat
+extension-point.name = Uno-idl project language binding Extension point
+extension-point.name.0 = Provides XMain implementations for different languages
+launch.libreoffice = LibreOffice Application
+launch.ure = URE Application
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/plugin.xml b/core/plugin.xml
index 11fab23..31cbfed 100644
--- a/core/plugin.xml
+++ b/core/plugin.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <?eclipse version="3.0"?>
-   <extension-point id="language" name="Uno-idl project language binding Extension point" schema="schema/language.exsd"/>
-   <extension-point id="MainProvider" name="Provides XMain implementations for different languages" schema="schema/MainProvider.exsd"/>
+   <extension-point id="language" name="%extension-point.name" schema="schema/language.exsd"/>
+   <extension-point id="MainProvider" name="%extension-point.name.0" schema="schema/MainProvider.exsd"/>
@@ -262,14 +262,14 @@
-            name="URE Application"/>
+            name="%launch.ure"/>
             delegateDescription="The Open Office launcher supports running and remote debugging Open Office extensions."
             delegateName="Open Office Launcher"
-            name="LibreOffice Application">
+            name="%launch.libreoffice">
@@ -300,13 +300,13 @@
-            name="UNO"/>
+            name="%wizards"/>
-            name="LibreOffice package"/>
+            name="%wizards.export"/>
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
-               label="Convert to manifest">
+               label="%action.tomanifest">

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