[ooo-build] How to set location of dictionary files

espinosa_cz espinosa_cz at centrum.cz
Wed Jul 22 18:57:56 PDT 2009

Thank you very much for a prompt reply and kind explanation. However I 
was not
exactly pleased with the revealed facts to be honest.
> Unfortunately, the directory for external dictionaries is defined during the 
> build time and it is not enabled by default.
Hardcoded stuff. This is not good. Configurability is a virtue for open 
source programs.
Especially in area where target system can differ.
Is it difficult to make it configurable?
I'm seriously considering to report it as a bug/enhancement request.

What is exactly meant by *external* dictionaries? Are there any non 
external dictionaries?
> I have just enabled it for the Go-oo linux build, so the following OOo-3.1.1 
> version will search the hunspell/myspell, thesaurus, and hyphen dictionaries 
> in the following directories:
> 	/usr/share/hunspell
>         /usr/share/hyphen
>         /usr/share/mythes
That sounds promising.

Did you pick those directories by yourself?
Was there any discussion with 
freedesktop.org/LSB/myspell/hunspell/Mozilla teams
about the naming and structure? I know, symbolic links can help a lot 
here, but it sound
you are laying down a new linux filesytem standard here.

Are myspell dictionaries expected to be installed to the same directory?
There are no hunspell dictionaries in Mandriva, only myspell.
> Unfortunately, the directories are not the same on each distribution. I used 
> the default paths defined in the OOo sources (configure.in). You would need 
> to create compat symlinks on your Mandriva system.
That sounds fine to me. Providing a nice simple compatibility RPM for 
Mandriva based
distros sounds even better. There is already one for menus.
> As I said, the above directories will start working with the upcoming 
> OOo-3.1.1. In the meantime, you would need to install the dictionaries as 
> extensions. You might get them at
> http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/dictionary
> I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Luckily we live in time of big disks and a few megabytes of
duplicated stuff won't upset me ;-)

Just out of a curiosity question. How are the dictionaries and OOo settings
currently in Suse?
Are you expected to download dictionaries only as  extensions too?
Does Suse use same build settings as this go-oo build?

Thank You

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