[ooo-build] problem in installing

Petr Mladek pmladek at suse.cz
Thu Apr 1 05:09:46 PDT 2010

On Thursday 01 April 2010, Abhishek Anand wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply. The folder helpcontent2 does not exist in
> /home/abhishek/GSoC/ooo-build/build/ooo320-m12

Hmm, it means that your source tree is somehow broken.

> --------------------------------------------------------
> abhishek at abhishek-desktop:~/GSoC/ooo-build/build/ooo320-m12$ find ../..
> -name helpcontent2
> ../../build/ooo310-m19/helpcontent2

Hmm, you downloaded helpcontent2 sources from ooo310-m19 (OOo-3.1.1 sources)
instead of build/ooo320-m12 (OOo-3.2 sources) => there is a mess

> ../../src/helpcontent2

I do not understand how this directory was created. The upstream sources can 
be downloaded in two ways:

   + as a tarball, so you would have 

   + clonig the git tree, so you would have:

The job is done by the script /home/abhishek/GSoC/ooo-build/download

The sources are uncompressed/copied to the build dir by the script

Did you play with ooo310-m19?
Did you download and unpack the help source tarball manually?

Quick workaround:

	+ get OOO320_m12.tar.bz2 from
	+ uncompress it and copy the helpcontent2 dir
          into  /home/abhishek/GSoC/ooo-build/build/ooo320-m12
	+ build and deliver it using the steps described in the previous mail

Clean solution:

	+ do clean build; start from fresh ooo-build sources

Best Regards,

Petr Mladek
software developer
SUSE LINUX, s. r. o.                        e-mail: pmladek at suse.cz
Lihovarská 1060/12                          tel: +420 284 028 952
190 00 Prague 9                             fax: +420 284 028 951
Czech Republic                              http://www.suse.cz/

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