[ooo-build] dmake: Error code 4, while making '../../../unxlngi6.pro/slb/dbui.lib'

Petr Mladek pmladek at suse.cz
Thu Apr 1 07:33:09 PDT 2010

On Thursday 01 April 2010, Hailong Wang wrote:
>  bui.dump is attatched. Thank you.

Hmm, the bui.dump includes the expected output from 'nm' command and no 
errors. I am not sure what happened. Could you please do the following 

cd /root/work/ooo-build/build/ooo320-m12/sw/source/ui/dbui
cat ../../../unxlngi6.pro/slb/dbui.lib | sed \
    s\#'^'unxlngi6.pro\#../../../unxlngi6.pro\#g >modules.list
echo "error code $?"
nm `cat modules.list` 2>&1 | tee nm.1.log
echo "error code $?"

Please, send back the error codes and modules.list and nm.1.log.

Best Regards,

Petr Mladek
software developer
SUSE LINUX, s. r. o.                        e-mail: pmladek at suse.cz
Lihovarská 1060/12                          tel: +420 284 028 952
190 00 Prague 9                             fax: +420 284 028 951
Czech Republic                              http://www.suse.cz/

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