[ooo-build] dmake: Error code 4, while making '../../../unxlngi6.pro/slb/dbui.lib'

Hailong Wang whl0630 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 31 18:31:51 PDT 2010

Thank you, Petr. I install the package "xulrunner-dev", then the error don't recur in my Ubuntu Karmic.

But another error happens, as follows:

Entering /root/work/ooo-build/build/ooo320-m12/sw/source/ui/dbui
Compiling: sw/source/ui/dbui/mailmergechildwindow.cxx
Compiling: sw/source/ui/dbui/mmconfigitem.cxx
Compiling: sw/source/ui/dbui/mmdocselectpage.cxx
Compiling: sw/source/ui/dbui/mmlayoutpage.cxx
Compiling: sw/source/ui/dbui/mmoutputpage.cxx
Compiling: sw/source/ui/dbui/mmoutputtypepage.cxx
Compiling: sw/source/ui/dbui/mmaddressblockpage.cxx
Compiling: sw/source/ui/dbui/mmgreetingspage.cxx
Compiling: sw/source/ui/dbui/mmmergepage.cxx
Compiling: sw/source/ui/dbui/mmpreparemergepage.cxx
Compiling: sw/source/ui/dbui/dbui.cxx
Compiling: sw/source/ui/dbui/selectdbtabledialog.cxx
Compiling: sw/source/ui/dbui/swdbtoolsclient.cxx
Making:    dbui.lib
dmake:  Error code 4, while making '../../../unxlngi6.pro/slb/dbui.lib'
dmake:  '../../../unxlngi6.pro/slb/dbui.lib' removed.

ERROR: Error 65280 occurred while making /root/work/ooo-build/build/ooo320-m12/sw/source/ui/dbui
rmdir /tmp/ISf5rRY6Rc
make: *** [stamp/build] Error 1

Please give some suggestions. Thank you!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Petr Mladek" <pmladek at suse.cz>
To: <ooo-build at lists.freedesktop.org>
Cc: "Hailong Wang" <whl0630 at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: [ooo-build] No package "mozilla-plugin" found.

On Wednesday 31 March 2010, Hailong Wang wrote:
> No package "mozilla-plugin" found.
> I have tried many package, but the error still be there.
> Which package should I install?

I guess that your error message complains about the missing mozilla-plugin.pc 

I use following mozilla stuff on openSUSE-11.2:

+ configure option:
+ /usr/lib/pkgconfig/mozilla-plugin.pc is provided by the package:

=> I think that you need package called *xulrunner*

See also what --with-system-mozilla options are used on various distributions 
in ooo-build/distro-configs. For example, there is used 
--with-system-mozilla=xulrunner on openSUSE-11.0...

If it does not help, could you please provide more details?

+ what ooo-build tarball or branch your 
+ what distro you are using
+ what configure options you are using
        + more lines from the configure/build log around the error message

Best Regards,

Petr Mladek
software developer
SUSE LINUX, s. r. o.                        e-mail: pmladek at suse.cz
Lihovarská 1060/12                          tel: +420 284 028 952
190 00 Prague 9                             fax: +420 284 028 951
Czech Republic                              http://www.suse.cz/

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