[ooo-build] Do you consider Go-oo project to be a fork of OpenOffice.org?

espinosa_cz espinosa_cz at centrum.cz
Wed Oct 6 16:54:08 PDT 2010

>  I would really be interested in knowing how this analysis was done 
(though the
>  png says 'active developers' rather than commits).

There is an extensive article to it:

By the way, I cannot see much of Michael Meeks recently.
He used to be more active here, he was quite "face" of go-oo to me,
his blogs was often cited as was critical of SUN handling the project.
I expect him to announce Go-oo to become (finally) a fork, to became

>  Anyways, newer analysis would surely be preferred.

Absolutely. I was hoping that someone from the active developers here
could point us to something newer.

Such analysis is important now, if Go-oo/LibreOffice developers count
for less then say 20% of OOo new code then I am quite concerned
about the project future.


On 02/10/10 13:53, Muthu Subramanian K wrote:
> > How big is currently involvement Sun/Oracle in OpenOffice development? I
> > remember Michel Meek's commit analysis -
> > http://people.gnome.org/~michael/images/2008-09-29-active-both.png 
> <http://people.gnome.org/%7Emichael/images/2008-09-29-active-both.png> -
> > showing that ca 80% code originated by SUN followed by Novel and
> > marginal bits from others. It is a bit outdated, 29.9.2008, 2 years ago,
> > is there any new analysis? Missing such significant contributor would be
> > a massive blow.
> I would really be interested in knowing how this analysis was done 
> (though the
> png says 'active developers' rather than commits). If the no. of 
> commits were
> taken into consideration, were cases like Sun/Oracle developers 
> committing code
> contributed by others taken care of? (I don't know how significant 
> this might be, but still would be
> interesting to know!)
> Anyways, newer analysis would surely be preferred. And some kind of 
> 'future' projections too ;)
> Thanks!
> Muthu Subramanian
> [PS: My personal view only!]
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