[Openchrome-devel] disable DRI, when it is not implemented (K8M890, VX800)
Bartosz Kosiorek
Fri May 22 13:58:49 PDT 2009
I attached patch to disable DRI for K8M890, P4M800 and VX800 chipsets.
Please feel free to test it :-P
For me (K8M890) it works perfectly. I can run KDE, and also some
OpenGL application with software rendering. I don't see any
application crash.
Best Regards
Bartosz Kosiorek
2009/5/20 Xavier Bachelot <xavier at bachelot.org>:
> Bartosz Kosiorek wrote:
>> Hi.
>> With K8M890 chipset on Kubuntu 9.04 the system is not running, because
>> DRI is implemented, and KDE just freeze. ubuntu 9.04 runs, but when I
>> run OpenGl application (for example glxgears), it just crash with
>> error.
>> This is very serious bug, because on the K8M890 chipsets, users can't run Linux.
>> Please see: http://www.openchrome.org/trac/ticket/303
>> I resolve this by disable DRI in Openchrome (and back to software
>> rendering), and its works perfectly for me. Please see attached patch.
>> I think the DRI should be disabled on K8M890 and VX800 chipset by
>> default (until DRI will be implemented), to run KDE and other
>> application without problems. Could someone apply this patch to trunk?
>> Is it possible to disable DRI from the xorg.conf?
>> If not, I think it will be great to implement this feature.
> None of the Chrome9 have DRI support, so the patch should probably be
> extended to P4M900 (and later VX855).
> Regards,
> Xavier
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