[Openchrome-users] RGB TV Output on SP8000E

Andreas Simon annkathrin.simon
Thu Dec 1 00:30:19 PST 2005


in the "VIA Unichrome TV Output HowTO" from Terry Barnaby stands the 

It is possible, with a suitable VGA to SCART lead and a simple SYNC 
circuit to connect the RGB inputs of a TV to the VGA RGB outputs. The 
current Unichrome driver does not support the mode settings for this 
yet. It may not be able to if it does not support interlaced operation.

My question is, if this interlaced operation is supported now. Or, if 
not, will it be supported in the near future.

My problem is, that everything including HW-accelaration with Xine ( 
Xine -V xxmc ) and PAL modus "720x576Noscale" is working perfect. But 
the EPIA board only has an S-Video Connector and my TV doesn't. So  I 
fall back to  the minimum quality of FBAS.


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