[Openchrome-users] CN400 Noscale problems on Epia SP13000

Robin Gilks g8ecj
Fri Nov 18 04:42:22 PST 2005

Greetings fellow mpeg accelerators :-)

Has any progress been made in solving the strange display I get on a
SP13000 Epia card as seen when I select 720x576Noscale as in

I'd guess there are a few people maybe using this card now since at uses
the CN400 chip but I'm not sure if any other m/b use the same TV out chip
which is where I assume the problem is.

If I duplicate the timings but change the vsync (which is the only obvious
difference from other modes that DO work), will the Noscale fudge still be
applied to the TV controller chip or is it totally built in with no
options to turn it on/off. At present I have no mode lines at all in my
xorg.conf file, relying on the internally defined ones (which appear to be
the only ones that don't get rejected).

BTW: I've had someone else contact me with the same card getting the same
problem - I'm greatly relieved to see I'm not alone!

Cheers - do we get mpeg4 for Christmas ? :-)

Robin Gilks zl3rob/g8ecj
Internet: g8ecj at gilks.org    http://www.gilks.org

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