[Openchrome-users] 3D Drivers?

userforum@openchrome.org userforum
Sun Nov 20 08:46:05 PST 2005

3D Drivers?
I was wondering if there's 3D support for the OpenChrome driver?  When I used Ivor's unichrome pro driver or the old unichrome driver I could use the Unichrome-3D drivers by copying a few files over and get great results with glxgears.  Now when I do a fresh install using opensource_ubranch_20050302.tbz2 and copy over 
libGL.so.1.2 and unichrome_dri.so  I get the following error message:

libGL warning: 3D driver returned no fbconfigs.
libGL error: InitDriver failed
libGL error: reverting to (slow) indirect rendering

I've also tried the binary packages from [http://washington.kelkoo.net/epia/] (I'm using fedora). They don't give an error and claims to be doing over 500 fps but the gears appear to be moving pretty slow.

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