[Openchrome-users] Forum replys

Thomas Hellström unichrome
Mon Nov 21 14:20:42 PST 2005


Ivor Hewitt wrote:

>Hmmm, the forum/mailing list integration is interesting... and a nice idea...
>however, replies from the forum arrive on the mailing list with no 
>In-Reply-To: header, and with just from userform@ in the From: field....
>So you lose all context for the threads.
>Does the forum somehow retain threading if I reply to one of these messages? 
>or does it create a new top level topic?
I think the forum checks the subject and maintains one thread. I've got 
procmail to remove the [Openchrome-users] part of the subject. But I 
agree the setup is not optimal. Maybe one should only mirror the mailing 
list on the forum? Or cut down the interoperability altogether.

Also we will have to find a way for people to post their logs. The mail 
/ forum variant is far from desirable. Perhaps in the file gallery?


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