[Openchrome-users] performance problems on EPIA M6000

Xavier Bachelot xb_ml
Mon Nov 28 01:47:10 PST 2005

Ivor Hewitt wrote:
> On Tuesday 22 November 2005 18:27, Kim Bisgaard wrote:
>>I suspect that there are some performance problems with the OpenChrome
> Entirely possible.... but unlikely that what you are seeing is caused by a 
> driver fault. :)
>>I am using mythtv to show (mythtv)recorded videos, and have just
>>upgraded from Fedora Core 2 to FC4, and now I have to disable all
>>interlacing support in myth, on playback, to have acceptable sound, but
>>then the picture is terrible! Is there any way I can debug if the
>>problem is in mythtv, or in the OpenChrome drivers?
beside Ivor suggestions, you could also install xine from my repo and 
try to play mpeg2 content with it. Unfortunatly, it's not available ate 
the moment, I need to rebuild it because of broken dependencies :-( I'll 
let you know when it's done.


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