[Openchrome-users] monitor goes into standby when X

userforum@openchrome.org userforum
Mon Nov 28 10:30:26 PST 2005

Re: monitor goes into standby when X

I don't know if I had modelines. My xorg.conf has been generated during installation, I didn't change anything. The files are available at [http://cyril.buttay.free.fr/xorg/xorg_conf_files.tar.gz].

Interrestingly, I tried to use the xorg.conf file of mandrake 10 (my computer has double boot mandrake/ubuntu), which was working on 1280*1024 resolution. It didn't change anything on the ubuntu side (still black screen when starting x). 

However, now it doesn't work anymore on mandrake (the screen is configurated as 640*480, and displays a part of the 1280*1024 desktop), although I didn't change anything on the mandrake partition (I verified, last modif on xorg.conf for mandrake is January 2005). I realised that my mandrake is back to xfree 4.3 (the original x server of mandrake 10) instead of xorg (the x server I had to install on January 2005 to get the via driver). I don't know what triggered the change between both x servers...

I definitely don't understand anything about x servers...


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