[Openchrome-users] Re: problem on sp8000 with 720x576Noscale

Robin Gilks g8ecj
Wed Nov 30 10:58:56 PST 2005

> Hello,
> I have a problem on an sp8000 with the 720x576Noscale mode when the
> display
> depth is set to 24. The problem is the same than that described by Robin
> Gilks some months ago. He posted pictures on
> http://gilks.ath.cx/gallery/mythtv
> Appart drom mythtv menus, some videos play fine with mplayer, some don't
> and
> show strange artifact. I think the issue is related to the video original
> resolution.
> As a workaround, the problem can be solved by setting the display depth to
> 16. The menus and all videos are then dipslyed correctly.

I've just tried dropping to 16 bit and that stabilises the display for me
as well - no idea why it craps all aver my lirc daemon though :-( Makes it
difficult to test drive.

I'll have another go when the wife is out and I can put my anorak on!

Robin Gilks

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