[Openchrome-users] Modular Xorg - missing XvMC support (Gentoo)

Daniel Heemann daniel.heemann
Wed Nov 30 18:27:18 PST 2005

On Tuesday 29 November 2005 19:17, Jon Nettleton wrote:
> I just wanted to clear something up real quick.  Are you using the
> xf86-video-via package from freedesktop.org, or the
> xf86-video-openchrome package that I put together, and is referenced in
> this mailing list and the openchrome bug tracking?  If it is the latter
> please post your config.log so I can determine what it isn't detecting.
> My configure.ac tries to determine if you have the proper header files
> for Xv and Xvmc and only enables Xv if it finds them.  If you aren't
> using my package then you might want to give it a shot and see if it
> compiles for you.  The URL is
> http://www.hekanetworks.com/opensource/xf86-video-openchrome.tgz

I tried the freedesktop.org package first which failed.
I tried your openchrome package which seems to work fine - at least Xorg.log 
reports that XvMC is detected and activated - of course it now also reports 
the Xv memcopy tests.

Thanks & Regards

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