[Openchrome-users] Mesh notebook ... success & failure

Peter Lord peter
Sun Apr 2 08:37:52 PDT 2006

Benno Schulenberg wrote:

>Peter Lord wrote:
>>In fact, all is not quite well.  When starting a game, say,
>>torcs, the X server is locking up ( sshd is still working ) ...
>Sorry, bad news: locking up on several 3D games seems to be a known 
>problem of the K8M800.  Look at the threads started by Jos? Silva -- 
>somewhere in there Thomas mentions this: "Crashing with textures is 
>a known problems on K8M800. Some apps work, some apps don't". 
>Whether this is a problem of the unichrome driver in Mesa, or the 
>chip itself is buggy, I don't know.  The first I suppose.  But that 
>driver is unmaintained, Thomas says, so no hope on it getting any 
>better any time soon.  Sorry.

I think this is it, BTW, https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5092

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