[Openchrome-users] Openchrome or Mythtv bug?

Robin Gilks g8ecj
Mon Apr 10 02:54:53 PDT 2006

> Ivor Hewitt wrote:
>>On Monday 10 April 2006 00:17, Robin Gilks wrote:
>>>Using mythfrontend and navigating the menus I get the following fault in
>>>the xorg server:
>>>mythtv: via_context.c:246: calculate_buffer_parameters: Assertion
>>>`fb->Attachment[BUFFER_BACK_LEFT].Renderbuffer' failed.
>>Actually that error's coming from Mesa. What version of mesa are you
>> using?
>>Or any idea why the myth dvd code is using mesa?
> Hi.
> Actually, I think the renderbuffer stuff was introduced in the Mesa 6.5
> branch, which never was properly debugged for the unichromes.

I'm a bit in the dark as far as the use of Mesa (what is mesa anyway?) and
DVD code is concernd but I'm willing to have a go at debugging if anyone
can point me in the right direction.

Not knowing where to start is the biggest problem - but I have some time
this week having taken a few days off work! Any patches to provide extra
logging would be the best place to start - my previous attempts at running
a debugger remotely (no keyboard etc on the target and just TV out) have
been less than productive :-(

Robin Gilks

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